View Full Version : Micromag question

05-14-2010, 12:16 AM
I just picked up a micromag package for a pretty sweet deal. I just have a question about it.

I has a micro emag body but has a matching red-black fade single trigger mech frame. Just wondering if PTP made any mech micros stock with e-micro bodies and if so, how rare it might be.

Pic from previous owner:
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs356.snc3/29411_1414340565806_1451332343_1101933_882841_n.jp g

05-14-2010, 12:21 AM
cool pattern thats for sure i have never seen the anno but that means nothing the valve that came with that is just what it looks like a rt valve basically the body isnt an ebody its the micro 2000 body think of it as a classicmag with an emag or rt valve in it still if u paid under 300 it was a good buy from the parts i see any basic micro in any anno 200 with a micromag air valve the upgraded valve is the same as on a reg mag same goes with all the other parts ...

05-14-2010, 12:42 AM
Well don't micromag 200s have "Micromag 2000" milled on the left side? This one has that rectangle indented instead which makes me believe it's from an e-micro. Again, I could be mistaken.

Frizzle Fry
05-14-2010, 12:55 AM
Well don't micromag 200s have "Micromag 2000" milled on the left side? This one has that rectangle indented instead which makes me believe it's from an e-micro. Again, I could be mistaken.

Some E-Micro bodies left the factory without Emag lowers. Many were raw, others rest dust black. Your Micro there did not come from PTP with that fade, which makes me think it was one of the raw ones. I used to see E-Micro bodies selling for $25-$50 more than engraved Micro2000 bodies, but at this point it seems like people don't care as much about that.

That said, that's a beautiful and unique fade, so you've got a valuable marker on your hands there, especially with the match-faded frame.

05-14-2010, 08:47 AM
Some E-Micro bodies left the factory without Emag lowers. Many were raw, others rest dust black. Your Micro there did not come from PTP with that fade, which makes me think it was one of the raw ones. I used to see E-Micro bodies selling for $25-$50 more than engraved Micro2000 bodies, but at this point it seems like people don't care as much about that.

That said, that's a beautiful and unique fade, so you've got a valuable marker on your hands there, especially with the match-faded frame.

Thanks a bunch for the info, that cleared things up nicely :)

05-17-2010, 09:25 AM
I hate you! I made an offer on that micro but was too late! Nice gun!