View Full Version : Getting a new RT Custom

09-26-2010, 02:59 PM
My local shop has an on the shelf RT ULE Custom with all the upgrades, like RT and level 10 bolt. And I haggled the price from $400 to $350. I want to jump on the Automag owners boat. But I am wondering if I should get this one that he has. Or could I do better else where? I am going to pick up the gun tomorrow, as soon as I get the money. I want to turn it into a pneumag, with one of tunamans frames.

09-26-2010, 05:24 PM
350 for a new RT ULE is more than 100 less than from AGD, good find there really isn't much better out there. If it is a pnuemag your going for it is a great place to start.

09-26-2010, 05:52 PM
Sounds like a good find , does it have a X valve ??
Pic's are required :)

09-26-2010, 06:34 PM
Yes, it has an X Valve. Pretty much everything is on it. I was debating on either that, or one of the used electrics. Like a gloss black Bob Long Protege for $375, '05 Ego for $250, new original Impulse $200, Infinity Legend $400, new Bob Long '05 Intimidator $300. But of course, I REALLY wanted to build a pneumag. And the electrics just seemed so nice. So I wanted to make sure I was getting a good find, before I spend my money on it. Or wait until I can find another one, and just get one of the electrics. He wants to get rid of it, since no one here in Miami, or anywhere else for the matter, appreciate Automags anymore. All the Miami city boys want the latest and greatest, fashionable name brand electrics. I think its been sitting there collecting dust on the display wall for years. Ive seen it before with the same sticky tape marks on the body since four years ago. Hes dropped the price, and it still hasnt sold, its just there in the corner of the wall. Maybe I should have asked for $300, but I didnt want to get greedy on him.

09-26-2010, 06:36 PM
It is a good deal. Buy it quick.

09-26-2010, 06:48 PM
You sure youre not just saying that, so I can buy one of those frames from you ASAP Tunaman?

09-26-2010, 07:45 PM
Offering 300 wouldn't have been greedy. Always offer low so he can counter. But still, 350 for a new off-the-shelf 'mag is still great. Finding a deal like that on forums and whatnot would be tricky. 'Mags are still appreciated, just have to find the right people. I think I'm the only one at my local field in Des Moines that uses them.

09-26-2010, 08:20 PM
Yeah, I suppose it would have gone a bit up and ended somewhere close to $350. He sort of shook his head and thought about it for a moment before agreeing to it. So I guess I did pretty good for $350. Im known to be a cheap *** in that shop anyways. So he probably would have tried to squeeze out as much as he could out of me. Im always haggling in Mom and Pop stores. But I prefer to buy from them than through the internet. But I dont like paying the high prices either. Its like a balancing act. I really want to build a pneumag, and have an electric to the side too. I am going to sell my Ion and get some kind of high end stack tube poppet. Either a Bob Long, or an Ego. I like having a pneumag, but I dont want to give up on electrics after Ive tasted them. I am wondering if my Crossfire will work the RT trigger good. I know that it varies from mag to mag.

09-26-2010, 09:33 PM
You don't need to worry about the tank's output if you're going with a pneumag since you won't be RTing.

09-26-2010, 09:51 PM
Yes, but at first I will want to RT it. Then get the pneumag later.

09-27-2010, 10:36 AM
I paid $385 for a slightly used version of what you bought. I felt like I got a great deal. You sir, got a steal. :clap:

As much as I love my pneumag, my E-cocker still runs circles around it, so I can understand why you still want an electronic gun. But the thing the Mag has on any generic "flavor of the week" electro is personality. Buy an Ego or Timmy if you must, but realize that your Mag will always be cooler. :headbang:

09-27-2010, 04:26 PM
Yes, but at first I will want to RT it. Then get the pneumag later.

Any Mag can be set up to R/T , a red Crossfire is a good start , i've got a couple that will R/T with just that

09-27-2010, 04:27 PM
Well I got it, and tested it today. I chrono'ed it to around 270 before I ran out of paintballs. But I am having some bolt stick problems. I am going to try and put some oil in it, and shoot 20-30 blank shots to see if it will fix the problem. Ill probably post some pictures up soon. Yeah the Automag does have that "coolness" factor. But I am electro spoiled though, so this is different than what I am used to. That Intimidator did look nice though.

09-27-2010, 06:28 PM
Tune your level 10 and oil it should fix the stick. If you want it to RT get a emag length on/off pin, works great with a crossfire reg for me. Pics ASAP, if you can.

09-27-2010, 06:59 PM
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/themedievalman/5031730460/" title="IMG_0125 by TheMedievalMan, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4133/5031730460_c8af79d2d3.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="IMG_0125" /></a>

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/themedievalman/5031092715/" title="IMG_0119 by TheMedievalMan, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4131/5031092715_4c9a703c04.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="IMG_0119" /></a>

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/themedievalman/5031715766/" title="IMG_0120 by TheMedievalMan, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4149/5031715766_2ca7e6da9a.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="IMG_0120" /></a>

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/themedievalman/5031103703/" title="IMG_0121 by TheMedievalMan, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4118/5031103703_af935892d8.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="IMG_0121" /></a>

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/themedievalman/5031725708/" title="IMG_0122 by TheMedievalMan, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4132/5031725708_27f10682d5.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="IMG_0122" /></a>

09-27-2010, 08:34 PM
The owner of the shop said that he will find an old PMI adjustable regulator that he has hidden around. I think he is referring to the THOR that they used to make. He will sell it to me for $35. I dont know how good those regulators are though, but maybe it will help me RT my Automag more. Should I get it, or pass?

09-27-2010, 11:00 PM
think you can get a new ninja reg set to 1kish for that much and lots of mag owners have enjoyed them.

IMO id go new with a reg so you don't go hunting on ebay for parts next year.

09-27-2010, 11:05 PM
Yeah, Ive looked up on some of the reviews on the PMI adjustable. And a lot of people say that they are unreliable. How much do those special order Ninja Regulators go up to? Do I have to have it at 1200 psi? Or can I go lower, and still shoot fine with the RT trigger? How low of a pressure is too low? If I get this regulator, it will only work for my Automag, and not for any of the other guns. I dont want to put 1200 psi in an Ion.

09-28-2010, 06:47 PM
Mags need 600 psi minimum according to the rail (really) but the valves are rated to 3000. Stay away from the PMI reg, had one hated it crept up and down on its own couldn't find parts went in the scrap bin. Just call ninja and ask for them to shim it up for you.

the mag guy
09-29-2010, 12:17 PM
I swear ninja came into the business catering to the almighty mag. I have had many tanks and many mags, but my favorite tank by far is the ninja tank for RT. I used the stock ninja reg configuration (800-850 psi out) and was getting easily 20+ bps when RT-ing (with an emag pin). No shootdown or anything. If you're not RT-ing at the rate you'd like try lowering your velocity until you get the cps you want.
Ninja Regs are shimmable and you can order additional shims from ninja to get your regualr tank up to about 900-950psi. I think their stock reg can shim from 600-950, but don't hold me to that. If you want to go higher than that they do make the parts for it and you have to order it separate. You can also purchase a tank directly from them with the 1000+ psi range, but you can't drop it lower unless you change out the internals to the stock ones.
I highly suggest salling them and talking to them, their customer service is amazing and they shipped me extra shims at no charge because the tank didnt come with any! Their customer service is as impressive as their recharge rates, its awesome. I'm not affiliated with ninja at all, they're just a damn good buy.

09-29-2010, 04:45 PM
I swear ninja came into the business catering to the almighty mag. I have had many tanks and many mags, but my favorite tank by far is the ninja tank for RT. I used the stock ninja reg configuration (800-850 psi out) and was getting easily 20+ bps when RT-ing (with an emag pin). No shootdown or anything. If you're not RT-ing at the rate you'd like try lowering your velocity until you get the cps you want.
Ninja Regs are shimmable and you can order additional shims from ninja to get your regualr tank up to about 900-950psi. I think their stock reg can shim from 600-950, but don't hold me to that. If you want to go higher than that they do make the parts for it and you have to order it separate. You can also purchase a tank directly from them with the 1000+ psi range, but you can't drop it lower unless you change out the internals to the stock ones.
I highly suggest salling them and talking to them, their customer service is amazing and they shipped me extra shims at no charge because the tank didnt come with any! Their customer service is as impressive as their recharge rates, its awesome. I'm not affiliated with ninja at all, they're just a damn good buy.

I dont fully understand. Why do I need an E-mag pin? Ive heard people tell me this. But remember, I am still new to Automags. So I am not fully understanding its importance. I have my Crossfire that has a high recharge rate, and is giving me 850psi. I have the RT rod at credit card length away from the back of the trigger. And I have the level 10 bolt well tuned, and the velocity is around 280-290 fps. But I am still not getting a rapid response from the RT like a lot of you are having. What does the E-mag pin do to improve this?

09-29-2010, 06:26 PM
I dont fully understand. Why do I need an E-mag pin? Ive heard people tell me this. But remember, I am still new to Automags. So I am not fully understanding its importance. I have my Crossfire that has a high recharge rate, and is giving me 850psi. I have the RT rod at credit card length away from the back of the trigger. And I have the level 10 bolt well tuned, and the velocity is around 280-290 fps. But I am still not getting a rapid response from the RT like a lot of you are having. What does the E-mag pin do to improve this?

850 psi is probably a little to low on pressure to R/t the x valve. I had a crossfire that put out 850 and was not able to get My x valve to RT effectively. However at Living Legends this year I went to the Ninja vendor table and had them custom a new ultralite reg to around 926 psi when he tested. It greatly improved the RT. Its not out of control but is still fairly easy to sweet spot now with the high pressure. The higher the output pressure you go on the reg the easier it will be to RT the valve. 850 IMO is just to low from experience.

The emag pin to my knowledge makes it easier but is not necessary

09-29-2010, 06:30 PM
I dont fully understand. Why do I need an E-mag pin? Ive heard people tell me this. But remember, I am still new to Automags. So I am not fully understanding its importance. I have my Crossfire that has a high recharge rate, and is giving me 850psi. I have the RT rod at credit card length away from the back of the trigger. And I have the level 10 bolt well tuned, and the velocity is around 280-290 fps. But I am still not getting a rapid response from the RT like a lot of you are having. What does the E-mag pin do to improve this?

The emag pin is shorter, this allows the on/off to reset faster (shorter distance) IIRC, basically the shorter the pin (to an extent) the faster the RT at a given input pressure. With what AGD charges for the pins a whopping $8 each it is worth it to pick a few up of different lengths .750 is standard .712 is the emag length. I have a .728 in my x valve right now and a .712 in my classic RT just for giggles.

09-30-2010, 07:28 PM
Sjrtk nailed the pin thing, but a cheaper trick is to get two of the longest pins you can find, and slowly (as in .001 to .003 at a time) file it down. If your looking for the mag to just work well, go until your mag just rt's (like it doesn't rt here so I file off .003 or so and whoops it rts), figure out that length of that "just-rt's-pin", and add .003 or so to that length. Then file down your second pin to that length.

Or if you want ultimate rt, file the first pin bit by bit until your marker starts leaking. Then file the second pin to almost the same as the first pin, just a hair longer, and voila. My emag is as fast in mech mode as it is in semi that way... :rolleyes:

Or if you hit a point where the mag works and it just feels right, you can leave your first pin there and keep the second as back up along with your stock one.

Edit: Only cheaper if you have calipers, but calipers are awesome so there worth it. :)

09-30-2010, 07:51 PM
OR you could just leave it STOCK OEM and NEVER have to mess with it again. ;)

09-30-2010, 07:54 PM
OR you could just leave it STOCK OEM and NEVER have to mess with it again. ;)

You know, there is a certain amount of Wisdom to this statement. I usually get a gun and instantly want to make it better. Mostly, I just make it where I have to work on the thing, just to get it right. Last coupla guns that I have gotten, havent touched them, pure stock. And, I seem to play more, have to tinker less. Hmmm........

09-30-2010, 07:57 PM
OR you could just leave it STOCK OEM and NEVER have to mess with it again. ;)

Come'on B , were Mag guys we never leave anthing " stock "

09-30-2010, 08:20 PM
Leave stuff stock? BLASPHEMY! Lolz.

On a serious note, even with hours of tuning (had to honestly), my mag is my most reliable marker. No probs whatsoever.

Then again, my mag is my only marker right now. Everything else was working till I got my hands on it. :rofl: (As in I tore them down, then ran out of money halfway through the project and threw the remains in my closet).

09-30-2010, 08:42 PM
You know, there is a certain amount of Wisdom to this statement. I usually get a gun and instantly want to make it better. Last coupla guns that I have gotten, havent touched them, pure stock. And, I seem to play more, have to tinker less. Hmmm........

LOL guess I was wise before my old age. I can sweet spot all day IF I want on stock OEM with 850 psi in. Ask that guy Zak Vetter. All his vids for RTing were stock OEM. ;) He made sure of that.

Come'on B , were Mag guys we never leave anthing " stock "

Ya I be a Mag guy to. But my ZO6 and 500SL sitting in the garage are all OEM stock. ;) Just like my Mags. Hit the gas OR pull the trig it will go just fine thank you. :ninja:



09-30-2010, 09:07 PM
Ya I be a Mag guy to. But my ZO6 and 500SL sitting in the garage are all OEM stock. ;) Just like my Mags. Hit the gas OR pull the trig it will go just fine thank you. :ninja:



..and they all have handicap plates on them :)

09-30-2010, 09:13 PM
Ya I be a Mag guy to. But my ZO6 and 500SL sitting in the garage are all OEM stock.
You mean you haven't drawn that 10-71 blower or the big slicks on those posters yet!

What the heck are you waiting for?


09-30-2010, 10:52 PM
Leave stuff stock? BLASPHEMY! Lolz.

On a serious note, even with hours of tuning (had to honestly), my mag is my most reliable marker. No probs whatsoever.

Then again, my mag is my only marker right now. Everything else was working till I got my hands on it. :rofl: (As in I tore them down, then ran out of money halfway through the project and threw the remains in my closet).

Sounds like me. I have a highly upgraded project Ion that is in pieces in a shoe box. And everyone keeps asking me when I am going to fix it again.