View Full Version : My Day of Paintball..

Sweet Tooth
06-06-2010, 02:06 AM
Whew. That was a long day. Anyone care to hear a story?

My friends and I left here around 11:45. We get up to the normal field around 1, after eating some fast food. Well, I didn't think about calling to ask if they were open, because they have been pretty busy the last few weekends. (They only open the doors if a group is reserved for 16 or more people. (They don't usually mind if we join in with the groups as walk-ons)) Well, apparently no one reserved the field. We're pretty mad that we all drove an hour out of the way, to find a closed field. We decide to go to a place that only I've been to before. It was about an hour from the field we were at. We agree, and drive there. We get there around 2. We go in, and pay for reg, paint, air, etc. At first, the guy was going to charge me 3.75$ for ONE double a battery. I needed six. No way I was going to pay that much. We settled on 5$ for 6 double as, and 3.25$ for a nine volt. (Warp feed, and Halo) So we unpack our gear, and everything is dandy. I go to get my HPA tank filled, and the fill nipple starts leaking badly. This happened before to a friend of mine a the same field. I think it is the way they flash fill the tanks so fast. I had to pay 15$ for a new fill nipple, and put that on my tank. That took a good 5 minutes. So, I finally grab my mag, and superglue my extra foamie back on. I forget that I have to wait a few hours for the superglue to dry, and pop off a few shots dry firing. No big deal. I had previously tinkered with the ULT, so I didn't know what to expect. It was shooting really fast! I liked how I had it. I go over to the chrono and pull the trigger. Nothing. It felt like the sear had pressure behind it, but it wouldn't shoot. I tried re setting the bolt, but nothing. *grumble grumble. I walk over to the pits, degass, and take out a ULT shim. No biggie. It works fine. Go to chrono again. Warp feed won't spin. It is wired via intiliifeed, so I figure one of the wires got knocked off, because my lazy *** didn't solder them. Walk back over to the pit, move a jumper, and adjust the vibration sensor. It spins when I shoot it. Good. Walk back over to the chrony. It seems that the warp isn't gripping the balls enough, and pushing them up into the breach. "@!#$!@#@!@#!#!#!#!~$@!#$!@#"

I say, "screw this". I grab my backup. The ion. I stepped foot on the playing field with a working gun at 4:30. Keep in mind We left my house at 11:45. The field **** down at 6. It worked fine all day. No problems. Oh, the irony. My friends were giving me so much crap for putting down the mag for the ion.


I just fixed the warp, it seems that my custom feed tube adapter was pinching the q-hose. I fixed this by removing the PVC adapter, and just taping the hose straight to the 90* feed plug.

I liked the responsiveness of the ULT tuned that high, but I couldn't get it to push the on/off I guess.

Oh, the extra fomie is no more. I should of let the glue dry. I guess I gotta buy a new one.

Ever have one of "Those days" Where everything just messes up? I played for about 2 hours total. :(

06-06-2010, 07:29 AM
My brother has a mag that shoots the foamies off, regardless of glue or drytime. He trimmed the outside 'rim' of the foamie so the air couldn't catch it. Works like a charm.

06-06-2010, 10:07 AM
That sucks! I;ve had day's like that. One Joe vs. Cobra scenario @ good ol' OSG I had my first day ever on my mag. Somehow I managed to misplace the bumper for the bolt. I quickly snapped the power feed tube. I ended up playing the last hour on a rental after trying many fix's. Good side of that day was that I won a season pass so I figured that it was all for the best.

Think of it this way... at least the ion served a purpose which doesn't often happen. :cheers:

06-06-2010, 10:25 AM
That will happen if you dont maintain your setup. Go over EVERYTHING! Set it up right once and that should last you for years!. I just saw 100 mags in action and not one went down all day...(but these guys are good). Let me know if you can't get that thing straightened out and I'll help you. ;)

06-06-2010, 10:33 AM
Sorry about the bad day. That is why I always go over all my equipment the night before. I don't want to get caught with an issue on the field and lose playing time.

06-06-2010, 11:13 AM
Showed up at a field once (1.5hr drive), paid my entrance ($40), bought a case of field paint ($65), realized I forgot my mask, bought a set of I3's ($90), went back to the table to start filliing my qpods and found I had forgotten the crank handle at home. I asked to borrow a hopper or gun from the field, was told no- Being out of cash I drove home (1.5h)- and btw, I *HATED* my I3's and have only used them twice since this happened in 2005, I have also never gone back to that field.

Bad days happen to everyone. IT's why I always check my gear the night before.

06-07-2010, 02:01 PM
Sorry for your pain, but glad to see it's not just me. LOL. My brother and I refer to these types of days as "gear malfunction days". They typically take place when we are trying to dial in a new marker or "upgrade" that we've added. Due to the fact that we are both constantly fixing our markers until they're broken, this happens a lot. It's also why we each bring 1-2 back up markers. Like it was said, always try to make sure your gear is working right the night before, or alternatively find a cheap BYOP field that you can go to for teching. Luckily, we have one about an hour away from us that we go to the week before big events to shakedown any "improvements" that we have made.

06-07-2010, 02:11 PM
Due to the fact that we are both constantly fixing our markers until they're broken, this happens a lot.

This made me laugh.
Sorry to hear about your bad day. It happens to a lot of people from time to time, it always gets me when I just make that throw your gear in the truck and go days I do with the kids all the time. I end up working on their stuff most of the time while they are out running around with my mags, lol. I'll get hem all upgraded to mags eventually. Better luck next time though.

06-08-2010, 02:51 PM
Sorry about the bad day. That is why I always go over all my equipment the night before. I don't want to get caught with an issue on the field and lose playing time.
i always check a few nights before and the night before, some days i still have equipment issues like this.

06-08-2010, 03:55 PM
this kind of thing happens to me almost every single time I go play. Last time was one of my 'favorites' though.

Me and some of my brothers (fraternity) went out to a guy's place out in the boonies to play some outlaw in his back yard. I ended up bringing 2 of my pumps since none of my HPA tanks are in hydro, and I just like having that "handicap" against a bunch of semis. So, my PGP blows about every seal you can imagine, and I break the feedneck off of my SL-68-2, rendering it a single-shot.
It was a good day aside from the freezing rain and the hours I spent trying to make my guns work. Looking back, I know I wouldn't have had trouble if I'd just had a good tank and one of my mags that day.