View Full Version : Another handy tip guys!

09-07-2010, 10:24 PM
If you shoot a reball across the room at the floor near the corner, it will hit the floor, hit the wall...

And come flying back towards your face at damn near 300fps!!

Hope you can move as quick as I did!

(And no, I'd ignored the urge to put on a mask before testing that. Srsly. I'd had the mask in my hand before I put the air to the gun, and said to myself, "nah, nothings going to come flying toward my face. What could happen?")

09-08-2010, 11:39 AM
Thanks for that. A good giggle to get me through the day. :rofl:

09-08-2010, 05:54 PM
Nice a :tard: moment for sure, but thanks for the laugh. Glad you made it out ok to.

09-08-2010, 07:05 PM
They'll bounce off a floor and come back up under your mask too!

Other reball pheomena:

You can also flatten a reball- takes alot of weight but they'll squish right down and never come back. They've been known to chop in markers (Tippmanns, Spyders) and loose big gouges, and they will inflate with oil if you constantly lube them and shoot them (air pushes oil into the ball).

09-08-2010, 07:10 PM
(air pushes oil into the ball).
Is that actually true?

I've never heard anyone give a def yes or no to that Q.

I have a few pods of reball that I let the kids play with mainly. Only a few have ever seen any action through a marker.

09-08-2010, 08:13 PM

She probably thought she didnt need any protection either


09-09-2010, 01:34 PM
wow styg, just wow. that had to have hurt like no other.

09-09-2010, 02:39 PM
Is that actually true?

I've never heard anyone give a def yes or no to that Q.

I can tell you with 100% certainty that this will happen with Mighty Balls brand reballs. I work very closely with an indoor reball field (see tag) and we have done it to the first few thousand balls we used.

Chemically, Reballs and Mightyballs are not that much different from eachother, the difference is the values of two specific materials found within them. I've forgotten the specific chemicals but I can look it up, we've had both reballs and mighty balls independently tested in a lab to find out their composition. The difference in their composotion gives reballs a higher durometer reading (stiffness) than mightyballs which is what leads mightyballs to have so many problems. Being that they're basically the same makeup it does stand to reason that they will react similarly, however, it is my belief that reballs, being stiffer than mightyballs, will be more resistant to oil injection but not completely immune to it.

We have swelled up mightyballs to larger than .890- Big enough to get stuck in most barrels and stack several within the barrel so that they need to be shot out by pushing on the back with a dowel. This is *not* normal use- This happened over thousands of shots as these balls are used commercially and shot roughly every 4-5 games at the field, with a game lasting 5ish minutes, and the field being open 40h a week. I could not tell you when the balls first showed signs of swelling.