View Full Version : Emag questions

05-22-2010, 02:19 PM
I am buying my first set of lowers and I need some help (never had, or ever seen an emag in person).

1. It doesn't come with a charger. Would this guy (http://www.amazon.com/Smart-Universal-Battery-Pack-Charger/dp/B001BFG5ZC) do the trick? How much is an agd charger?

2. I forget who flashes the software up to xmod 1.8, can some one remind me? Is it really worth the $50?

3. Tuna, if you are reading this, the guy selling it to me says that it doesn't have the safety, could I get a replacement from you? Does it use the same safety as other mag frames?

4. He also says the selecter switch is loose, would that just be a quick tighten?

Thanks for the help guys.

05-23-2010, 04:55 PM
1. The charger you have indicated should work.

2. The X-mod is great for the emag. There are a few people around here that can flash it for you.

3. The emag safety is unique to the emag.

4. A loose selector switch quite often refers to a missing detent ball bearing or spring that is missing.

05-24-2010, 12:30 PM
All the parts you are looking for can also be purchased directly from AGD as well. Excepting the Xmod.

05-25-2010, 07:42 AM
I'll hook you up with all of that. Send it here. Email me first. [email protected]