View Full Version : field question

07-19-2010, 05:23 PM
so im sitting here thinking of opening my own PB park and the different things im going to need and how much they will cost. when i got to the decision of what guns to buy i started thinking of all the crap renter guns i have seen in my 10 yrs of paint ball.

that kinda brought me to the question .... is there a mag "field start up kit?"

im thinking of starting small and would only need something like 15 or 20 guns. i have never seen or heard of one but maybe u guys here might know something i dont. i think it would be cool to have a bunch of mags for renters that are a little decked out with drop forwards and some decent barrels. not only would that help people get the paint ball "bug" being able to use a quality marker but it would mean very little if any maintenance for me as the owner.

just something i have been kicking around. any info or ideas would be appreciated.

07-19-2010, 05:32 PM
I know back in day they had field start up kits for mags but AGD doesn't offer that anymore. It would be cheaper for you to just buy used ones on the numerous forums. ;)

07-19-2010, 05:51 PM
I have the same thing getting worked out right now. From what i have looked at you need the obvious stuff masks, markers, bunkers, netting, tanks (co2 or hpa), fill stations (may need both for customers). Land is another thing to worry about, will you lease it or buy it, how much do you have, is it commercial, do you need a variance from people near by, will your local municipality allow you to open a paintball field at all. Now for insurance, you need to look at local amusement parks at how much liability insurance they carry, and how much it costs.

From what i have worked out it is looking like I will be looking at close to 350,000 +- 50k just to start and around 2k a month for the insurance. This includes piranha or tippmann rental markers. As far as i know there is no more mag field package kind of deal. there used to be due to the X-rental mags that pop up on occasion. That is about the best i can tell you with out digging through the file i have on it. PM me and i'll look for the rest of the information i have.

EDIT: Were are you located buy the way?

07-19-2010, 05:58 PM
Tippmanns are probably the best choice actually.
Their stuff is almost bullet proof, easy to fix and maintain.

They have the new pump, the SL68 II, the 98, and A5, all of which are excellent markers.
And if I'm not mistaken they can all come in complete kits with CO2, mask and marker.

If you call Tippmann direct asking about buying 40 or 50 markers they will direct you to the
right person right away. I imagine you could buy direct with a sizable order.

No I dont work for Tippmann, but AGD's niche is high end high performance mech markers.
Its to my understanding that they dont do rentals any more.


07-19-2010, 07:33 PM
I have actually seen stripped down field rental Tippmann 98's that they offer to fields. For that matter look at Ebay and other places. You can get used 98's most times for $50-60. Cheap, easy to fix.

07-19-2010, 08:23 PM
im in upstate NY. im not lookin for anything 50k big, just something that i can get started and let grow a bit. but the 98's sound like it will be my best bet.

07-19-2010, 08:42 PM
My total cost included property cost and maintenance costs. I have the option of lease to own which is a plus with the markets like they are. I am in NJ so i have higher property cost to deal with. I think if you have 5-10 acres to work with you could have a few good fields with a little room to work with. Just remember bills add up faster than you think when your putting these kinds of plans together.

EDIT: It was about 1k-1.5k savings to go with the Tippmanns (or BT's) over the piranha's.

07-19-2010, 10:54 PM
thanx for the info. i appreciate the advice.

07-20-2010, 08:30 AM
like this ?


local field has tubs of these things, not in use anymore.

07-20-2010, 02:51 PM
Whatever you do, make sure the masks you buy have their lenses pop off in seconds. (But make sure they stay on during the games). Cleaning those masks is not only essential, it is completely limited by how quickly you can take those lenses out.

The only thing I hated about the tippmans was they just look awful after a year of use. And that goes against the image many people have about paintball, especially those first timers.

07-20-2010, 04:55 PM
like this ?


local field has tubs of these things, not in use anymore.

What does your local field plan on doing with those rentals?

07-20-2010, 05:25 PM
What does your local field plan on doing with those rentals?

I second that question i would be in the market for a few.

07-20-2010, 10:27 PM
so im sitting here thinking of opening my own PB park and the different things im going to need and how much they will cost. when i got to the decision of what guns to buy i started thinking of all the crap renter guns i have seen in my 10 yrs of paint ball.

that kinda brought me to the question .... is there a mag "field start up kit?"

im thinking of starting small and would only need something like 15 or 20 guns. i have never seen or heard of one but maybe u guys here might know something i dont. i think it would be cool to have a bunch of mags for renters that are a little decked out with drop forwards and some decent barrels. not only would that help people get the paint ball "bug" being able to use a quality marker but it would mean very little if any maintenance for me as the owner.

just something i have been kicking around. any info or ideas would be appreciated.

we have rental mags that have outlasted everything else we have had to date twice over.

they are a much higher initial investment but i feel with a field its all about the long term investment and smart purchases, the mag is the way to go, maintenance is simple cheap, and doest take a lot of time.

downside the mags have, Side feeds...that requires money for elbows and dealing with those wasting time and $ and Frustrating customers.

Twist lock barrels can be troublesome to lock for customer simplification and keep clean at the same time.

if you could afford classic mags with ule bodies you would have the perfect rental.

It sounds like you are a long way from opening a field but my advice, keep all the rentals the same, you do not want rentals that are mismatch or one looks better/worse than another, cause someone always wants that one with a fore grip or a double trigger.

I hope you have looked into insurance and all the legalities of a field, there are great resources out there if you need help.