View Full Version : My new toys!!! (If anyone cares)

02-08-2002, 02:08 PM

Mmmm halo!!! I dont think its heavy at all. Funny story though....I put the batterys in the pack and plugged it in, but dident put the cover on and install the screw that holds the cover on. So im pushin the button to test it, nothings happening. So I'm thinking "dont tell me its DOA!" and I put the cover on and install the screw. Push the button in the sequence they say and it screams to life "REEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" so I jump cause its pretty loud and im in suspense to begin with and almost drop the thing on my kitchen floor! I caught it though.


The CP kit is SOOOO nice!!! The freak is poop compared to it. The milling is gorgeous and where the front meets the back is a nice fit with an O-ring there. My only peev is they put P nubbins in the backs. Luckily I had enough extra V nubbins and I switched them all out. Its the 12 inch tip btw. And I got a cool banner!! Im on the factory team...even though I have no affiliation with them!! YAY!! lol! Gooo CP!!

02-08-2002, 02:22 PM
Very nice, I like! :)

02-08-2002, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by udtseal
[IMG]The CP kit is SOOOO nice!!! The freak is poop compared to it.

thats what ive been tryin to say
they are very nice

nice gun

02-08-2002, 02:27 PM
THANKS!! (I am so in debt now its not even funny....)

02-08-2002, 02:53 PM
SWEET! :cool:

I, too, am a fan of all that is CP. I recently bought an all red .685" two-piece direct from the factory ('cocker threads) I find all their stuff to of the highest quality. I bought one of their 1 1/2" Flame Drops to go with my new 4500 Flatline!

I see you have 2 mainbodies as well. I've been running the power feed in the cold weather, myself. I need to get a HALO!

:cool: :cool: :cool:

02-08-2002, 02:56 PM
wow dude. cp is crazy. love that huge banner. haha. what're you gonna do with it? use it as a death shroud. tell everybody your e-mag died. yup it's dead. see the halo?

i'm on crack.:p

02-08-2002, 04:13 PM
Wanna sell that banner buddy? ;)

02-08-2002, 08:31 PM
sorry irodden, not for sale. :) its just too cool to pass up. call CP they will prolly sell you one or give it to you.

Im gettin either a flame drop or a lightening drop tomorrow, that micro drop just isent cutting it. I cant get the battery off the gun, even if i take the end of the kapp asa off, its nearly impossible.

02-08-2002, 08:45 PM
So what made you get the HALO? I thought after we had that talk in chat you'd never get one. ;)

02-08-2002, 09:00 PM
hahaah yeah i was waiting for you to ask!!! Well, after we talked I took the warp off the gun and the powerfeed body back on. Went the next night, got some air and some fresh paint, came home and started wailing away on it in the back yard. Well, when the revvy kept up the paint was just coming out faster than I could believe. But, then it happened, i saw a gap in the elbow then CHOP. So, off to the computer, ADD TO CART one Halo!!!! YAY!!! haha, that and I got a credit card....stupid credit cards...evil evil things...never get one!!! :) :)