View Full Version : First Time Playing in >3 Years

07-23-2010, 07:08 PM
Hi AO!

Long time no post, I hope you're all well.

After an almost 3 year hiatus from paintballing I'm playing my first game on Sunday with some friends.

The only problem is I'm really nervous...

In my time away I started one of my best mates paintballing when I wore my old camo to a fancy dress party (complete with RT ULE :D ). Since then I've helped him with advice, pointers, even helped him out giving him some of my spare kit...

The problem is... And what I'm most nervous about is letting him down and turning out to be a damp squib. :eek:

Is that normal?

Anyway on to a lighter note... I gather Smart Parts is going out of business (yay?) Special Ops Paintball only make soft goods (semi boo) and my RT ULE is just as awesome now as it was when I last used it...

Comments/thoughts welcome.

07-23-2010, 07:26 PM
play with the rec/renter croud and it'll be like riding a bike. at least it was for me. played against some tourney people and i realized i have a lot to learn again. it was also 3-4 years for me.

07-23-2010, 07:45 PM
Welcome back! No one ever leaves they just think they do. As far as getting back out, just remember your basics (like we all should) and be patient with yous self and get back in to it.

Following is in order:
SP - KIA Yay indeed (except for the employees)
Spec Ops only soft goods yes kinda boo, but it is still decent quality
RT ULE still as awesome as it always was.... Of course it is, its a mag!

07-23-2010, 08:21 PM
You need to ask yourself, self, why am I playing paintball again ?
If your answer is, to make my friend happy....you are in for a long day.
If your answer is, to have fun...then you will.


07-23-2010, 10:55 PM
And, to answer your three questions: Yes!, yes, and YES.

Have fun, and the adrenalin will kick in and you will do fine.

07-23-2010, 10:57 PM
Welcome back!



Is it me or despite the economy, have there been more of these "I'm returning to paintball" threads?

07-23-2010, 11:52 PM
Just take it slow for the first couple of games. It will come back to you. I go through the same thing when coming back from a long break.

07-24-2010, 10:50 AM
once you feel that slight sting of the first paintballs you wont be nervous anymore, just pumped for more. that's what i found after being away for a 10+ years. oh and also my body could not keep up with my mind....so stretch and work out! paintballs show no mercy to a cookie dough a$$. :shooting:

07-26-2010, 05:09 AM

I had a fantastic day playing with fantastic people. Everyone was very friendly.

Unfortunately my Mag wouldn't chrono below 370FPS then developed a leak :eek: then my back up marker decided to chew through its HPR o-rings...

Grabbed my mates Tiberius 8 and got out there anyway. Apparently its brave to play just with pistols...


07-26-2010, 09:02 AM
I give you the same advice I gave everyone else as a ref. Go out onto the field when they aren't playing a game, and have a friend shoot you. Once that's out of the way, the fear will be minimal.