View Full Version : fastest mech speeds

05-16-2010, 02:58 PM
how fast can you get a mech mag to reliably shot well? im not talking crazy either with unregulated air supply. just like a frame, ult, x valve etc. reason im asking is my sponsor is thinking about starting up a new league using mech guns. he thinks itll great for new people and older folks. i seem to remember reading a properly built mag using off the shelf parts can up to 13-15 bps. i just bought another gun to start working on as a project so im gonna see if i can build it to the possible new league specs.

05-16-2010, 03:05 PM
My friend has a mag with a output pressure from the tank at 1200 psi. He get 21bps-24bps over the chrono consistently.

05-16-2010, 03:24 PM
Fatal do u mean he gets 21-24 by RT'ing? or by 1pull 1shot? cuz if Kit's sponsor is thinkin bout a mech league, RT effect will likely not be allowed.

05-16-2010, 04:38 PM
ya no r/t but if the league is a no go i may go that route just to do it.

im trying to keep pressure changes to a minimum to make it simple and for effiency sake. 20 bps does me no good if its gone in 200 rounds.

05-16-2010, 05:01 PM
pneumag's can hold 10-15 bps pretty good, even with a classic valve.

05-17-2010, 09:51 AM
pneumag's can hold 10-15 bps pretty good, even with a classic valve.

Although pneumags aren't really "off the shelf parts" I've pulled 13 across the chrono with my classic valved pneu. Although i couldn't have sustained it long as my fingers were getting tired.

05-17-2010, 11:07 AM
true but with mag79 and cyberave68 around the parts are easy to get. There are plenty of people to help you with the install too.

05-17-2010, 11:42 AM
If you can shoot over 13cps, I wouldn't reccomend classic valve pneumags. It won't chop but you'll get some dropoff. But a classic valve pneumag with an RT on/off and QEV makes for nice inexpensive 12bps marker. Here's a classic valve pneumag mag with CO2... you can hear some of the in consistent shots - the valve can keep up though (I don't reccomend the CO2 :p) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pK1YcFvJrWI

I could do a batch frames for a team... I've been looking for a reason to clean up the lathe/mill/shop anyways.
Right now all my machines are sitting under a bunch of shavings, bits, and scrap parts.

you can hit 14-18 pretty easy on a Pmag with an RT/X valve. Back when I played I could sustain 14-15 consistently. I've audiowaved a few of clips of my own @ 18+ cps.

Here is that marker: (Click for fullsize)
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g45/jrm33/Paintball%20Stuff/The%20Arsenal/th_IMG_1957.jpg (http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g45/jrm33/Paintball%20Stuff/The%20Arsenal/IMG_1957.jpg) http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g45/jrm33/Paintball%20Stuff/The%20Arsenal/th_IMG_1966.jpg (http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g45/jrm33/Paintball%20Stuff/The%20Arsenal/IMG_1966.jpg)

05-17-2010, 03:04 PM
not to sounds stupid but where's the lpr on that setup pneumagger

05-17-2010, 03:37 PM
The foregrip is a custom modified Palmer Fatty regulator.
Both 1/8" NPT inlets are HP and the LP comes out the top (into the ASA). The gauge on the side is the LP pressure.
The LP runs from the top of the ASA thru the dallara rail into the frame.

It's about as light as you get for a pneumag with the selected componets. Plus, IMO, it looks pretty good.

05-17-2010, 04:02 PM

Back from the dead!!!!

Welcome back.

05-17-2010, 04:50 PM
im not sure a pneumag would float with the possible rules. thats getting dangerously close to electro. same effect just different means. i like the idea though and would love to get one going with my spare parts but i just dont have the knowledge.
ive already started working on the league mag. im building it around a warp feed. looks like im gonna try to do a blend of cost vs. benefits. the warp was cheap so no biggie. im probably gonna send out my ss body and rail to luke and have take a wack at them. warp feed port for the body and ule milling for the rail. im probably gonna stick with a stock cf frame and maybe doa double trigger on it but i have a feeling a trigger guard clause will be in the rules. i dont see me dropping money on an intelliframe. im gonna see how far the classic vlave will take me. ill drop an rt on/off in it for now. L7 foamie as well for now. no foregrip planned as of yet but i have a few lying around anyway. im gonna try to make it as small a profile as possible so itll have a huge drop forward to put the tank under the gun basically.