View Full Version : HELP! i got screwed! Tell me what my flatline needs to work!

02-08-2002, 02:57 PM
Hey boys. did a deal with a dishonest bastard....and my flatline came today. I used to own one, so i get the general gyst, but mine worked so i didnt have to do much taken apart and so on.

Heres my problem. Ok, the fiber 68 was replaced with a steel 68 first off....he told me right before he shipped, so I was expecting it. Now the interesting part comes....I hook the tank to my scuba...everything is going fine. Then i turn off my scuba...and unscrew the release valve thing so that I can take my tank off the fill adapter. Problem...air just rushes and rushes and rushes..... There is no valve on the fill adapter place! I cant remember if the flatline has it internally, or if it was one of those quick disconnects that only lets air in 1 way...but either way...weve got nothing now. I need to test out everything...so is that what I need? a 1 way quick disconnect nipple?

thanks guys, im kinda spazzing need an answer


02-08-2002, 03:49 PM
Can you please clarify exactly what your problem is? Are you saying that you put the tank into your fill station which is attached to your scuba tank, then you turn the scuba on to allow air through then cannot bleed the extra air in the fill station? Clearing up your problem will help us aid you.


02-08-2002, 06:34 PM
listen, im not stupid, i know how to fill tanks.

The fill valve, the one u fill thru from the scuba tank...usually it has a 1 way, trap door type deal on it I believe. Not 100% sure as ive only looked at one other tank up close, but its got a mechanism so air can go in but not out. For me....the air wanted to come back out. So i couldnt relieve the pressure and take the tank off the scuba.

I took off the nipple and its a donut. no valve, no "trap door", nothing. I just want to make sure that this is how it is supposed to be...so I know what I need to buy/have him buy to fix it

02-08-2002, 06:56 PM
sounds like your missing a peice from your fill nipple. I havent taken apart my flatline's before, but ive done others. there is a little 1-way deal inside the fill nipple. basiclly it looks like this:


I know that looks a bit messed up, but is a pin w/ a flat peice on top of it. The colons (:) represtnt a little o-ring. when the pressure on the outside is greater than the inside, (i.e. filling the tank) the pin is pushed down, breaking the seal the o-ring has with the inside of the fill nipple. when the pressure becomes greate in the inside that the outside, the pressure of the tank pushes the little pin flush into the nipple. the o-ring seals it off.

Its been a quite a while since ive had to replace any broke fill nipples, (so i Might be just a bit off here. . ) but it sounds like this pin/oring is what you need to replace. Any field SHOULD have a couple of them floating around in an air/fittings parts kit- - -should be sittin there right next to the burst discs. Hope this helps.


02-08-2002, 10:58 PM

im having the same problem with a pmi tank...it leaks through the fill nipple when you gas it up...

i bought a fill nipple today, going to test it out tomorrow...ill let you know if that fixes my problem

might also fix yours...local store charged me about $10 for the fill nipple...i think its just a quick disconnect with a "piston-like thingy that has an o-ring on it", like smokee "drew" for us :)


02-09-2002, 12:07 PM
thanks bro. let me know please. My shop is 25 minutes away and i dont have a license...so i might mail order it....dunno.