View Full Version : First Paintball Field Found

05-30-2010, 09:34 AM
For Immediate Release

First Paintball Game Field Location Discovered

Steve Davidson, Editor of www.68Caliber.com, has been conducting historical research for more than 18 months to determine the location of the world's first paintball game, conducted in June of 1981, was held.

"I am pleased to be able to announce that I have discovered the location of the first paintball game".

The playing site is located in Henniker, NH.

"I'd like to thank Bob Gurnsey, Lionel Atwill, the Henniker Historical Society, Omere, John Amodea and many others for their assistance during this investigation", said Steve.

Steve is preparing a series of articles that are being published on www.68Caliber.com that detail the investigation and will serve as an entre to the paintball community in an on-going effort to have an historical marker placed at the location.

"I'd like the state to get the credit for being one of only three states in which a major international sport was founded (baseball - Ohio and basketball - Massachusetts being the other two), and I'd like to see Bob Gurnsey, Charles Gaines, Hayes Noel and the other nine players immortalized in a lasting manner for their contributions in creating our wonderful sport."

Preliminary efforts have begun in filing an application for the roadside historical marker and full details of that effort will be disclosed as they become available. For the time being the exact location of the playing site will not be revealed as it is located on private property and no one wants anything to occur that might jeopardize the effort to have the location marked.

For more information, please contact Steve at [email protected]

05-30-2010, 06:13 PM
When do we get to set up a game there? :p

Frizzle Fry
05-30-2010, 10:52 PM
When do we get to set up a game there? :p

I'd be glad to scout the bars and BBQ locations in the area... I've actually been to Henniker, don't remember when or why though.

05-31-2010, 12:10 AM
Congrats Steve! I am looking forward to the rest of the story.


05-31-2010, 05:09 AM
Thanks Tom, but it's not congrats to me, it's congrats to the whole industry and particularly to Bob & Charlie & Noel, etc.

Playing there? I'd love to do that, but I don't think it is ever going to happen, given land ownership, changes to the properties, etc.

It may be possible to arrange a game on an adjacent piece of property with very similar terrain - but I wouldn't even begin to think about working on something like that until after a roadside marker has been approved (if not in place) & etc.

Know what bothers me? Who's going to be the first a-hole to shoot that roadside marker with a paintball gun...?

06-14-2010, 07:09 AM
The Story...........






To the Paintball Media,

I recently completed a very interesting search for the actual location of the first formal game of paintball. We all know from the history books that it was played somewhere in Henniker, New Hampshire on June 27th, 1981, but until now we haven't known exactly where in Henniker that first game was played.

The story of how that field was found is detailed in a five-part series of articles - http://68caliber.com/?p=7530 (I think you'll find it pretty interesting.)

Now that the location has been found, I have begun the process of having a roadside marker erected at the location in order to commemorate the event.

While paintball has several museums and libraries and continues to attempt to cement its place in sports history, such a marker would represent the first truly permanent citation of the game.

The requirements for having the sign erected are fairly straight forward (20 NH resident signatures on a petition, approval of the wording for the sign, proof of the event and verification of the location, purchase price of the sign: far more detail on this is available on the website under the HISTORIC MARKER menu tab) NONE of this will happen without the assistance and cooperation of the paintball community.

I have made a PayPal account available for collecting donations (http://68caliber.com/?page_id=7649) and have prepared a downloadable PDF petition form (http://68caliber.com/?page_id=7647). I have also created a Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Erect...7585517?created that will shortly replicate the same information.

I would greatly appreciate it if you would pass this information along to your readers and participants. The entire process takes approximately a year and it would be nice if we can have the marker emplaced on or near the date of the 30th anniversary of our sport.

This effort is being conducted in cooperation with Robert Gurnsey (he is helping to write the draft of the sign wording); any funds raised in excess of that required to place the sign will be donated to his fight against leukemia.

I have attached a copy of a mock up image of what the sign may look like for you to use. If you would like to replicate the information provided on the various Historic Marker pages, please feel free to do so. If you need additional information, do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you very, very much for your assistance in this matter.


Steve Davidson
Editor, 68Caliber.com

06-14-2010, 07:44 AM
doh! typo in the press release. it should say 1981, not 1983.

Folks - we need more names for the petitions AND we need more donations.

We've got enough NH residents signed on for the petition, but I want to bowl the state over with national participation - so PLEASE HELP!

Documentation, including affidavits testifying that the location found is IT have been prepared and the finals round of the application process for the roadside marker has begun. No roadblocks are anticipated during this process, so the only thing remaining to do is to raise the funds for the sign. Let's get it done.

06-14-2010, 08:40 AM

I am working on the exact location from my friend for you. My friend's landlord also apparently helped survey the area to play in. I am trying to talk to him also. When I get the contact information I will forward it your way!

06-14-2010, 10:31 AM

I am working on the exact location from my friend for you. My friend's landlord also apparently helped survey the area to play in. I am trying to talk to him also. When I get the contact information I will forward it your way!

cool! any additional confirmation, information will help!


06-14-2010, 08:43 PM
Link to the Facebook page isn't working.


Duck Hunt
06-15-2010, 11:45 AM
Thats why New Hampshire rocks.

Sean "Duck Hunt"

06-17-2010, 12:47 PM
What kind of historical piece are you thinking of using as a monument?
The first ones I thought of was the Nelspot and the Splatmaster...anything else wouldn't really make sense would it?
Nice find Steve,