View Full Version : Before and after pics of my Mag

05-13-2010, 06:19 PM
I bought this SmartMag new back in '93-'94 valve S/N SM00195 played almost every weekend for the next three years then due to real life obligations (kids) had to quit playing. I just started playing again and decided to upgrade my Mag and this is the result.



05-13-2010, 06:31 PM
Nice. I f you get another body you'll have 2!

05-13-2010, 06:43 PM
I would be so scared to play against yee who's bloodshed remains drizzled across your gat.

Glad to see you no longer have anything to do with the smartmag, too!

05-13-2010, 08:03 PM
That is sick looking, great job ! :shooting:

05-13-2010, 08:45 PM
well..i think i know who i'll be voting for next mag of the month.

05-13-2010, 09:29 PM
just out of curiosity, isn't the warp and rotor a little overkill?

05-13-2010, 09:37 PM
just out of curiosity, isn't the warp and rotor a little overkill?

It's called cool factor, move along :rofl:

05-13-2010, 09:59 PM
When I started playing again the first thing I did was go out and buy a brand new EGO 9 and one of the biggest problems I was having was getting hit in my hopper, so when I decided to upgrade my Mag I made sure I got a warp so I wouldnt take any more hopper hits. As for the Rotor, I had an Empire Prophecy but it wouldnt feed into the warp because the microphone wouldnt pick up on the gun firing so I took it back and got a Rotor. Both hoppers are overkill because the warp will only feed so fast with the stock 9V but I was also having problems finding a hopper that would fit into the warp hence the reason I orginally bought the Prophecy. But trust me my Mag with a ULT and the Ninja tank set at 1200psi output RT's like crazy so I think if I upgraded my warp I could definately max the Rotor out.

05-13-2010, 10:16 PM
You need to get the red kit for the rotor. Then it'll be pimped all out. :clap:

05-13-2010, 11:59 PM
hi, what size tank & about how many shots do U get out of it ?

05-14-2010, 09:42 AM
Dude sick classic, you need to put this up for May MOTM. Glad you are back in the sport. :clap:

05-14-2010, 04:14 PM
You anno'd over the original splash kit? :(

05-14-2010, 04:33 PM
You anno'd over the original splash kit? :(
No dude thats a different frame, grip, and barrel. The only thing that might have been the same would be the rail.

El Camino
05-14-2010, 05:18 PM
You gotta love a beauty like that, sweet. The red Rotor kit would set it off, fishmishin has a red kit FS, you might check with him. Love the AGD grips, where did you get them?? I thought Ninja regs only went to 900psi? How do you get it up to 1200?? Again, GREAT job!!

05-14-2010, 06:31 PM
The barrel is the same its an original Smart Parts All American I had it reannoed. The grip frame is new as well as the front grip/gas through valve the CP drop forward and on/off are also new. The grips I ordered through Stingerpaintballdesigns I just sent in the pattern I wanted and told them what background color and they did an awesome job on them you cant really tell from the pics because I didnt take a closeup of the grips but the detail in them is awesome. As for the tank its a 68/45 I custom ordered from Ninja I just called them up and told them the output pressure I wanted and they did it you can also order the shims and do it yourself but their prices are pretty cheap. I'm sure if anyone else is interested in the grips you can just call Stinger and I'm guessing they still have the pattern I used.

05-14-2010, 06:43 PM
That is probably one of the sweetest mech mags I've ever seen! Good job man.

05-14-2010, 09:06 PM
It's called cool factor, move along :rofl:
oh no, I realize that. Been in the mag game for a long time now. I guess I'm just used to revvy's sitting in the warps. If its simply positioning I can definitely understand that

05-15-2010, 05:27 AM
When I started playing again the first thing I did was go out and buy a brand new EGO 9 and one of the biggest problems I was having was getting hit in my hopper, so when I decided to upgrade my Mag I made sure I got a warp so I wouldnt take any more hopper hits. As for the Rotor, I had an Empire Prophecy but it wouldnt feed into the warp because the microphone wouldnt pick up on the gun firing so I took it back and got a Rotor. Both hoppers are overkill because the warp will only feed so fast with the stock 9V but I was also having problems finding a hopper that would fit into the warp hence the reason I orginally bought the Prophecy. But trust me my Mag with a ULT and the Ninja tank set at 1200psi output RT's like crazy so I think if I upgraded my warp I could definately max the Rotor out.
Hi again . seriously, how many shots do U get out of your ninja pushing 1200 psi ?

05-15-2010, 06:23 AM
So Ninja finally figured out they could push the reg further, huh. Glad to hear that thats possible, because next to the CP tanks I like the Ninja tanks better than anything else out. I would have to agree with everyone else the red kit would look good on the rotor for sure. I don't have the used kit anymore but I do have a BNIB red kit that I can give you a really good deal on, just hit me up if your interested. Also I didn't read where you had your anno done at, would you mind sharing? I still say you knocked it out of the park, it truly is a great looking marker !!

05-15-2010, 11:13 AM
So Ninja finally figured out they could push the reg further, huh.

They did? Since when?

05-15-2010, 12:12 PM
Wow, a Rotor on top of a Warp... that's like... X-TREME

05-15-2010, 12:45 PM
They did? Since when?

I don't know but I'll be finding out on Monday.

05-15-2010, 01:12 PM
I don't know but I'll be finding out on Monday.

What is it, a V2 reg that can handle the pressures. I might have to pick one up. I'm rehydroing and getting a ninja reg put on... Hmmm. :D

05-15-2010, 02:18 PM
I have no clue really. I had talked to Ray about this a couple of times, he said he was had been thinking about it since I talked to him at World Cup, but that is about as far as it went. I'll find out the details and post em up for everybody.

05-15-2010, 03:03 PM
I talked to them yesterday. If you have a reg already, then it has 2 silver shims and 2 red shims in it. That is set at 800psi. You need to order a rebuild kit, which has 2 additional shims of both colors, then install the second set to get 1200 psi. I ordered one yesterday. If you are ordering a reg, or replacing it, just tell them you want it set to 1200 psi. They will hook you up.

05-15-2010, 08:58 PM
Nice, thanks for the info. I'll give them a call and see about getting some in stock.

05-15-2010, 10:01 PM
I talked to them yesterday. If you have a reg already, then it has 2 silver shims and 2 red shims in it. That is set at 800psi. You need to order a rebuild kit, which has 2 additional shims of both colors, then install the second set to get 1200 psi. I ordered one yesterday. If you are ordering a reg, or replacing it, just tell them you want it set to 1200 psi. They will hook you up.
would you get less shots out of your tank if the psi is that much higher ?

05-15-2010, 10:05 PM
My friend has his at 1200 psi, and he get 1 rotor plus 4 pods out of his r/t. And believe me.... it RT's, lol.

05-16-2010, 02:42 AM
My friend has his at 1200 psi, and he get 1 rotor plus 4 pods out of his r/t. And believe me.... it RT's, lol.
sweet ... :)

05-17-2010, 06:21 PM
I played yesterday and got about 1000 shots out of my tank so having the output set to 1200psi isnt a huge gas hog.

05-17-2010, 06:40 PM
A fine example of AGD pride. Nice job. Beautiful. Long Live AGD. :D ;)

05-17-2010, 08:56 PM
I played yesterday and got about 1000 shots out of my tank so having the output set to 1200psi isnt a huge gas hog.
thank U very much 4 the info ... :)

05-18-2010, 02:15 AM
I played yesterday and got about 1000 shots out of my tank so having the output set to 1200psi isnt a huge gas hog.
thank U very much 4 the info ... :)

05-25-2010, 08:16 PM
Thx for all the comments guys I spend alot of time on these boards and although I don't post much I love seeing the stuff people do with their Mags its pretty amazing! As for the red rotor kit, I had my local shop checking on one for me but they were having some problems getting one so if you still have one available fish let me know plz. The annodizing on my Mag was done by Raza Paintball Razalife (http://www.razalife.com/paintball/) the annodizing they do is amazing but expect it to take some time (my Mag took about 6 weeks) you can call and talk to Mike and he can give you some ideas of the stuff they can do.