View Full Version : Paintball birthday party??? 9-year old

09-16-2010, 12:38 PM
I've been playing for 20 years, so I'm not new to this.

My son has played once, a year ago. He did alright, but there were a few tears after the first couple of hits. He has been talking all year about having a paintball birthday party for his 9th. Now, all of his friends are old enough for the local field. This is not going to be a cheap party. My wife is grumbling a little, but really wants to do something so as not to disappoint him. Just looking for thoughts/suggestions/opinions.


09-16-2010, 12:47 PM
I've been playing for 20 years, so I'm not new to this.

My son has played once, a year ago. He did alright, but there were a few tears after the first couple of hits. He has been talking all year about having a paintball birthday party for his 9th. Now, all of his friends are old enough for the local field. This is not going to be a cheap party. My wife is grumbling a little, but really wants to do something so as not to disappoint him. Just looking for thoughts/suggestions/opinions.


This might draw sneers and derision...but it's worth at least checking into whether anyone rents .50 caliber equipment in your area.

They hurt a lot less and I think are better suited for kids than 68 caliber. They don't have the same range, which is good since most kids aren't going to be crack distance shooters, so it will force them to get in closer where they'll spend more time shooting and playing and having fun than bunkering and camping like I usually see the young kids doing.

And I doubt the fields or the other kids parents would let you do this, but I think it would be valuable for kids to learn how it feels to get shot by a paintball before they're allowed to shoot someone else. I've seen a kid go out their first time and just light up another kid not knowing how painful that is.

edit: Oh and I'm sure you already know this, but tell the kids to bring LONG SLEEVES AND NO SHORTS. Sweatshirts if they have something they can get dirty and it's not a million degrees outside.

09-16-2010, 01:01 PM
This might draw sneers and derision...but it's worth at least checking into whether anyone rents .50 caliber equipment in your area.

They hurt a lot less and I think are better suited for kids than 68 caliber. They don't have the same range, which is good since most kids aren't going to be crack distance shooters, so it will force them to get in closer where they'll spend more time shooting and playing and having fun than bunkering and camping like I usually see the young kids doing.

And I doubt the fields or the other kids parents would let you do this, but I think it would be valuable for kids to learn how it feels to get shot by a paintball before they're allowed to shoot someone else. I've seen a kid go out their first time and just light up another kid not knowing how painful that is.

edit: Oh and I'm sure you already know this, but tell the kids to bring LONG SLEEVES AND NO SHORTS. Sweatshirts if they have something they can get dirty and it's not a million degrees outside.

no one does .50 cal in the area :)

we always tell people 10 years of age, in the past i know we have let 9 year olds play as long as they were with parent at all times.

i always recommend a private group for kids just so not only are they with friends but its players of the same skill level and temperament.

matt, you know we got birthday packages give us a call @Gateway or Bushwackers :D

guess you could always go to xtreme.. :p

09-16-2010, 01:36 PM
I agree that they should have to get shot before playing, thats how we did it when I started at age 11.

Definitely do private party, having some @hole l33t jerk out there lighting them up will ruin the experience for them.

I would recommend chronoing down to 250 or less.

09-16-2010, 03:05 PM
Any chance of wearing a good jacket? I knew a kid that played in a wool lined corduroy jacket, even when the weather was getting on the warm side. Leather works too.

My son was scared to do it at 9. At 10 he said "when can we go?" He pouted at being bonus balled, but I didn't hold that against him. If yours has already taken a good hit, I wouldn't be too worried.

09-16-2010, 03:53 PM
I agree that they should have to get shot before playing
I actually disagree with this. Being hit with a paintball when you're not already hopped up on adrenaline hurts more. This extra pain may cross the threshold of "that's not so bad" and "I don't want to play because that really hurt." I think it's best for a new player to experience their first hit in a game, when it will hurt just enough for them to know they are out.

...just my two cents.

09-16-2010, 04:23 PM
I cant wait till my boy turns of the age to play.

I like when my local field has young kids bday parties. I will go out there with my pump and I will actually help the kids play. usually my buddy will go on one side, and ill go on the other and sort of "coach" if you would. I dont really shoot at them. Its really fun to see the young ones get into the game. Anythign I can do to make the young ones experience the best it can be and come back and play again.

I agree with the letting them get hit in the game,

09-16-2010, 05:17 PM
I agree that they should have to get shot before playing, thats how we did it when I started at age 11.

Definitely do private party, having some @hole l33t jerk out there lighting them up will ruin the experience for them.

I would recommend chronoing down to 250 or less.

Chrono @ 250 is an excellent alternative to 50 cal. It's hard to compare precisely, but based on my recent experience of being shot with .50 cal I would say it's similar to being shot at 250ish with 68.

09-16-2010, 10:13 PM
I actually disagree with this. Being hit with a paintball when you're not already hopped up on adrenaline hurts more. This extra pain may cross the threshold of "that's not so bad" and "I don't want to play because that really hurt." I think it's best for a new player to experience their first hit in a game, when it will hurt just enough for them to know they are out.

...just my two cents.
I just told mine he had to be willing to get hit, and you can't really play or have any fun hiding on the field and surrendering. We did talk about tactics, loops, and angles before he ever started.

Probably a subject for a whole other thread, but I think one of the worst things for a noob is to be bunkered by suppression. They need to know that they have to shoot and/or move.

09-17-2010, 10:41 AM
I's say to chrono the markers down to 220 or 250 and also to take your son out to play before the birthday so he can try it before doing it with all his friends. That way he will be able to try it out and see if he really likes it. Here in Brazil, most of the fields run borthday parties to kids that age and that's what they do. A lighter game, with less speed on the markers and less balls for the children to shoot. Also, they rent some padded vests to protect the groin, chest, stomach and back of the children. If you don't have this kind of chests for rent, then you could recommend all of the kids to wear some extra layers of thick clothes. They will sweat more but still have some fun.