View Full Version : sp inline maxflow need help

captian pinky
08-03-2010, 12:09 AM
i have an smart parts inline maxflow and it is dumping 2k into my mag this is not supposed to happen. doesn any one know how i can lower this.

if i back the adjusting cap out the pressure drops off to much to shoot and mag has slow recharge. the mag works fine on other tanks

on/off works its not that

thank you for your time

08-03-2010, 03:24 AM
I don't see the problem :rolleyes:


Follow the link and compare it to your setup. I'm thinning something is either backwards or a seal has possibly given out.


Plz let us....me know what you had backwards http://forums.worldofwar.net/images/smilies/large/smiley_evil.gif