View Full Version : Worst Paintball Bruise ?

10-04-2010, 05:07 PM
Whats the worst paintball bruise you've ever had ?
(post a pic if you gottee)

Saturday took a very close proximity couple of forehead shots thru a military one size fits all type cap.
Goose egg city. Iced in between games.
Next day the eye started getting a bit black.
This morning worse.


Needless to say, even though its still pretty warm here in sunny Florida, I'm on a mission
to find meself a nice thick beanie.


10-04-2010, 05:10 PM
Where's that pic of Cyberave from Tunaball 3?
Seriously, I think he has a vitamin deficiency :tard:

GH, that sucks :(
I've taken a shot between my hat and top of my mask before but nothing that looked like that.

10-04-2010, 05:24 PM
My worst bruise is usually my pride :( but damn that actually might be an improvement GH :D

10-04-2010, 05:28 PM
I got drilled pretty good in the temple this past PIU. Looked like a 3rd eye.

Looks better now tho.

10-04-2010, 05:31 PM
Yeah it swelled out a good half inch, it looked bad right after it happened.
I was in a good spot right on the tape line where advancing enemy couldnt see me.
And had already surrendered one guy.
I could have lit this kid up because he didnt know I was there.
I knew there was a lot of new players out so being the nice guy I am I told him to surrender and he lit me up.
The sun was glaring on me goggles, if I'd seen his Ego I would have just shot him.
We were both prone.

Needless to say nice guys finish last, and even though knowing lots of new players were out,
and I did do the right thing.....I wont be surrendering anyone ever again :tard:

10-04-2010, 05:47 PM
Got clocked by a first strike round at 40' once. My girlfriend wanted to draw eyes and a mouth on my welt, she said "it'd look more normal"

10-04-2010, 07:18 PM


Took a shot from about 8-10 feet away, when one of my friends rushed into the castle when he wasn't supposed to. Nailed me right in the back, by my left shoulderblade.

10-04-2010, 09:10 PM
Whats the worst paintball bruise you've ever had ?
Needless to say, even though its still pretty warm here in sunny Florida, I'm on a mission
to find meself a nice thick beanie.

If you don't mind wearing a helmet of sorts you can always pick up a Pro-Tec A-Alpha Half Shell... I wear one for night games because I hate catching a paintball to the melon after dark... They are vented very well and lets a nice breeze flow through... I live in TN and play also down around Tampa Fl from time to time when visiting my in-laws who live there...

Here is a pic of the one I wear for night games

There are other players that I know that wear one all day because they hate catching bouncers to the melon as well...

Here's a link if you are interested : http://www.protechelmet.com/proddetail.asp?prod=4811931HSmil

Hope that helps with the melon protection if not try a Hundredth Monkey Turtle Cap : http://hundredthmonkeypaintball.com/index.php?pg=store&pr=cap&col=black

Now to stay on topic the worst for mine would have to be one I caught in the inside left bicep at OK D-Day in '08... Turned the whole inside of my bicep a nice bright red to purple color and took a month for it to go away...


10-04-2010, 09:16 PM
Yowser...I don't think I've ever been hit in the head so bad that my eye bruised. That looks painful.

I regrettably never took a picture of my worst paintball bruise. It happened just this year. I got shot out and I raised my hands up, calling myself out. I got bonus-balled about 4 times, including one to my fingertip with no gloves on. My finger swelled up like a grape.

10-04-2010, 09:48 PM
I've had my junk turn purple because of some painful shots. You'd think Id learn to wear a cup after that.

10-05-2010, 08:54 AM
Where's that pic of Cyberave from Tunaball 3?
Seriously, I think he has a vitamin deficiency :tard:


It turned a few shades darker by the next week...

Hey Twilight heres your vitamins... :shooting: :shooting: :shooting:

10-05-2010, 09:10 AM


more like lots of bruises.

10-05-2010, 09:13 AM
O'my Christ!?!?!?

Can you say overkill :rofl:

10-05-2010, 09:13 AM
more like if you get that shot up you must really suck at paintball. get a tan Casper

10-05-2010, 09:15 AM
I hope this was from one of your tests, cockerpunk. If you get shot this many times in a normal day of play I think you should stop dispensing paintball advice. j/k :P

10-05-2010, 09:18 AM
It was probably the aftermath of some ramping little bastard on the field. Not to mention he was probably shooting over 300fps or Cockerpunk just bruises easily... :rolleyes:

10-05-2010, 09:23 AM
I've had my junk turn purple because of some painful shots. You'd think Id learn to wear a cup after that.

I remember the one time I was shot there....I got hit, called my self out and walked off the field. Then I looked where I got hit and thought wow I'm surpised that doesn't hurt more. Then all of a sudden the pain hit me in a wave and I went down.
Kinda like when the coyote ran off the edge of a cliff and didn't fall till he looked down.

10-05-2010, 09:39 AM
that was living ledgends final battle.

went over the top 5 times. 600 odd poeple shooting at you the second you pop up over the top ... it doesn't end well. i counted well over a 100 hits.

10-05-2010, 11:24 AM
This was the result of an Iron Man game. Basically you play till you can't handle the pain or until you are out of paint.

At one point during the game I was a human shield for about 3 players. One of which kept shooting me in the arm from 2 feet away. Most of these shots were from 20-30 feet away.


Notice the with shirt and without shirt picture. My shirt only has 1 paint splatter on on the back. But my skin tells a different story...

Old School 626
10-05-2010, 11:34 AM
And I was 20-30 feet away from Smooth... in both pics. :rolleyes:

10-05-2010, 12:35 PM
And I was 20-30 feet away from Smooth... in both pics. :rolleyes:


Thats what you get for shooting marbels.

10-05-2010, 11:51 PM
terrible pic, but...


this was from about 12 years back. some guy had been bunny bashing with is 98 and never bothered to turn the velocity back down. i snuck up behind him and told him to surrender from 10' away. he said "ok, ok, ok" put his hands and gun up, turned around to face me, and then opened fire.

the picture was taken after it quit bleeding. the round put a hole in that t-shirt i was wearing and tore a dime sized chunk of skin off my chest. the faint, but wide orange ring you see around the pink and red is actually swollen skin. within just a few minutes of being hit, it looked as though someone had stuck a golf ball under the skin right there.

that was the last time i've ever offered anyone the chance to surrender for any reason.

10-06-2010, 02:49 AM
Turtle Cap from 100th Monkey is an awesome accessory.

Camo Turtle Cap (http://hundredthmonkeypaintball.com/index.php?pg=store&pr=cap&col=camo)

I will not play without mine now.

Aside from the 3 hits to the top of the dome administered by Trina at TB3 when I mistakenly thought the wall was clear at the Alamo and tried to rush into the door, I have not had ANY welts since I started wearing it.

The reason for wearing it in the first place - 6 shots of Nelson Hotspot from less than 10 ft away that left me dizzy and puking all evening. Unfortunately don't have pics but my dome was very bumpy!

Aside from that - I was knocked out at one of the Michigan Monster Games. I was carrying the aluminum airplane frame that nobody could shoot you when you were holding onto it - someone didn't get the memo. Walked by a building and some guy popped up in the window - shot me right in the temple from less than 6' away. I collapsed on the metal frame and came too a few seconds later. This was the shining moment where I decided I would ALWAYS wear side shields on my goggles (Old JT Spectra goggles) My face did a similar swelling thing as yours, but I don't recall getting a black eye from mine.

Was this a shot you took wearing your new Dye goggles? Can we see a pic of the goggles on your face? Seems like that area should have been covered by most goggles...


10-06-2010, 06:32 AM
I hope this was from one of your tests, cockerpunk. If you get shot this many times in a normal day of play I think you should stop dispensing paintball advice. j/k :P


10-06-2010, 12:18 PM
Not my back but a friends, got bunkered by a guy shooting hot. I felt so bad because this was his first time out, and right before this game we had convinced him to shed 3 of the 5 fleece jackets he was wearing. Even though it was 85 degrees outside, he put them right back on before the next game.


10-06-2010, 12:46 PM
I got drilled pretty good in the temple this past PIU. Looked like a 3rd eye.

Looks better now tho.

Be careful with that kind of hit. I saw a guy get one in the temple from a fair distance and it dropped him straight down. He was still conscious, but the ref had to help him up and off the field because he couldn't find his feet. Don't skimp on that side protection. That's half the game anyway. :rolleyes:

10-07-2010, 08:40 AM
I went to TX Ball 2010 and all I got was this lousy bruise on my left bicep.

10-07-2010, 10:55 AM
I went to TX Ball 2010 and all I got was this lousy bruise on my left bicep.

Thats a nice one!!!

10-07-2010, 12:18 PM
I went to TX Ball 2010 and all I got was this lousy bruise on my left bicep.

a month or so ago I got shot on my left bicep... it wasnt a hot shot or anything, and the next day it looked just like that. Almost looked like i was hit with a bat or something. it was probably 5+ inches in diameter.

10-07-2010, 12:54 PM
a month or so ago I got shot on my left bicep... it wasnt a hot shot or anything, and the next day it looked just like that. Almost looked like i was hit with a bat or something. it was probably 5+ inches in diameter.

Those mystery bruises have happened to me before too. I took a bounce off the left thigh a couple months ago and it was a 3 inch purple spot for almost three weeks. Never even hurt that much, and I don't easily bruise.

10-07-2010, 03:42 PM
I went to TX Ball 2010 and all I got was this lousy bruise on my left bicep.
Which game did you pick that one up?

10-08-2010, 03:15 PM
Not real sure ...it didnt really hurt it just looked like Dammit.

10-09-2010, 06:29 AM
Similar to the other bicep shot, but larger:



10-09-2010, 10:21 AM
So along with picking up a thick sweat band to go under my one size fits all military style
hat, I decided to mod my I4 mask a bit for a little more forehead protection.
I got Profilers and other similar VForce masks all over the place.
So I took the visor off one and stuck it on the I4.
Looks a little goofy from the side but I'm going with it.
My forehead is still sore after a weeks time, not to mention the black eye is just now starting to slowly fade away
(the black eye eventually got twice as bad as the pic shows) .





10-09-2010, 11:57 AM
So along with picking up a thick sweat band to go under my one size fits all military style
hat, I decided to mod my I4 mask a bit for a little more forehead protection.
I got Profilers and other similar VForce masks all over the place.
So I took the visor off one and stuck it on the I4.
Looks a little goofy from the side but I'm going with it.
My forehead is still sore after a weeks time, not to mention the black eye is just now starting to slowly fade away
(the black eye eventually got twice as bad as the pic shows) .

I've noticed my v-force visor cuts down on the top air flow, especially with a head wrap on. I put some holes in the visor for a fan and decided to just try the holes for a while before adding the fan.

10-10-2010, 08:09 PM
Wasn't me but one time :eek: I shot a kid in the jugular and he turned purple in the face, then blue

10-12-2010, 07:52 PM
Pic was taken a good hour after I was hit.

http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/9503/0530091811.th.jpg (http://img4.imageshack.us/i/0530091811.jpg/)

Shot by a guy shooting 320 at the muzzle, LL2, didn't even hear the report but we could hear the balls wizzing by us. Sucked.
I remember wiping the hit and looking at my hand. My first thought was "this guy is using illegal paint, it's supposed to be white fill not pink fill", and I called a ref over.
Wiped again, second thought "that's wierd, it's only pink in a few spots".
Wiped a third time, realised what happened, grabbed my towel and pressed it to my neck. Ref asked if I was ok, I said yes as long as he caught the guy who shot me. He asked a few people around me if they saw what happened, he ran off in the direction of the guy who shot me.

Ref saw me later, guy was shooting 320, got his card punched. I was happy.

Ouch at some of those bruises, are people all hemophelliac or something? :eek:

10-12-2010, 09:16 PM
wo paullus99.. I think you have the lead right now for the worse looking bruise hands down...

10-12-2010, 10:16 PM


more like lots of bruises.
looks like just got done playing x ball

10-13-2010, 08:06 AM
looks like just got done playing x ball

xball doesn't even compare, having played many days of Xball, it is nothing near as terrible as that.

10-13-2010, 03:15 PM
had a bruise about the size of a golf ball for 8 months once on my thigh.
Game started, we were rushing, I couldn't even see anyone yet, and I felt this horrible burning pain on my thigh, looked down, and I was hit. Someone was clearly shooting hot. After 6 months the purple colour went away, then 2 months later it was finally all gone.

10-18-2010, 09:06 AM
So I finally have a pretty good one. The best description I can give is that looks like a 1" diameter red circle, with another half inch of yellowish bruising around that, then another 3" past that of general purple bruising. All that is raised up about 1/2" from the regular part of the skin.

I was clearing a building that I thought only had 2 people in it, when I left the building a 3rd poped out and shot me in the lower (REALLY lower) back from about 3 feet away. It seems he didn't know proper ettiquette for surrendering people because he shot and spoke at the same time. I would post a pic but due to the location of the bruise I don't think it falls within the realm of non-nudity. Plus I'm not crazy about having pictures of my business all over the internet.

10-19-2010, 03:36 PM
This is a good one! watch the end when he takes his shirt off,


He did that for a case of paint, the guy that did that in their last gauntlet video got a rotor lol. I wonder how he felt the next morning.

10-25-2010, 06:19 PM
I got one right in the jugular a few years back, my girlfriend gave me hell cuz she thought it was a hickey!!!!

10-27-2010, 07:39 PM
I played two 40min games of X-ball, multiple matches per game and only suffered a few noticeable hits. Most of the time you get hit on the mask or gun. I played about 4 individual games of X-ball in an unreffed practice session later, and counted over 40 hits on me after, including 7 on the back of my head and behind the mask from being shot after I was walking out. They were the ones that hurt the most. They have a tendency to swell.