View Full Version : new gun, new outlook, same bs

bound for glory
09-20-2010, 02:10 AM
been out of the game for quite a bit, and i've been planning to piece togeather an emag. got afew parts, but nothing bigger than the xvalve(key part that it is). some of my students were getting into paintball, and i got more interested in playing again. plus, my boy can play next spring, so :)
anyway, last summer i bought a house about 4 miles from skirmish usa, in jim thorpe, pa. now, i've had a love/hate thing going with skirmish scince i played my first game there in march of 1984. mostly me, sometimes them. :rolleyes: i will like to add, the fields are nice, and if you call them after a bad time, or tell someone, they like to hand out free passes. though it must also be said thier paint prices are absolutly :tard:
a very dear friend of mine works at EMR paintball and plays for blues crew. so he has been looking out for mag parts to help my project. he hooked me up with the xvalve for $125. but it would still quite some time before i got the emag togeather.
anyway, he gives me a call and tells me he has a present for me. i'm thinking mag parts, but nope...he shows up at my house with a russian legion timmy.
i had a timmy many years ago, it did'nt work well, and was glad to get an emag. sold the timmy. well, i have seen some nice timmys. but i'm a mag man, what do i want with a tmmy?
took it to my back field and :shooting: thing rocks. my friend then hands it to me and sez, "buy a tank, its yours"!. :cheers: and this thing shoots. he got it from some guy who borrowed money YEARS ago and this was his payment. he gave it to me because i helped him out of some trouble 10 years ago. some people to hounor friendships.
and to break this commie basterd in, we go to skirmish yesterday :cry:
we had a great morning. really. gun was just shooting ropes. and it felt good being back. then it happened...
there was a guy in our group, with his girlfriend, who was *****ing all morning. then someone(or so he said) stole his paint back at the rest area. and he was yelling about it. me and my buddy were moving up the left tape on the rollos field and there is this guy and his girlfriend. they were just standing there in the open, so i assumed they were out of walkinf off. so my friend yells "are you out"? they act like they just noticed us, and :shooting: its on. long story short, the girl gets lit up.
the guy starts yelling and 'f this and 'f that. my buddy, who is more than tired of this bs, walks up and pretty much tells him to shut it and get off the field. now his girl starts to act like shes gonna smack me or my friend. and no ref around. now, my friend and i were bootboys back in our youth, so fighting does'nt mean anything to us. except now, as adults, we would go to jail for breaking this guys head...
the guy, who looks to be about 25 keeps it going, even as we are walking off. the girl yaps to the ref, who looks about 17, does'nt know what to do. we all get housed :rolleyes: before we leave, the ref calls the people up front and me and my friend are meet on the road to the parking lot. i think its to tell us not to come back, but the office guy gave us 2 free passes. why? because the kid ref radioed them and said we were'nt at fault. the guy and his girlfriend were acting up all morning. i did;nt care...i was almost out of paint.
the kid was too affraid to speak up. but my timmy is great, the day(up to getting tossed) was fun, and nobody got hurt. skirmish and bs. fun, fun :spit_take

09-20-2010, 07:05 AM
oh my god

09-20-2010, 07:47 AM
what the hell is a boot boy ?

09-20-2010, 08:09 AM
what the hell is a boot boy ?

Bootboy often refered to young men who gathered in groups and stomped the living crap out of people by either being provoked or no reason at all... The boot of choice was normally 8 or 10 eye Doc Martens (with or without steel toe) with certain colors of laces meaning different group affliation...

"Docs on your feet give you credit on the street "

I hope that answers your question


09-20-2010, 12:28 PM
I like the 2k5 timmys. Delicate, but at least they are relatively maintainable.

bound for glory
09-20-2010, 11:59 PM
the timmy is really nice. like i said, i had one for a very short time years ago, and it was not very good. this one has an out of the box apperance. or whoever owned it before gave it no /little use or took great care of it. it does have an upgraded board, and looks brand new. still not happy that its not an emag, but i figure i have a great shooting russian legion timmy, and i can resell the mag parts i have. putting togeather an emag would have taken me through next season, so i guess that project is dropped. thou i may keep the mag parts and upgrade my son from his tippman 98.
anyone have a link as to the background to the russian legion timmy? it was for a tourny team, was'nt it?
and btw, not all bootboys are/were bad people...right josh?

09-21-2010, 08:31 AM

I am sorry if my response came out as ill will... I ran with 10 eye Docs on my feet (Black, Dark Tan or Ox Blood) back in High School which was many moon ago... I know where you are coming from and you are right,,, not all Bootboys are the neo-n--- skins that people think of first when they hear that term... My crew wore thick black straight laces in ours because we didn't want to be affiliated with the wrong crowd... We were just out to have a good time and rock out,,, but if it came to a boot party we didn't back down (but we didn't go looking for them in the first place)... I hope that is a little better understanding to my answer...


09-21-2010, 09:30 AM
Hopefully they had such a lousy time they won't come back.

09-21-2010, 10:01 AM
Is there actually any other boot than Docs?
Aside from Justins, I REALLY like docs, they just cost so damned much.

bound for glory
09-22-2010, 12:06 AM
i owned many a pair of docs back in the day. had a pair of london underground ox bloods(always wore 8 eyes), which were very nice. but my most kick *** boots were a pair of german paratroopers boots(also 8 eye). used in verious acts of mayham and violence ;) but that was waaaay back in the day. lived it, loved it, left it. but we had fun. back in nj, the trads and the wp guys got along ok. it was when politics was added :confused: then there was gonna be a bootparty.

09-22-2010, 12:08 AM
Is there actually any other boot than Docs?
Aside from Justins, I REALLY like docs, they just cost so damned much.

Georgia Boot's.

09-22-2010, 08:50 AM
the timmy is really nice. like i said, i had one for a very short time years ago, and it was not very good. this one has an out of the box apperance. or whoever owned it before gave it no /little use or took great care of it. it does have an upgraded board, and looks brand new. still not happy that its not an emag, but i figure i have a great shooting russian legion timmy, and i can resell the mag parts i have. putting togeather an emag would have taken me through next season, so i guess that project is dropped. thou i may keep the mag parts and upgrade my son from his tippman 98.
anyone have a link as to the background to the russian legion timmy? it was for a tourny team, was'nt it?
and btw, not all bootboys are/were bad people...right josh?

Right. ;) Well, sometimes. :D

John, Glad you're out playing again. But, I swear to god, for being a goddamn TEACHER, use some PARAGRAPHS. Reading your posts make my brain hurt.
:rofl: :cheers:

Hope all is well with the family, the school, and the M&M's (if you're still doin' that thing.)

bound for glory
09-22-2010, 05:52 PM
all is well, brother :cheers: and i don't work at m&m anymore. its 60 miles to the school i teach at. too much gas money. but everything is fine. boys getting big. gonna be a thug :rolleyes:

09-22-2010, 05:57 PM
apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

09-22-2010, 08:09 PM
I wanna be a boot boy now. haha but yeah its always a fun day when someone freaks out at the paintball field, although in my experiences no fists are thrown just ropes of paint from point blank. Of course I took no part in it I was just a spectator. :D

bound for glory
09-22-2010, 10:16 PM
thats funny, josh :) i'm not many miles from scanton, which happens to be home to the keystone skins. we have 4-6 here in our small town. we get flyered at least once a month...
kinda weird. just at the end of august, there were some old guys(late 50's), with talbs set up in front of the post office. handing out flyers against obama. i live next to a concilman who told me the town has always been democrat. my wife and i walked up to see what they had to say, and(much to my wifes :nono: ) i said"you guys are the dips***s that voted for the goof in the first place... :rofl:
and i'm not tring to be political...just some very weird goings on up here in these little hill towns. i miss new jersey ;)

09-23-2010, 02:50 PM
thats funny, josh :) i'm not many miles from scanton, which happens to be home to the keystone skins. we have 4-6 here in our small town. we get flyered at least once a month...
kinda weird. just at the end of august, there were some old guys(late 50's), with talbs set up in front of the post office. handing out flyers against obama. i live next to a concilman who told me the town has always been democrat. my wife and i walked up to see what they had to say, and(much to my wifes :nono: ) i said"you guys are the dips***s that voted for the goof in the first place... :rofl:
and i'm not tring to be political...just some very weird goings on up here in these little hill towns. i miss new jersey ;)
Ye Gods, BFG I know what you mean... I am a couple of hours south and west of you in sunny ol' Bedford County. It's always someone else's fault, isn't it?
Don't you just hate it though, cats and kittens go play paintball and then want to act like they got brass balls when it comes to getting tagged.
Eh, what are you going to do?