View Full Version : "they" dont understand

02-07-2002, 10:40 AM
it is so strange to me that so few people understand paintball. it took me several years but my younger brother has converted as well as my mom and dad to the sport of paintball. my fiancee has yet to convert but my brothers girlfriend has. i also got my cousin and my best friend into the sport. but i dont understand how people can look at paintball and think that it is something horrible when i feel so passionate about the sport. i think about paintball far more than anyone can ever know. i feel free when i play. it makes me angry when people use paintball guns to deface property or hurt people. and it hurts more when people talk about how paintball is evil because they shoot people with them. no one ever says that baseball is evil when someone attacks someone with a baseball bat or bashes in a car window with one. it is the same principle but people choose not to see it that way. paintball is a very safe and wonderful sport that is growing even though it has faced more than its fair share of ridicule and hardship. thanks for reading this. but do something about it. help our great sport by setting an example for others.

02-07-2002, 11:00 AM
Amen brother

02-07-2002, 11:19 AM
I have been saying the exact same thing for a while now. I want to do something about it. It doesn't seem like many people care about changing the image of this sport due to the lack of responses I have gotten in the past. I guess they would rather just keep playing and ignore the fact that paintball is frowned upon in our society. People need to look towards the future of this sport and realize that it is not secure. We need to do something about it.

So yes, "they" don't understand. But the real question is...who are "they"?

02-07-2002, 12:49 PM
Paintball isn't accepted by the masses because we shoot guns at one another. Period. Call it a marker and paint it pink, it's still a gun. Peoples attitudes towards guns in general are deteriorating to the point of blind prejudice, fueled by left-wing media hype.

To use a gun, in any form, for the purpose of recreation is foreign to "mainstream" society (whatever the heck that is) How much olympic shooting did we see televised at the last summer olympics? None. Attitudes need to change. Figuring out how is the challenge.

Russ, NRA Life member.

02-07-2002, 01:35 PM
:( its sad isn't it

02-07-2002, 01:55 PM
get rid of the grip frames.

everything is going electronic right? get rid of the grip frame and it will look nothing like a gun.

or slingshots. ;)