View Full Version : Foamie Bolts

02-09-2002, 09:14 PM
What's the deal with foamie bolts? I have a foamie bolt (I think an old AGD???) on my RT, and I think the thing is sweet...I never ever break balls in the chamber...
I seemed to break way more on my Classic Mag with a stock bolt, non-foamie...anywho just wonderin, cuz I think the foamie rocks, and where could I get replacements?

02-10-2002, 03:17 AM
They should be getting them up on the online store soon. Call AGD for replacement foamies.

50 cal
02-10-2002, 11:26 AM
When I had an RT, that is the only bolt I used. I got it w/ some aftermarket Venturi that blew chunks. Chucked the Venturi and used a foamie. Never looked back.

Sold the RT and got an Emag. Thought about putting a foamie in it but I haven't had ANY problems w/the E bolt.

02-10-2002, 05:05 PM
I have nothing but rave reviews for my foamie. I used to have some ball breaks (2 to 6 a day, sometimes) with my long nosed bolt. I switched to the fomie, and breaks dissapeared.

My friend John had the same thing with his RT Pro. He was having some breaks, I told him to get a foamie, he got one, breaks reduced to nothing.