View Full Version : Classic RT Frame on RT Pro Rail

05-12-2010, 06:08 PM
So I have a bit of a tech question for you guys. I recently picked up a Powerlyte frame but the seller failed to disclose that it had been milled out for a classic RT with the huge rear field strip screw.

Now technically it shoots when mounted on my RT-Pro, but with a tank on the marker, the back of the frame can rotate a bit each way due to the extra space around the rear bushing. Honestly I'm worried about damaging my sear if it rotates during a game or something. Is this a valid concern or am I just being paranoid?

If it could be a problem, does anyone have a solution such as a spacer to fill the extra space between the bushing and the RT frame hole?

05-12-2010, 06:24 PM
I think an extra powertube space is about the right size to fill it in.

05-12-2010, 07:37 PM
The powertube spacers are too big inside. You will need to make one or get agd to sell you the correct bushing.

05-12-2010, 08:43 PM
I used a classic RT Z-Frame for over a year with no bushing and no issues what so ever to report. You'll be fine. I did finally purchase bushings for it through PTP.

They have 2 styles. One that requires a rail bushing and one that doesn't require a rail bushing. I went a head and got both of them. Get with PTP_Tracy here on the forums.

Wasn't over $10 for both, It was about a year ago so...I could be off by a little.

05-13-2010, 11:40 AM
So there is a bushing that fits into the RT rail and gets wider where the frame goes around it? Or are we just talking about a second ring that fit around the RT-Pro bushing?

05-13-2010, 12:10 PM
Some RT rails require the bushing some don't. All I'm saying is make sure you purchase the one you need.

I went a head and got both just in case i decided to swap out the frame on another marker. :cheers: