View Full Version : RC Plane Bomb Drop

04-20-2010, 06:45 PM
Hey guys! Been awhile. Dust is quite thick now on my emag and shocker, been playing a bit with some rc planes, as I fast approach 50... :p

But anywho, they were discussing using paintballs bomb dropped at a target in the RC forums and a couple questions came up that I thought I would ask:

Since these will be dropped from around 30-50 feet high, with only a little forward momentum from the plane, what would be the most brittle paint to buy?

Also, can you do anything to the paintball to make it more brittle?

Here is the thread and a video:



04-20-2010, 06:51 PM
cheat use a radio controlled paintball claymore fires them down about 20 rounds at once i think rap 4 or specops have them about 180 in cash for one but add that to ur remorte plane and u ave an interesting squad buster :P http://www.xpaintball.com/JCS-Mark-30-Trip-Wire-Paintball-Mine--P24431C1503.aspx?UserID=5293799 specops has these to

04-20-2010, 07:01 PM
If they are just falling from 50 feet and not propelled I doubt they will break.


Frizzle Fry
04-20-2010, 07:03 PM
Sounds cool, though I'd probably try to rig something up with a couple Goblin launchers to increase the likelihood of breaking paint and hitting a (slow) moving target.

I've got an unfinished wood frame gas-powered P38 that's gone 18+ years unfinished; I bet it could fit a couple goblins in the currently empty cockpit. I'm not into model planes so I never got around to installing the engines and getting it running, but it's otherwise fairly complete. Any thoughts on a firing mechanism?

04-20-2010, 07:08 PM
If they are just falling from 50 feet and not propelled I doubt they will break.


Why not? They drop test from 6 feet and break.

Look for Tourney grade paint.

Frizzle Fry
04-20-2010, 07:14 PM
Why not? They drop test from 6 feet and break.

Wind resistance, I'd think. Also, the softness of a target... Paint dropped from 6 feet will break on concrete, but not on me. I'm not 100% sure but I'm guessing a propellant would be better.

04-20-2010, 07:35 PM
Hrm, I have a friend who's quite into RC planes. I'll have to start a project with him.

Should be easy enough to rig a servo that could hold paint in a 10 round tube. Release the servo and climb to drop paint.

04-20-2010, 08:06 PM
A lot of the RC remotes have multiple control functions you could probably setup a spring loaded tube and a servo arm to release a predetermined amount. 2 balls ain't gonna cut it from the standpoint of accuracy, maybe you can drop 20 or 30 balls at a time (carpet bombing). If it was gas powered and big enough maybe you could rig a qloader.

04-20-2010, 08:12 PM
Dust off those markers and join me for some play. I am only a few miles below you. Or you could come to AOSouth...

04-20-2010, 08:39 PM
A lot of the RC remotes have multiple control functions you could probably setup a spring loaded tube and a servo arm to release a predetermined amount. 2 balls ain't gonna cut it from the standpoint of accuracy, maybe you can drop 20 or 30 balls at a time (carpet bombing). If it was gas powered and big enough maybe you could rig a qloader.

Like WE haven't had this discussion with shrub a million times....lolol

I have a friend into rcplanes and paintball and his plan is to biuld a plane around a loader and activate the loader via vervo and carpet bomb an area, law rockets with painted tips would work well too

04-20-2010, 10:02 PM
Well I don't know how much you would be using this in a "regular" game where there aren't "rockets". So if you are thinking of doing this for a scenario game, I would try to find a way to use the nerf rockets and just release them and let them fall. They have a "blast" radius so you wouldn't even have to break anything. Just get close and that's good. The way we play if you are within 20-25 feet you are dead. Friend or Foe is all the same.

Not sure if that will help you or not, but it could be an option. And though players are told not to shoot something don't mean it won't take some hits. So keep that in mind. Would hate to have it come down due to some jerk.

Good luck,


04-20-2010, 10:32 PM
You have to take into account the speed the plane is traveling too ;)

Wind resistance isn't going to slow it down much. Cheap RC's will go a good 50 MPH.

I say we steal this bad boy, rig the rear ramp and fill the bastard with paint

04-21-2010, 01:31 AM
You have to take into account the speed the plane is traveling too ;)

Wind resistance isn't going to slow it down much. Cheap RC's will go a good 50 MPH.

I say we steal this bad boy, rig the rear ramp and fill the bastard with paint

Don't forget to account for the shape and physics required to keep the plane aloft, Once the load is released the weight of the plane changes and possibly the shape if its a nerf rocket. The pilot/controller will have to adjust for the roll, pitch and yaw unless he wants to crash. I also forgot, gas powered rc's are limited to flying in designated areas, and yes rudz, shrub does have a project in mind using li-poly powered rc planes. We haven't seen it come to fruition though.

04-21-2010, 10:47 AM
You would be hard pressed to get a paintball to break on someone from 50ft. At that height, even under ideal conditions, the paint would be traveling at 80ft/s when it hit the ground. That's based on ideal acceleration due to gravity, ignoring the drag of the ball moving through air. The actual speed would be less than 80ft/s.

Old School 626
04-21-2010, 10:59 AM
There is another alternative and that is to attach something with some mass, i.e. tail cone with fins on the back of a paintball to squish it/help it break upon hitting the ground. It would need to be fairly robust to survive multiple drops from 50 feet but something like 12ga mild steel would probably fit the bill.

04-21-2010, 11:00 AM
I recall shrub saying there was an issue with "shooting" anything from the plane such as goblins, remote controlled guns ect, so that why he settle on dropping balls

We have also see an rc plane fly over a jungle island big game and some people did shoot at the plane but nothing caused any hamr too it, the plane is 50 feet up or so and a moving target, when paint does impact it, the force is minimal, the only worry was for the on board camera, when you take into acount some planes can be equiped with multiple cameras that pan/tilt/zoon and even include night vision and gps, they can be a formidable weapon is just a recon role, but the ability to drop paint is a bonus, the shrapnel grenade grenade would be fun to watch but also dangerous, dropping paint grenades would be intresting but the pilot would have to adjust for the added weight and the loss thereof upod release of load

04-21-2010, 12:13 PM
You have to take into account the speed the plane is traveling too ;)

Wind resistance isn't going to slow it down much. Cheap RC's will go a good 50 MPH.

I say we steal this bad boy, rig the rear ramp and fill the bastard with paint

we have an airstrip at accurate :D

04-21-2010, 02:23 PM
There is a RC airstrip beside one of the fields I used to play at. We used to see the planes flying around all the time.

04-21-2010, 02:37 PM
Stale paint usually gets pretty brittle.

I'd just get some cheap Stinger or something, open the bag, and store it under the bed for a few weeks to dry it out.

Some old "ProCapps Recon" I had was actually breaking in my hopper from the impeller cracking the shells, it was a Ricochet.

04-21-2010, 02:42 PM

if his house is very humid this might not help.

maybe try freezing/cooling the paintballs.

04-21-2010, 04:25 PM

if his house is very humid this might not help.

maybe try freezing/cooling the paintballs.

Blast them with liquid C02 prior to launch?

04-21-2010, 04:58 PM
Random thoughts:

I do RC aerial video every now and then. You can get an electric foamy (fairly inexpensive and resilient) to lift a 5oz payload (typical point-and-shoot camera) fairly easily. I've managed to get a 10oz Stryker to lift a 5oz payload, although that required some significant modifications. Most people build out closer to 22oz or more to lift that kind of payload.

5oz payload of paint is roughly 47 paintballs or so, and then you need to factor in the weight of the drop mechanism itself.

The CG thing has been mentioned, and you really have to be careful about what happens when your payload is dumped, lest your plane become uncontrollable.

The terminal velocity of a paintball appears to be around 71fps.

However, I wonder if there's a way to put a tail cone or some sort of tail on the back end to stabilize and reduce the drag... I guess kind of like a First Strike round, except you obviously wouldn't want to use First Strike rounds for this. Don't know how much a difference that would make, but someone should look into this if they're serious.

Once you do that, then you know what side of the paintball is going to impact the target, so you might consider scoring the front lightly to weaken the shell and increase the chance of breaking.

Someone needs to figure out how to do the targeting, because it's quite hard to judge from the ground.

04-21-2010, 05:29 PM
Like WE haven't had this discussion with shrub a million times....lolol

I have a friend into rcplanes and paintball and his plan is to biuld a plane around a loader and activate the loader via vervo and carpet bomb an area, law rockets with painted tips would work well too

tell him to use a 12v revvi, they use a servo in them, it will hook to his reciever.