View Full Version : Arizona to Allow Concealed Weapons Without Permit !

04-17-2010, 03:02 PM
Arizona is joining Alaska and Vermont to be the 3rd state allowing
people to carry a concealed weapon without requiring a permit.

BRAVO ! :clap: :clap:

This should be all 50 states !
Criminals would once again fear law abiding citizens
and crime rates would plummet.


Gov. Jan Brewer on Friday signed into law a bill making Arizona the third state allowing people to carry a concealed weapon without requiring a permit.

"I believe this legislation not only protects the Second Amendment rights of Arizona citizens, but restores those rights as well," Brewer, a Republican, said in a statement.


04-18-2010, 08:23 AM
Yea, for freedom, but I like the licensing process that we have here. Was it a big pain in the arse for AZ residents?

04-18-2010, 04:15 PM


04-18-2010, 08:59 PM
Devil's Advocate here........

When you do not require a permit, you allow people who shouldn't carry carry without worry of being checked. I'm not saying they wouldn't carry anyways, but you're taking the conceived punishment out of carrying illegally.

That being said, I carry here in Indiana. A lot of the time I "open" carry when I'm only wearing a t-shirt. I get a lot of looks and some comments, but I can easily whip out my permit and show that I'm legal.

I totally love the fact that they are giving us our rights back, but it has some potential to backfire. I just hope that decent citizens put the fear into the criminals and make them GTFO of there.

Now for these silly Class 3 laws...

04-19-2010, 12:29 AM
Hi. AZ CCW holder since 2006

YAY!... oh wait....

No the permit process wasn't a pain in the butt. 8 hour course, 10 shots at 5 and 10 yards must hit on paper. other than that... no big deal.

Finger prints, $60 bucks... BAM! ya have a permit.

They did run a background check... and your record had to be pretty much spotless when it comes to felony and criminal misdemeanor.

My biggest question now is... do they have to call me in when I buy a gun again? Or is my CCW still good for something? Will other states still honor my CCW? I don't know yet... but I will be finding out tomorrow. If I can't carry in reciprocal states now because Arizona doesn't have a permit anymore I'm gonna be a little irritated. (trips to NRA Whittington center in New Mexico mainly)

I thought I would be excited about this... but I don't know now. I think people who carry should be aware of the laws and responsibility of doing so.

but then again... apparently its a right to keep and bear (certain) arms so who am I to say anything.

Agreed... down with NFA and Class 3!!! then I will be happy.

from www.azccw.net
"Arizona’s permit process will remain in place, and many gun owners may still choose to get a permit. Permits would still be needed in order to carry a weapon into a restaurant or bar that serves alcohol. They would also be needed if an Arizonan wants to carry his or her gun concealed in most other states."

Okay I'm cool.

04-19-2010, 07:42 AM
Wow... A little suprised you can carry in a bar with the permit!

04-19-2010, 08:34 AM
Devil's Advocate here........

When you do not require a permit, you allow people who shouldn't carry carry without worry of being checked. I'm not saying they wouldn't carry anyways, but you're taking the conceived punishment out of carrying illegally.

That being said, I carry here in Indiana. A lot of the time I "open" carry when I'm only wearing a t-shirt. I get a lot of looks and some comments, but I can easily whip out my permit and show that I'm legal.

I totally love the fact that they are giving us our rights back, but it has some potential to backfire. I just hope that decent citizens put the fear into the criminals and make them GTFO of there.

Now for these silly Class 3 laws...

Those who shouldn't carry are likely already illegally in possession of the gun. Making yet another law for them to violate while violating the first (and then not punishing them for either violation) puts an undue and unjust burden on law abiding citizens to follow new laws.

04-19-2010, 09:07 AM
Wow... A little suprised you can carry in a bar with the permit!
I guess it depends on the state but if I remember correctly in TX, you can't carry a firearm into a place of business like the local 7-11 or a establishment that serves alcohol. That was Christ...10 yrs ago since I read that so I don't know if it changed.

Those who shouldn't carry are likely already illegally in possession of the gun. Making yet another law for them to violate while violating the first (and then not punishing them for either violation) puts an undue and unjust burden on law abiding citizens to follow new laws.
Those that shouldn't carry are going to anyways...law or no law.

Will Wood
04-19-2010, 09:35 AM
Yea, I think it's funny that Vermont has the no permit law.

I'd be suprised if more than a dozen people were even carrying in the state.

04-19-2010, 11:21 AM
I'd rather have to get a permit. I think in order to get that permit you should have to pass some kind of psych test. That being said, I fully plan on doing all the work to get one legally once I finish with school and move down to VA. I just think that you should have to earn it, not that it be given to you. Yea criminals will carry anyways, but with a strict law in place, it separates them from those of us who want to carry in order to legally protect ourselves and our fellow citizens. I'm just not real comfortable with this.

04-19-2010, 11:39 AM
Yea, I think it's funny that Vermont has the no permit law.

I'd be suprised if more than a dozen people were even carrying in the state.

Vermont is "different". They tend towards being pretty socially liberal but fiscally conservative. They are the closest state to libertarian I can think of.

04-19-2010, 11:40 AM
I'd rather have to get a permit. I think in order to get that permit you should have to pass some kind of psych test. That being said, I fully plan on doing all the work to get one legally once I finish with school and move down to VA. I just think that you should have to earn it, not that it be given to you. Yea criminals will carry anyways, but with a strict law in place, it separates them from those of us who want to carry in order to legally protect ourselves and our fellow citizens. I'm just not real comfortable with this.

Criminals should not have owned the gun in the first place. No reason to 'stack' the crimes against otherwise law abiding citizens.

04-19-2010, 08:26 PM
Yea, I think it's funny that Vermont has the no permit law.

I'd be suprised if more than a dozen people were even carrying in the state.

Vermont is "different". They tend towards being pretty socially liberal but fiscally conservative. They are the closest state to libertarian I can think of.

Odd how it's also the only state that elects an actual socialist to congress.

04-19-2010, 09:21 PM
From what I understand, Arizona still has a CCW permit available for those who wish to carry out of state, etc.

But, to carry in AZ, you dont need one.

04-20-2010, 05:49 AM
Odd how it's also the only state that elects an actual socialist to congress.

It also has the strongest secessionist movement in the country, and may even elect some who have openly stated it in the upcoming election. Its just different. Different good...

04-20-2010, 07:19 AM
Criminals should not have owned the gun in the first place. No reason to 'stack' the crimes against otherwise law abiding citizens.

I'm not saying we should. I'm saying that not just anyone should be allowed to carry a concealed handgun. I know plenty of non-criminals who have no business doing so. It should only be a right afforded to competent individuals and you should therefore have to pass some kind of test to make sure you are indeed competent. If you're not, there's no point in you carrying a gun.

04-20-2010, 07:46 AM
It also has the strongest secessionist movement in the country, and may even elect some who have openly stated it in the upcoming election. Its just different. Different good...

Electing crackpots on a local level is hardly the same thing as electing a socialist senator (IMO the best person currently in congress).

04-20-2010, 10:31 AM
Electing crackpots on a local level is hardly the same thing as electing a socialist senator (IMO the best person currently in congress).

Your right, my bad. I forgot. Elections that support your viewpoint far outweight any other election or political movement results. I keep forgetting that even acknowledgement of other interesting views or comments might not fit into that reality.

04-21-2010, 03:28 AM
Your right, my bad. I forgot. Elections that support your viewpoint far outweight any other election or political movement results. I keep forgetting that even acknowledgement of other interesting views or comments might not fit into that reality.

No, it's a simple "reality based" truth, since you like to use that term. Congress is dominated by the "big two" parties, with scant few independents, and of those only one is an actual socialist. There are no members from other parties.

On the local level, however, a host of other parties have enjoyed much greater success, being that it's easier to win smaller elections.There are hundreds of libertarians, Greens, etc. in elected office at the local level around the country.

04-21-2010, 07:02 AM
Wow... A little suprised you can carry in a bar with the permit!

im not sure how other states are, but in TN you are not allowed to consume alcohol while carrying. This IMO is much better than trying to limit where you go with a firearm.

04-21-2010, 09:04 AM
im not sure how other states are, but in TN you are not allowed to consume alcohol while carrying. This IMO is much better than trying to limit where you go with a firearm.

That would be logical and all... but then you would know for sure that the drunk guy coming out of the bar isn't "supposed" to be armed and would be an easy target. The sober guy the same, but at least sober it's a bit more chancy than picking on someone already at the disadvantage. Of course then you just learn to hit up bars in general because you know no one is supposed to be packin. But then that includes regular resturants as well where alcohol may be served...




04-21-2010, 08:41 PM
I have always had the moto of I would rather shoot someone somewhere I was not suposto have a firearm than to be shot by someone somewhere they where they were not suposto have a firearm

On a side note we had a guy locally that went to a hospital, and shot 3 or 4 people. Thankfully he was stupid enough to shoot himself too. It probably saved another life, and a lot of taxpayer dollars.

04-21-2010, 09:28 PM
I have always had the moto of I would rather shoot someone somewhere I was not suposto have a firearm than to be shot by someone somewhere they where they were not suposto have a firearm

On a side note we had a guy locally that went to a hospital, and shot 3 or 4 people. Thankfully he was stupid enough to shoot himself too. It probably saved another life, and a lot of taxpayer dollars.

I agree... Tis better to have and not need, than to need and not have.

And I've been hearing about that incident.... crazy people will always find a way. No matter what.


04-22-2010, 09:24 AM
Are you guys serious about the criminal who has planned out the scenario well enough to figure out where you cannot carry a firearm?

Either you have incredible skills or an over inflated ego. I carry a handgun to protect me from random acts of violence. Someone who is going to go through planning to figure out where and when to attack someone is going to give you problems. Your best hope is that all they want is some money because if they intend to do you harm I highly doubt your handgun is going to clear leather against a determined, planned attacker using any level of surprise.

/Cue responses about "situational awareness, martial arts training, speed draws, etc". Unless part of it is "I never travel with less than two buddies" check your ego.

I think you wanted this note in this thread Lohman, so I moved it over here for ya... If not just say so and I'll remove it.

And no I was not serious about it, but was serious. Just stating that the restrictions are 2 fold on what they can and can't do. Instead of making laws that tell you where you can and can't go with it (I do know of folks that ride motorcycles that pack.. you stop to eat at a place that serves beer... where do you put the pistol?) Even though you aren't drinking you still have to have a place to put it.

Meaning that instead of saying you can and can't pack places other than private buildings that have signs up that say no firearms allowed (personal choice, same as not smoking in someone's house) why not make it to where if you are found brandishing or doing bad stuff with a gun while you are intoxicated that you get charged heavily. I really wish the charges for drunk driving were higher. But I also wish there was are better system to test/prove that you were incapable or a threat. Not just the "sir, we think you are drunk" crap.

I don't find any reason that someone can get totally drunk and not know before hand that they are going to and arrange a ride accordingly. So if you make it to where the cost to do something wrong is so great that you will not take that chance as often then you leave it legal, to do for those with the sense to heed the warning and you make it hell on those idiots that choose to do otherwise. I'm a big believer in the "spare the rod, spoil the child" way of life. I think if the laws were enforced and made so that they scare the crap outta ya BEFORE you do something you'll be a lot less inclined to do it.


04-22-2010, 09:31 AM
Meaning that instead of saying you can and can't pack places other than private buildings that have signs up that say no firearms allowed (personal choice, same as not smoking in someone's house) why not make it to where if you are found brandishing or doing bad stuff with a gun while you are intoxicated that you get charged heavily. I really wish the charges for drunk driving were higher. But I also wish there was are better system to test/prove that you were incapable or a threat. Not just the "sir, we think you are drunk" crap.

That I can agree with. Lets legislate against the actual crime rather than to stop all possible causes. If someone shoots someone (outside of justification) the answer is to make shooting someone illegal (obviously it is) not to ban all guns. Just as if someone bludgeons someone with a baseball bat make such activity illegal and not baseball bats. I do not drink and yet in MI I am still prohibited from places that "make more than 50% of there revenuw from serving alchohol for consumption on the premises". Interestingly that would include bowling alleys. And this is not based on the reasonable person should have known theory its based on numbers.

/thanks for moving it, apparently my early thought process in posting area was way off

04-22-2010, 10:57 AM
That I can agree with. Lets legislate against the actual crime rather than to stop all possible causes. If someone shoots someone (outside of justification) the answer is to make shooting someone illegal (obviously it is) not to ban all guns. Just as if someone bludgeons someone with a baseball bat make such activity illegal and not baseball bats. I do not drink and yet in MI I am still prohibited from places that "make more than 50% of there revenuw from serving alchohol for consumption on the premises". Interestingly that would include bowling alleys. And this is not based on the reasonable person should have known theory its based on numbers.

/thanks for moving it, apparently my early thought process in posting area was way off

No problem on the "move" though it's only really a copy and drag... But yeah... no problem.

And LOOK!!! WE AGREE ON SOMETHING!!!! :cheers: (but only if you put down your gun)


But yes, I wish that they would stop trying to control every little thing that someone does. Make it free to do what ever you like. IF you wish to do this though... Here's what's gonna happen to ya if you get caught. And not a slap on the wrist and not a 5 year trial. I don't think that people on death row should spend more than 365 days there. PERIOD! Some/most even less. I mean really... why is Charles Manson still in jail? That man has cost more money to you, I and the rest of us, than most of us will ever see!

Kill??? Be killed! Steal? Lose a digit... Steal more? Lose more digits. et al. It's funny how everyone seems to think that taking away the guns will reduce the crime... and yet the same ones that yell and scream that crap are too afraid to say instead... Let's make it easy for everyone to carry and see where the crime rate goes! Here's 10 years. Lets see what happens. The bad part is... numbers and head counts can be turned and twisted to meet any outlook. Same as they say that deaths from motorcycle wrecks went up by 50% when they repeal the helmet law . What they don't say is that motorcycle ownership went up by 150%! Gun crimes went up 20%. But there was a population increase of 35%. Crap like that. And so since they can't control it, can't make it reasonable, can't do it fairly. Just leave it alone. Make it known that if you are caught on 7-11 security camera tape of walking in and shooting the cashier to take the money, NO MATTER if the person lives or dies, you get put down. No different than a rabid dog. Don't care the reason, the rhyme etc... And this isn't a 25 year death row sentence. This is a 90 day after conviction. Only because it may take that long to get a spot in line for ya. You have those that are in the pen for lesser crimes out diggin holes in the field. Archaic? Maybe. But you made that choice when you shot the other person.

Anywho... I'm betting that if that ruling was passed that the crime rates for those areas would plummet. Oh well... one can wish right?


04-22-2010, 12:00 PM
Those who think a permit is a good idea, need to study up on what a "Constitutional right" is.

Permission must never be required to excersize a right given by our Creator. The Constitution enumerates this.

Soopa Villain17
04-23-2010, 11:48 AM
Devil's Advocate here........

When you do not require a permit, you allow people who shouldn't carry carry without worry of being checked. I'm not saying they wouldn't carry anyways, but you're taking the conceived punishment out of carrying illegally.

That being said, I carry here in Indiana. A lot of the time I "open" carry when I'm only wearing a t-shirt. I get a lot of looks and some comments, but I can easily whip out my permit and show that I'm legal.

I totally love the fact that they are giving us our rights back, but it has some potential to backfire. I just hope that decent citizens put the fear into the criminals and make them GTFO of there.

Now for these silly Class 3 laws...

how can this backfire ? a criminal will carry regardless of the laws. this law can only help us law abiding people. make this legal in all 50 and ill be happy. that being said i have a permit to carry here in maine. another thing that angers me is not being allowed to carry in certain places , this only makes it easier for the criminals to commit a crime when they know that noone else is carrying in that establishment. and yea , class 3 laws are bs i want a legal fully automatic ak without having to spend a fortune.

Nick E
04-26-2010, 10:40 AM
Those who think a permit is a good idea, need to study up on what a "Constitutional right" is.

Permission must never be required to exercise a right given by our Creator. The Constitution enumerates this.

But I don't want to give some stupid asshat a gun, when he has no qualification to use it.
I don't like this law, not because I think you need a permit to carry, but because I think you need a competency test to carry. If you can prove that you can pass a basic firearms safety and accuracy course, then please go ahead. But to just let your average joe dumbass who has no firearms experience outside of counterstrike carry concealed...I'm not sure that's the best idea.

04-26-2010, 10:43 AM
But I don't want to give some stupid asshat a gun, when he has no qualification to use it.
I don't like this law, not because I think you need a permit to carry, but because I think you need a competency test to carry. If you can prove that you can pass a basic firearms safety and accuracy course, then please go ahead. But to just let your average joe dumbass who has no firearms experience outside of counterstrike carry concealed...I'm not sure that's the best idea.
Yeah, well, we let people reproduce without a competency test....

04-26-2010, 10:55 PM
Those who think a permit is a good idea, need to study up on what a "Constitutional right" is.

Permission must never be required to excersize a right given by our Creator. The Constitution enumerates this.

So we shouldn't make people work for something which requires responsibility and maturity? Eh, no thanks. I'd rather not go further down that road than we already are. As it is, people in this country get away with too much too often. Stop rewarding the colossally stupid and irresponsible. I'd much rather have a few, exceptional people armed and ready to defend themselves and myself than the majority of the population (the aforementioned stupid and irresponsible masses). Can you imagine just handing out permission to carry a concealed firearm to just any 21yo who asks for it? Are you serious? People who deserve it based on their merit should be allowed to assume that responsibility, not someone who can't responsibly handle it. The latter is a danger to themselves and everyone around them.

There's a quote about duty by Vice Admiral James Stockdale that illustrates my point perfectly:

"Unless we are willing to balance each of the rights we claim with a correlative duty, we'll be as a nation like the man who wants a dollar's pay but is not willing to do a dollar's worth of work to get it. Rights incur obligations."

Removing any obligations from these rights creates a society in which responsibility has no place. I'd rather not live in that kind of society.

04-29-2010, 05:36 AM
So we shouldn't make people work for something which requires responsibility and maturity? Eh, no thanks. I'd rather not go further down that road than we already are. As it is, people in this country get away with too much too often. Stop rewarding the colossally stupid and irresponsible. I'd much rather have a few, exceptional people armed and ready to defend themselves and myself than the majority of the population (the aforementioned stupid and irresponsible masses). Can you imagine just handing out permission to carry a concealed firearm to just any 21yo who asks for it? Are you serious? People who deserve it based on their merit should be allowed to assume that responsibility, not someone who can't responsibly handle it. The latter is a danger to themselves and everyone around them.

There's a quote about duty by Vice Admiral James Stockdale that illustrates my point perfectly:

"Unless we are willing to balance each of the rights we claim with a correlative duty, we'll be as a nation like the man who wants a dollar's pay but is not willing to do a dollar's worth of work to get it. Rights incur obligations."

Removing any obligations from these rights creates a society in which responsibility has no place. I'd rather not live in that kind of society.

You're still obligated to behave responsibly. :rolleyes:

05-14-2010, 02:01 PM
Can you imagine just handing out permission to carry a concealed firearm to just any 21yo who asks for it? Are you serious?
Evidently, everyone who lives in Alaska and Vermont imagine this everyday.
And there appears to be NO problems in those states.

Plus, responsibility and culpability still apply. AZ was a shall issue state... unless the applicant had a felony or prior criminal history a permit was granted unconditionally. The only difference now is that people don't have to pay for or carry around a peice of plastic and dole out $100+.

05-14-2010, 11:33 PM
Evidently, everyone who lives in Alaska and Vermont imagine this everyday.
And there appears to be NO problems in those states.

Plus, responsibility and culpability still apply. AZ was a shall issue state... unless the applicant had a felony or prior criminal history a permit was granted unconditionally. The only difference now is that people don't have to pay for or carry around a peice of plastic and dole out $100+.


