View Full Version : mag I just got

07-15-2010, 01:39 PM
posted this in the wrong area, so moving it to here.

not sure what is all on this, just getting back into the sport after a 20 year break and have always wanted a mag. Was told by previous owner, who was told buy the person who put the frame on is off a PMI, the sear had to be modified a bit to get the safety to function he said. I see that the back half of the valve is different, but have no idea what it is. It looks like it has been polished or something. Barrel is a bob long. Can anyone help identify the body and anything else on it? Airs up well, no leaks, cycles fine dry firing.
I was planning on building a classic or 68, with xvalve, ULT, ULE body etc, are the parts on this one interchangeable?


07-15-2010, 01:43 PM
was told its a level 7 bolt. Forgot to say that....

07-15-2010, 01:51 PM
It has a benchmark frame, the body is a ptp micromag body. I am sure someone else can tell you what gen it is. You should be able to use an X-vavle in that body but may experience some issues with the lvlx due to tolerance differences. Also in regards to the frame if you decide to get rid of it the benchy single frames normally sell fairly fast.

07-15-2010, 01:55 PM
I was planning on building a classic or 68, with xvalve, ULT, ULE body etc, are the parts on this one interchangeable? What makes it a Classic is the valve. A "classic" valve. X valve is a different animal. Pretty much most AGD parts are interchangeable from one marker to another with the exception of the RT Classic. What you have is a unibody micromag. You can put other parts onto it, like intelliframes and different valves as well. Obviously, you cannot put a ULE body on it as the rail is integrated into the body. Xvalves should fit it, but some gens had issues with clearance with either the X valves or the Lvl10 bolts.

07-15-2010, 01:56 PM
Also in regards to the frame if you decide to get rid of it the benchy single frames normally sell fairly fast. but double benchy frames with single triggers: :tard:

07-15-2010, 02:00 PM
ya thought the trigger was strange, I assume I can get a double trigger for it fairly cheap....right? Anyone got one? Also how do I find out generation of body and if I will have issues with xvalve or level 10?

07-15-2010, 02:00 PM
lol trigs can be replaced LOL

07-15-2010, 02:05 PM
but double benchy frames with single triggers: :tard:

lmao, I didn't even notice that it was a double, I should have paid more attention huh. Thats what I get for looking at stuff at work. :rofl:

07-15-2010, 02:20 PM
ya thought the trigger was strange, I assume I can get a double trigger for it fairly cheap....right? Anyone got one? Also how do I find out generation of body and if I will have issues with xvalve or level 10?
It is a little odd to have a single trigger in a double frame. If you look through the Parts BST threads, you may be able to find one. You may want to look into an Intelliframe though if you want a double triggers. I do not have a double benchmark, but if they are as loose feeling as the singles, it would drive me nucking futs.

07-15-2010, 02:26 PM
The body is mostlikly not a PTP micormag body. It looks more like the clone bodies someone made several years ago. I say this due to the detent being a cocker style & not the PTP style finger type detent.

07-15-2010, 03:33 PM
The body is mostlikly not a PTP micormag body. It looks more like the clone bodies someone made several years ago. I say this due to the detent being a cocker style & not the PTP style finger type detent.
prob right id have to look but if its cocker i cant think of a ptp that ever had one like that minus the new 2010 version i would pm tracy_ptp on here for a trigg but yea it will have a lil slop to it so u can shim it for sweetspoting your trigger for full auto with an xvalve

07-15-2010, 03:50 PM
its definately older so I really doubt it would be a 2010 version. He did say it was a PTP body. I will try to get some contact info for the guy that built it, he would have been the guy that bought the body. But not sure if that will be possible, thats why I posted here. The knowledge on this forum is 2nd to none regarding mags!. Thanks for the help so far. If you need better pics or angles let me know.

07-15-2010, 04:21 PM
The body is mostlikly not a PTP micormag body. It looks more like the clone bodies someone made several years ago. I say this due to the detent being a cocker style & not the PTP style finger type detent.
if it has a cocker threaded detent its prob not a ptp

07-15-2010, 07:27 PM
Definatelly a clone. Looks like the ones Jay sold here about a year and a half ago. Had one. Not the best ones around but they do the job. Paid $30 for mine, without the detent hole.

Double Benhmark frame with a single trigger (seen it before), Classic valve with some sort of custom back (8 hole, maybe?) and a finger speed adjuster, Dye Izon sight, bike grip, Bob Long barrel and a Shocktech drop and on/off combo. I'd pay $120 tops for it. Mayb $150 on a stretch.

The parts are interchangeable with other Mags.


07-15-2010, 08:22 PM
The color on the valve back looks like polished aluminum (would be 8 hole already).

Robertsr1811 might be able to identify the clone.

Here's a thread about Benchmark triggers (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=246583&highlight=triggernomics). Benchmark (PTP) frames are pretty well regarded and it should be worth finding a trigger for it.

I suspect that the previous owner modified the trigger to make the safety work, and not the sear (I hope).

07-15-2010, 08:27 PM
The color on the valve back looks like polished aluminum (would be 8 hole already).
Maybe it's one of the fabled Titanium ones? :D

I guessed maybe a Hurricane Labs back in the first thread he posted on this.

07-15-2010, 10:53 PM
wow, confusing.....would better pics help to clarify if it is a clone or real......guy I bought it of of, said the frame is a PMI frame, but had to modify the dear to get safety to work....that is what the guy that he bought it from told him, just relaying the info to here....does that make any sense?

07-16-2010, 05:49 AM
Its a benchmark frame for a mag. The only modification needed to make the safety work is to adjust the trigger rod.

The fact that it has a screw in detent indicates that it is not a PTP body. PTP bodies used a lever type detent. I don't think even the original PTP bodies came without detents, so an aftermarket detent is unlikely. That detent was probably part of the body design when made as a clone.

I do know, if it is a PTP body or has the same internal breach diameter, that you will have to sand the front lip of the bolt to make it fit. It doesn't take much and is very worth it to make the level 10 work in it.

Here is what a similar PTP body looks like:

Frizzle Fry
07-16-2010, 05:57 AM
Gotta ask, where were you playing in Canada pre-90?

07-16-2010, 09:04 AM
I played at the flagswipe field, can remember exact location but it was out in the east end off of Dundas,, I remember a gliding club being nearby. Also played at a field in Bothwell, cant remember who ran the field, and Flagswipe moved to the location in Union towards the end when I was not playing as much. I still have my patched for Flagswipe Big Games for 90 and 91, they were both played on the first field I mentioned above. You form my area as well?

07-16-2010, 09:15 AM
I have yet to take a mag apart, I just got this yesterday, works well right now. I do have everythinng needed to build my other on I think, as well as have a spare level 10 bolt for this one. But as I said, never taken a mag apart yet. So what would I be looking at to try to put the level 10 on this? What possible issues on seeing if it will fit would I be looking for? I have been itching to play now for a while, and want to get out so i dont want to get into issues fixing this one if I take it apart. As for my build on the other, I have another stock mag, it has a level 10 in it witht the stock valve. Also have a X valve with level 10, ULT on/off, ULE body, Kaner barrel kit, and I want to try to get the BOOYAh frame I have on it, but from what I read, it might be a challenge. I would at least like to try, if I cant do it for my first build, probably get an Intelliframe. In a nutshell I just want a good solid one to fall back on (the one in this thread) that way if my build goes slow (guessing it will being my first). i have something to use. I just want to take my time, do lots of reading, ansking questions and learn the marker well. So far thanks for all the help anwsering all the questions and generating tons of new ones.

07-16-2010, 10:16 AM
Level 10 bolts take a little getting used to when it comes to tuning them and troubleshooting. Level 7 bolts usually just leak or not. There's lots of good forum threads on them. Once you get used to them, they become the default (except on pump mags).

Athomas was referring to the tip of the level 10 bolt. They tend to have a slight bulge at the tip, as compared to the old level 7's. On some bodies the breach opening is too tight of a fit for a level 10, and you have to decide which one is more important for you to keep in it's original condition, the body or the bolt. Some bodies I wouldn't mind sanding a bit, but not a PTP.

If you haven't tried a particular mod before, try to do one thing at a time. That means get your mag working very well with a regular frame and the right on/off before you add the booyah frame.

07-16-2010, 11:02 AM
Here's a write up I did

Ir explains lvl X tuning as simple as can be


07-16-2010, 11:04 AM
in regards to my first build, that was going to be my plan I think, build it all without the booyah, get it all working well, then attemt to add the electric trigger......just want to see how quick I can get it going, seen some crazy vids on youtube......I enjoy tinkering, but just lack the time, with 2 kids etc. but loved paying back in the day, I always wanted a mag, I still remember when they first came out, my pump just couldnt keep up anymore with the mags and cockers and didnt want to spend that kind of cash back in the day. I still have my old pumps, and am waiting for a all pump day at the local fields, they say they will be trying to set some up. I loved my old Cobra, still works like the day I bought it, and since then dug up a few more of them form friends on the all pump days, I have 5 cobras, 2 of which are King Cobras, and also have 2 of the 20" Baracuda barrels for them as well. Loved the sport then, and talking to guys on here and MC brown has been great and cant wait to get out and play again!!

Frizzle Fry
07-16-2010, 02:04 PM
You form my area as well?

Nope. I just remembering popping over the border at Niagara and going to a few fields, which I think would have been fairly close to where you are.

07-16-2010, 02:06 PM
Niagara is about 3 hours from me.

Frizzle Fry
07-16-2010, 02:16 PM
Niagara is about 3 hours from me.

Is it? I thought London was near Brantford... Niagara is about 6 from me :rolleyes:

07-16-2010, 05:09 PM
brantofrd is about an hour, Niagara is closer to 2 hours now that the 403 goes direct to Niagara now, forgot about that

07-18-2010, 09:52 PM
so anyone have a double trigger kicking around for it?

07-19-2010, 11:44 AM
was just surfing the forum, came accross this tac1 and it has the same dentent as mine? Maybe it is a real body then and not a clone?
link to the tac 1

07-19-2010, 12:00 PM
Tac1 and ULE bodies are both offered by AGD and do come with screw in detents. PTP MicroMag bodies didn't. Excepting the current bodies being produced that have yet to be delivered.

07-19-2010, 01:30 PM
It's a standard AGD detent. It's angle threaded. It can go on numerous markers.

Tear into that marker. :cuss: Only way your going to learn it. It's only being held together by one screw not counting the field strip. It's not going to come apart in 1000 pieces like most markers do. You'll be fine :cheers:

07-19-2010, 02:29 PM
was just surfing the forum, came accross this tac1 and it has the same dentent as mine? Maybe it is a real body then and not a clone?
link to the tac 1

That's a regular cocker detent. The real PTP Micromags never used this type of detent. Instead, they used the finger one, like pictured before by athomas. That's definatelly, 100% sure, a clone.

08-11-2010, 08:23 PM
Added a couple of pics of a body I just picked up.....but after comparing the one on my marker that I guess is the clone, and the green one someone else posted, the "new" one looks different again.....now what did I get....LOL Either way its missing the detent so does anyone have one for it of know where to get one?

08-11-2010, 08:31 PM
That is the real one, original from PTP. You can try contacting Tracy from PTP and see if she still have any in stock. Go on the Micromag 2009 thread on the dealers BST forum and you will get her e-mail (better/faster than PMing her, I guess).

08-11-2010, 08:35 PM
but it looks different than the green one in this tread dosnt it? Also a link to the PTP site or tracy please, I have no idea where that is.

08-11-2010, 08:44 PM
It's the same one. Here is the thread I've mentioned:


And here are Tracy's e-mail addresses:

[email protected]
[email protected]

When contacting her, ask for the full Micromag detent and send a pcture of your body, so she will know for sure what you need. If it takes some time for her to answer, it's normal.

08-11-2010, 08:51 PM
The new pic you have is almost the same body as the green splash body shown earlier. They are different generations, but both PTP bodies. The difference is the overhang on the valve and perhaps the sear pin and how it is held in place.

08-11-2010, 08:53 PM
There were milled in detents and bolt on detents. The one you picked up has the milled detent. You can also reach Pro Team products at [email protected]. They should have what you need.

08-11-2010, 08:57 PM
wow, love all the fast replies, thanks for all the pointers to date guys!! putting an email togehter now to get the rest of the stuff for it. I hope I got a good deal on it all. It was in a group lot with a whole bunch of automag stuff. What would this body be worth as it sits right now?

08-11-2010, 09:01 PM
wow, love all the fast replies, thanks for all the pointers to date guys!! putting an email togehter now to get the rest of the stuff for it. I hope I got a good deal on it all. It was in a group lot with a whole bunch of automag stuff. What would this body be worth as it sits right now?
Looks to be pretty rough actually. Depends on the buyer, but I would say at most $100. Someone around here was looking for this type of body recently. They specifically wanted a milled detent body. If you want to sell, check the BST threads.

08-11-2010, 09:08 PM
almost all the the spots but 2 with wear is scuff only, pics are pretty high res and spots look pretty big. Guess I did ok, I picked up the whole lot for $62.

that is the link to the auction, I am still trying to figure out what the one item is with the wire coming out of it too...lol..can you tell im a newbie.

For now I will be keeping it, I am turning in to a gun hoarder...lol, until a get a couple built to play with...

08-11-2010, 09:12 PM
almost all the the spots but 2 with wear is scuff only, pics are pretty high res and spots look pretty big. Guess I did ok, I picked up the whole lot for $62.

that is the link to the auction, I am still trying to figure out what the one item is with the wire coming out of it too...lol..can you tell im a newbie.

For now I will be keeping it, I am turning in to a gun hoarder...lol, until a get a couple built to play with...
Don't forget the $20.00 for shipping. Not bad, not great, but it's going to take at least $100-150 to get the body playable.

08-11-2010, 09:15 PM
all I need is the dentent right?

08-11-2010, 09:36 PM
I was adding the cost of a frame, sear, pin, valve, grips, vert ASA etc. Vert ASA is $30.00 alone. If you want to put a bike grip on it....

08-11-2010, 09:54 PM
are all of those specific to this body, or will any mag parts work? I have a complete stock mag here ready to be torn down to upgrade it. It is all stock except it have level 10 in it.

08-11-2010, 10:01 PM
If you have a stock mag already. Everything you have to get the body up and running will be transferable. You'll still need to get the ASA adapter for it though.


BTW..That thing with the wire sticking out is a PTP WarpFeed bracket.

08-11-2010, 10:25 PM
will a regular ASA not work? And thaks on the identification on the mystery part. Does it have any value? I cant see myself wanting to do a warp.

08-11-2010, 10:43 PM
If you want a front grip, you will have to buy a vert ASA adapter that is specific to the micromag.

08-11-2010, 10:45 PM
ah, ok, anyone got one.......

08-11-2010, 11:14 PM
ah, ok, anyone got one.......

Ugh!! Not sure if I have any left or not and we are relocating the office at them moment, so it is a little crazy. I did send you a e-mail. Will do what we can to help you out!!