View Full Version : body-valve compadibility?

09-06-2010, 04:26 PM
I got a message from the guy who bought my x-valve that tunaman fixed up and he says the valve airs up but does not engage the trigger. I asked him which body he was using and he said it was this one:


when I sent the valve to tunaman, he asked which kind of a body it was to be used on and I said ULE (since that kind of the most common body x-valves are used on these days) is there some type of tuning that is specific to body type, and would him using the above named body be causing the trouble?

09-06-2010, 05:19 PM
an X valve should work on any rail body combo except the classic RT , that being said he may have to buy a new on/off pin to make it work depending on what type of rail he is putting it on