View Full Version : need help with an emag

08-15-2010, 10:26 PM
I recently purchased an emag cheap from the original owner knowing it had problems. battery pack was junk, got that replaced. where the positive lead attaches to the rail, it was disconnected. i found a nylon bushing and washer and have that fixed. now when it powers up, only the first four digits of the LED bar seem to work. by pressing the buttons on the trigger frame i can get the letters "TRG" to appear. the LED bar has some cracks in the clear cover. I checked the solenoid, it showed 3 ohms. not sure where to go from here. please help. I do not know if i should replace the LED bar or if there is serious problems with the board and should be looking for a replacement.

looks like a first generation, stainless steal body, twist lock barrel, short power feed. the number on the valve is EM00299. the only thing plugged into the sockets on the board lead to the sensor by the trigger magnet. I do not have the tourney plug with the loop, or an ACE board cuz there are no eyes, or a warp feed wire. It is missing the switch for the electronis or manual mode, and the plug to disconnect the battery with out disconnecting the entire pack.

08-16-2010, 06:06 AM
You'll need to check the connection on the LED display. The back section is obviously not working. Usually that is just a connection problem since these are sealed units. Cracks won't affect them other than cosmetically. If you still have a problem, you can order new displays.

The solenoid should be fine.

The switch is a must if you want to be able to switch to just electric mode or if in manual mode to be able to shoot electronically without trigger bounce.

You can make a battery on-off with a plastic golf tee.

TRG indicates that it might be in trigger check mode. Have you cycled through the menus to see what else shows up?

When tuning your trigger magnet, start with it all the way out. If it is too close to the HES when the gun is turned on, the electronics won't boot properly. You need to adjust the trigger stop before you adjust your trigger magnet. Therefore, it is important that you have the selector switch set to E mode and the trigger stop adjusted so that the trigger rod doesn't hit the back of the trigger before you set the trigger magnet position. Also, the trigger magnet only works in one orientation. If you remove it or if it has been removed, be aware that a non-functioning trigger could be just a matter of flipping the trigger magnet.

08-16-2010, 05:58 PM
from what i have read. the top button is for going through the menu and the bottom button is for selecting stuff in that menu. when i press the top button the screen kinda flickers some garbage, then goes blank. after pressing it 4 or 5 times it appears with the "TRG". but sounds like i need to do some more reading, It fires fine in manual, but I am not used to the trigger. seems like a long pull and little stiffer than my RT. I would love to get electronic mode to work. I have never seen one operate in real life other than videos. I left paint ball not long after buying a brand new rt classic, i blended a whole bunch of paint, and had problems at the local feild with stuff so I left the sport, trying to get back into it. figure the only way i will consider running an electronic marker is if it is an agd product.

08-16-2010, 07:10 PM
Think I am on the right path now. When powered up it displays AGD 3.2.
diffrent menus are:
TS 0
and some other stuff I forgot from the walk from the garage to the computer.

Have any tips on getting this tunned in?

Are there better programs you can get loaded onto this board?

How benificial would it be to getting a body that I can install eyes on and find one of thos ACE boards?

Yes I am very excited to see this coming alive.

08-16-2010, 08:05 PM
With a well tuned level 10 and a good loader there is no need for eyes

Also about the the question about new programming

Yes, you can get an xmod flash and it will give you all sorts of goodies ;)

08-16-2010, 08:49 PM
Yes, most of us have our boards flashed with x-mod 1.8.

In your present setup don't worry about TS (Total Shots). Its never accurate and always seems to reset itself to 0 when the battery reaches a low value.

Make sure TRG (trigger) is on, ACE is off. The bps should be set to your desired upper capped rate of fire. Set the SHBF (shot buffer) to a high enough value to keep the gun from going full auto, but low enough to allow the board to pick up any early trigger pulls.

08-16-2010, 09:56 PM
it came with a lvl ten. prob needs tuned.

just got done reading about how to dial in the emag trigger setup from zak vetters web page.

this is pretty cool. lots to read. lots to tinker with. and a whole bunch of possible upgrades.

was checking out tunamart and lukes for stuff.

so who do I talk to about getting the xmod program?

ah scratch that. I am sure i can find it on here. Just need to read more