View Full Version : problem with my sear/trigger (EMAG)

07-14-2010, 04:46 PM

there is a picture of the noid and trigger. I think the problem is the noid's plunger isnt sitting where it is supposed to but im completely new to emags. any advice?

it will shoot if I take the tube off and move the sear. as well as I can hear it trying to fire/trying to move the plunger but it wont press it to the point of firing.

also what should I set dwell to or do I even touch that on this board?

07-14-2010, 04:53 PM
with no air in it if I put the sear in the same spot manualy it will press it all the way down in emode but if I put any sort of force keeping it in place it wont press it down at all most of the time...

by force i mean holding it upside down so there is weight on it.

07-14-2010, 06:12 PM
Pull your valve out and place your finger where the back of the sear protrudes out the marker. Apply some downward force with your finger and pull the trigger. If it hurts a little then your plunger is probably ok. You should also see the plunger move freely when you turn marker upside down and right side up again.

Measure the dimensions of the sear arm and plunger to make sure that's not your issue. You'll need a caliper to do this.

Plunger dimension should be 3.005in and the sear dimension should be 2.125in. If you feel any bouncing during e-mode you'll have to shorten your sear arm a tad bit. It should be short enough that it's not bouncing in E-Mode and long enough that you can still use it in mech mode. Depending on your trigger, the measurement for the sear arm will differ. Looks like you have a stock trigger so you should be alright.

The plunger is also adj. You can lengthen it to a max of 3.025. Go in increments of .005 and test it.

If your not comfortable in doing this. Send the marker over to Tuna. He's a Certified AGD tech and will fix EVERYTHING for you.

Tuna---> http://www.automags.org/forums/member.php?find=lastposter&t=251834

07-14-2010, 06:16 PM
Yeah I might do that really quick this weekenfd before vacation so I can play with it then.

The pump arm does move freely but not when aired up and asembled. And the finger on sear you described doesn't hurt.

07-14-2010, 06:27 PM
Hmm...You might have a bad solenoid or your plunger is out of wack.. You need to ck what your battery is putting out. If you don't have enough juice going to the marker, it's not going to cycle properly.

07-14-2010, 06:31 PM
Brand new battery from tuna. Took it our checked and charger said it wasd good so pluggede it in. Could it be the board?

07-14-2010, 06:32 PM
Are you drunk :rolleyes:

Not sure what you said brother... :p

...and no it's not the board

07-14-2010, 06:36 PM
Lol sorry. Its a new battery and my charger gave it the green light... but now the gun isn't powering up, do you need to charge those for a while even if the charger says full charge?

And no not drunk just the local talk catching up with me.

07-14-2010, 06:42 PM
If it's not powering up. You might have the hall sensor magnet to close. There's a allen screw right on the hump of the trigger and a magnet attached to that allen screw. You'll want to adj that magnet away from the sensor. That should bring your board up. If it's still not coming on, you have a bad ground. There's a screw securing the board down to the marker. Removed that screw, pull the board up and clean the threads the screw goes into with a tap or some kind of wire brush.

Edit: And yes on the battery. Keep it on the charger over night if possible. It turning green means it's 75% charged but should still be enough to get the marker going.

07-14-2010, 06:46 PM
Ok ill try that when I get home. Your talking about the screw in the middle of the trigger right?

07-14-2010, 06:48 PM
Ok ill try that when I get home. Your talking about the screw in the middle of the trigger right?

07-14-2010, 08:44 PM
looks as though I ruined the battery maby. it has power in it but wont turn the screen on for more than a second. checked all the different things like grounding screw and hall screw. it just powers up for long enough to say xmod ver 1.7 then it powers down. and wont power back up till I take it off and put it back on later... I think the stupidity of plugging the battery in without thinking about conditioning it may have screwed it lol... any way to fix a battery that wont charge past a certain point?

07-14-2010, 09:06 PM
That sounds more like a ground issue. Did you clean out the screw threads? Corrosion is the main culprit. Get a tap, wire brush or anything that you can score up the threads with.

If all else fails. Send it off to tuna.

07-14-2010, 09:42 PM
threads are clean. no corrosion anywhere on the threads or board. or the screw its self. looks brand spanken new... ill get a brush and check just in case but it looks like it might go to tuna.

07-14-2010, 10:20 PM
ok so I just looked at the charger and it has red light. is that normal for charging a new battery? It was showing green now its showing red... green is charged and red is fast charging.

07-15-2010, 03:32 PM
Leave it charging overnight and see if it makes a difference.

07-15-2010, 03:57 PM
it had 16 hours on the charger over night and I plugged it in to have it say x mod beta 1.7 and then die and I plugged it back in and it was red light again. I think im going to send it to tuna this weekend.