View Full Version : Amy Has 140 Emails!!!!! Thank You AO!!!

02-10-2002, 01:29 PM
To the Steamroller That is AO,

You have once again come through in a big way! After working late last night I just woke up to find 140 emails in her inbox, nice job!!

The pen (or the email in this case) wields a lot of power. Not only is Amy coming, you have impressed her with the number of people we have here and the quality of your requests. Not one was rude or impolite.

Let's imagine a conversation between her and her teamates during practice.

Amy: After practice I am going to and internet party tonight.

TM: What's an "internet party"?

Amy: A bunch of guys are geting together in the Airgun Designs forum and chat room.

TM: You are going to kill your saturday night for a few drooling teenagers in a chat room?

Amy: There are going to be way more than a few and many of them are fathers, college students and professionals.

TM: How do you know that?

Amy: Because 150 of them emailed asking me to come and be the featured guest. They told me who they were and were very nice about it. They are giving away signed photos of me from Aruba!

TM: (jealous look) 150?? Well NEXT time remember your part of a TEAM here!!

TM: Hey everyone you should hear about the Airgun Internet Party tonight!

This is the way the word spreads. If you can email on request like this there is almost no limit to what I can bring to the forum. If I was talking to Renick Miller about doing the SFL Emag and he was shaky because he didn't think there were many people interested, 150 emails would certainly change his mind in a flash.

Good job AO I am proud of you!!


02-10-2002, 01:32 PM
Ha hah, you have too much spare time Tom.

I fit into the drooling teenager persona anyways :)

02-10-2002, 01:37 PM
after seeing that pic i was a drooling teenager.....how many members are there???We should have got over 150

02-10-2002, 01:57 PM
Yeah, drooling teenagers demographic! Whooo!

Hey, you forgot the elves!



The E-Mag is ... MINE!

02-10-2002, 01:57 PM
Did she like my E-Mail? lol


02-10-2002, 02:00 PM

This is the way the word spreads. If you can email on request like this there is almost no limit to what I can bring to the forum. If I was talking to Renick Miller about doing the SFL Emag and he was shaky because he didn't think there were many people interested, 150 emails would certainly change his mind in a flash.
Now I have to be the wet blanket again…. LOL 150 e-mails from folks willing to chat with some Model in a chat room and forum is a FAR cry from 150 Confirmed orders for a $1400+ Marker. ;)

I understand your idea about the power of mass requests, but you just compared apples to oranges… sure they are both fruits, but you can’t make apple pie with oranges. :D And as was mentioned before here on AO, “interest” alone does not cut it, and e-mailing “interest” about an item but then not intending on actually buying it can cause more problems than good. The credibility of requests coming from AO would suddenly become more worthless than Enron Stock.

Again, interest in a party, and interest in a product are two different things. I would hate to see a fiasco happen because they were treated as if they were the same.

Good job on the “Date” though. :D:D:D I am sure this will be a blast, as usual.

Please keep in mind that yesterday and today have been unusually slow days for AO.

02-10-2002, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by irbodden

I fit into the drooling teenager persona anyways :)

me too

02-10-2002, 02:10 PM
Ha ha tom. What would have been even funnier is if you immitated their voices! Thats great to haer she is coming, and I cant wait 'til the party. Glad to see AO in a good name.

Tom make SHURE it is not on a school night/ work night. ALOT more people will show up if it is.
Thanks once again tom.

Kaiser Bob
02-10-2002, 02:10 PM
Sweet! Now when can we expect the scheduling to begin?

02-10-2002, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by shartley

Now I have to be the wet blanket again...

Here comes Shartley the wet blanket again. One day we can all live in elf world where people like Shartley can't come tell us the truth.

02-10-2002, 02:14 PM
Geez, spend a saturday OUT doing something and not around my computer and look what happens...


02-10-2002, 02:21 PM
...We are tha champions, my friend.....

Shartley, u spoil the fun, lol.

02-10-2002, 02:24 PM

Way too much free time. Work on Dave's extreme E-Mag design, I want one for the love of God.

02-10-2002, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by AGD
college students
Good job AO I am proud of you!!

I am one of the college students.

02-10-2002, 02:53 PM
drooling college student!!! i am a hybrid. cool.:D

02-10-2002, 03:41 PM
This is awesome how she is coming. This will be an awesome thing. Thanks Tom for getting everything set up!

02-10-2002, 04:02 PM
when is the party??

02-10-2002, 04:12 PM
how about you stop the emailing thing and give all the people that emailed her a free warp i think thats a good idea, dont u all?

02-10-2002, 04:41 PM
Fre Warps for everyone....compliments of Tom! :D

Its awesome to hear that she is coming. Please make sure its not on a school night!

Drooling teenager....I don't think that is enough to describe me.http://www.freakygamers.com/smilies/s2/contrib/scorchio/sawink.gif

02-10-2002, 04:52 PM
Did her teammate just call me a drooling teenager??:rolleyes:
Anyways ,now lets discuss this whole e-mag situation..

02-10-2002, 06:23 PM
So what type of E-Mag are you going to be giving away???:D ;). It's cool that Amy is going to show up. When is the party going to be? Hopefully it will be on a friday night that way I will not have to worry about going to class the next day (not early anyway, I have a saturday class at 9:00am). Lets us know what happens next.

02-10-2002, 07:02 PM
Free Warps? Yay! Lol yeah when is it going to be? Sounds like this could be really fun. Wha's the contest I haven't been around in a while.

02-10-2002, 11:45 PM
I miss AO for one day and all this cool stuff happens... lol!

I emailed late anyway, she's gotta come to the party!

We should get !Everyone! to go to the party... an AO extravaganza!!!

02-10-2002, 11:53 PM
to bad i'll be working. sucks having to work all night. and who knows for sure it's gonna be her? it could be anybody pretending to be her. hmmmmmmmmmm. hahahahahah, just kidding.

02-11-2002, 12:11 AM
Hmmph..someone left out Professional Soldiers....

02-11-2002, 07:51 AM
I think she woulda got way more if so many had not been misreading it to say ARMY was kissing a picture and posing in a two piece...


02-11-2002, 09:39 AM
also i would like to add that tom is spamming his own website:)

no more than 3 "!"

haha, im playin, anyways, i cant get in the chat room because the computer lab doesnt have the ness. software. so looks like im S.O.L.

where will the contest be? main forum?
just wondering

02-11-2002, 12:04 PM
speaking of aruba every x-man my grandparents take the family there... im gonna try to go in septembe(thats wehnit is right?)god woudl that be sweet

02-11-2002, 01:15 PM
I'm a good kisser, and hey, I look damn good in a two piece bikini!


02-11-2002, 01:22 PM
I cannot get that "vision" outa my head...(shiver):(

02-11-2002, 02:29 PM

sorry phil i gotta replace your anal pucker factor quote with that great one from army

good one



02-11-2002, 02:33 PM
No problem Cliffio. However I doubt its true! :D

Lone Gunman
02-11-2002, 07:01 PM
Oh, I don't know about that!

cphilip, what you said about the backstreet boys is currently my favorite quote.

02-11-2002, 09:23 PM
or just go ahead and steal it whatever
but I WAS THE FIRST, i was on today when he posted that!!
i have RIGHTS



02-11-2002, 10:53 PM
i fit into the teenager catagory, not the drooling catagory. Although i guess some guys who arent teeagers can take care of that for me. ;)