View Full Version : Flatline: 3000 or 4500 psi

02-07-2002, 11:54 AM
What is the differance? PSI is not a measure of volume, so do they both have the same amount of air? Will two 68ci tanks at differing psi have the same amt of air? Damn! What should I buy!? AAAHHHH!

02-07-2002, 12:29 PM
PSI-Pounds per Square Inch.

Since gases are compressible, the higher the pressure, the more molecules of air a tank can hold.

Since a 4500PSI tank has 50% more pressure than a 3000PSI tank, it can hold 50% more air. Therefore you'll get more shots with the 4500 PSI tank.

soilent green
02-07-2002, 01:28 PM
thats right I would urge you to get the 4500 its worth the extra and I have both a 4500 and 3000 psi tank I rarly use the 3k tank

02-07-2002, 04:46 PM

most fields don't even fill to 4500. They mainly go to about 4000-4300

jedi, in your case I know Steve's fields especially when you play the lake field in the deep 1/2 mile trek to the far dead zone. Get the 4500.

Now what are the advantages to a 4500. One main advantage. You can get a fill just about everywhere. Whether it s a 3000 or 4500 you know you will still have at least a 68/3K fill.
