View Full Version : Whats Your Hopper Of Choice ?

10-08-2010, 08:53 PM
I've been using an Empire B for like 7 years.
Just recently picked up a Rotor.

Whats your preferred hopper ?

The Empire B never let me down, I just got sick of buying shells for it.

One problem is the Tac One started acting up with the Rotor.
Last two times out it flat out wouldnt fire, with a full hopper,
yet it dry fired like a banshee at the house.
I'm going to test it tomorrow with the Empire B, but the only variable is the Rotor.
It went from working great to not at all.

The MacDev Drone works great with the Rotor so .......



Frizzle Fry
10-08-2010, 09:08 PM
I use a Pinokio on my mags, and I have two Halo Bs for my Angels, Excal, Diadem, Ego (electros in general).

To be honest, I prefer a 12v revvy for rec play, and always have one around.

Pump Scout
10-08-2010, 09:50 PM
I'm a Prophecy guy for my motorized hopper needs. I've run it on my electros, my Cocker, and my J2 pump. Seems like overkill on the J2, but I liked having the capacity at a bigger event. When a grav hopper is the ticket, I've got the new-model Sport Shot, which works great on my pumps.

Having watched Bob Long's videos testing the G6R lately, it reminded me why I'm not a fan of hoppers that are slaved to eyes. Once the paint is gone, those things are insanely loud, spinning nonstop!

10-08-2010, 11:00 PM
Revi...the really old ones with a lid from a viewloader pod. Best, most durable hopper made, hands down.

10-08-2010, 11:34 PM
Revi...the really old ones with a lid from a viewloader pod. Best, most durable hopper made, hands down.

That doesn't count as three votes for a revvy, punkncat.

Although I agree. I'll probably stick with my revvy forever. If for some reason I ever need to outshoot that, I need to examine my strategy, not my hopper.

10-08-2010, 11:49 PM
Dont like empires, most people i know with one have had to send it in for something. Its to complicated, and they crack and brake. I got a rotor and love it, and it feels like a hopper i will have for a long time.
For rec ball with my epic i am going with a revi or gravity.

I think you know the one going_home. Its great for shooting renters.

10-09-2010, 12:13 AM
im still running the surviving one of two fastas. and a 12v revvy that actually just had the eyes die on me this past weekend......i think ill be in the market for something new soon. i like the size and simplicity of the rotor.

10-09-2010, 01:10 AM
I have a V35 Halo I like a lot but since I never take my markers out of semi,it's not enough to warrant anything much more than a 12V Revvi. Since I average a 6-9bps walk...I don't need anything faster really...

10-09-2010, 04:50 AM
I have 3 prophecies and 2 Halos all with the rip drive. I love them for the fact that on startup if they don't load properly you can use the rip drive on the bottom them to feed. If the loader jams, gun jams, or batteries die in it, you can use the rip drive to feed balls.

10-09-2010, 07:01 AM
I havent heard of any issues with mags using Rotors. Might want to also check the feedneck to see if there is something up with the way the loader sits in it. Also might want to check the detents.

10-09-2010, 07:30 AM
So far my prophecies have been exceptional hoppers.

10-09-2010, 08:12 AM
I havent heard of any issues with mags using Rotors. Might want to also check the feedneck to see if there is something up with the way the loader sits in it. Also might want to check the detents.

I was thinking along the lines that maybe the Rotor is exerting more force on the paint then the Empire B is, but I will check the feedneck and detents. Thanks.
I like playing with the Tac One over the Drone only because I tend to use less paint.
But I dont want to have to use the Empire B on the Tac either.


10-09-2010, 08:44 AM
You can adjust the tension screw in the rotor for a less forced feed. I use my rotor for my T2, Mags and my Etek 3. Never had a issue in the year I have had it. Never changed the battery's either. Still going like the day I bought it.

10-09-2010, 09:59 AM
I like my rotor but my favorite hopper of all time was my pulse.

10-09-2010, 10:59 AM
I've had my Prophecy going on two seasons now and I have no complaints - works great on my Pneumag as well.

I also like my old Revvies as well, but they are kind of right at the threshold of not being fast enough for my Pneumag. My lvl 10 works well, but I'd rather not risk it...

10-09-2010, 12:29 PM
I'll throw my vote in for the prophecy as well; very reliable and easy to clean.

10-09-2010, 12:58 PM
Dye Rotor gets my vote
Its fast , very durable and easy to take apart and maintain.
And it runs on three AA battery. :headbang:

10-09-2010, 02:25 PM
I have several, several loaders. The one I like the most is the Magna, with the Magna shell. I really like it's weight and balance. After the Magna I'd say the Torque and after it, my VLocity. For the slowest guns, the Revvy.

Now, if I'm playing pump, I love the small 50rd APP, then the Sportshot (although it's a little bulky) and the Winchester.

10-09-2010, 02:35 PM
I LOVE my Rotor on my Tac One. Keeps up with the higher Flatline tank input and higher RT effect and super light ULT set-up.

Simple, reliable, no programming, just turn it on and go. Looks good. Feels good on the gun and well balanced.

On my non ULT, X-Valved Classic Mag, with standard 850 input tank, I use an older Richocet Apache or Revy with X-Board.


10-09-2010, 02:45 PM
I've been using a pinokio for a few months now. Had the rotor, had the prophecy and I love my pinokio. Its easy to clean, I've yet to change batteries, you can run water through them and the capacity is a huge advantage on the field.

10-09-2010, 04:05 PM
I use a rotor, my mag doesn't like to have revy on top(it open the lids when fired .. annoying)

captian pinky
10-09-2010, 04:19 PM
i rock the rotor and revys(2 12volts old styleand a 9v)

Frizzle Fry
10-09-2010, 05:21 PM
I havent heard of any issues with mags using Rotors. Might want to also check the feedneck to see if there is something up with the way the loader sits in it. Also might want to check the detents.

I've had problems with any sort of forcefed loader on any of my mags; my level 10 tends to be slightly more picky unless I adjust the detents, and then I end up with doublefeeding issues as they work more and more loose. In the long run, it doesn't seem like you an outshoot a Revvy/Fasta/Pinokio/Apache when shooting at legal speeds (or 5bps above legal speeds) so I guess I don't see the point even if I didn't encounter problems?

10-09-2010, 06:26 PM
That doesn't count as three votes for a revvy, punkncat.

Although I agree. I'll probably stick with my revvy forever. If for some reason I ever need to outshoot that, I need to examine my strategy, not my hopper.

Sorry, server issue...totally unheard of :eek: :eek: :eek:


10-09-2010, 06:35 PM
Only had a Revvy, old one too so it'll never break. But I find that I am starting to outshoot it pretty easily. I love it cause its simple and reliable, and really I don't need to shoot that much anyway.

Otherwise, the only hopper I own is a winchester, and as far as pumps go, its all I want and need.

10-09-2010, 09:16 PM
Rotor, but I always will have a Revy for back up

10-09-2010, 09:50 PM
My vote is for the Rotor due to ease of use and maintenance not to mention I put the batteries in my first rotor and played for almost 6 months straight playing every weekend not having to change the batteries once although I still have my original B2 with a hybrid shell and virture crown as my backup

10-10-2010, 12:46 AM
I've run a 9v revy forever....then got a 12v revy. I modded my 9v for my warped tac one. The 12v I run with my minimag. And recently I got a Ricochet 2kx which I love. I've never owned a force feed hopper.

10-10-2010, 01:09 AM
I own: 12V Revy, Ricochet AK, Rico Apache, and a Halo V35 which is my only force-feed hopper besides my warp-feed..

12V never let me down, on anything, still my all time favorite hopper. Just wish it fit my warp better. Still, was the first aftermarket hopper I ever bought and it's still on original shells, lid, and internals.
Almost every time I use my warp it has a Rico on it. I normally use the Apache, but earlier in the year a friend used it and broke half of the feedneck forcing it into his gun so I've been using the AK. I repaired it once and it broke almost instantly, I repaired it a second time and it lasted me a day of play. I finally just the other day dremeled the other half down to match the cracked half and got it on the warp with the little half inch of what was left of the feedneck, I'll see how long/well it holds up.
The AK has some stripped screws but it holds together fine with some hockey tape.
Finding Rico shells is impossible and complete hoppers are rare, which sucks since many are still using their internal design without the warp-friendly shells like Spyder, Tippmann, and even Pinokio...

Used the Halo once, jammed like crazy but it was a very hot/humid day and I was shooting RPS Evil that was improperly stored in a semi trailer for the whole weekend (LL3). I was able to rip-drive it to get it to feed, so it isn't a total bust, I'll have to see how it works in better conditions. I like how it works, I like the eyes, I like that I can set it to only 16bps, and I like the lid, I dislike the weight and the battery choice. First thing I did when I got it was 9V mod it. The weight I really can't change.
Really I keep it as a loaner and a backup hopper, if I ever get a vert-feed electro I'll use it primarily on that. As of now my speedball gun is a T2 so the Revy is fine on that.

10-10-2010, 01:23 PM
The Rotor is by far my favorite.

Aside from the ease of use, teardown, cleaning, maintenance and general indestructibility, I noticed something whilst poking around my local shop looking for another hopper that runs on AA batteries: the Rotor is like 1/2 the size of everything else. Well, maybe 2/3s, but the profile is so ridiculously small and tight relative to everything else.

I haven't had a hopper hit on my Rotor yet, and I'm usually the guy everyone's gunning for when I play - lots of crossfires, but more targets for me.

I've had the same 3 Sam's Club AAs in my Rotor since about April and it's still going strong. I usually play every weekend and go through about 1/2 to 3/4 of a case of paint.

If I could only have one piece of my gear and had to rent the rest, it would be a tough choice between my Profilers and my Rotor.

Honestly, I like it more every time I play with it.

10-10-2010, 02:14 PM
Well on my RT i run the Halo on all the pumps i run the revvy, sport shot, APP, or stock class. The revvy will be on more than the Halo (double duty on the pro-carbine and loaner duty). I tried the Rotor mabey it was just me but i hated the feel like the magna just to far back. It worked flawlessly though.

EDIT: Warp fed minimag favorite for head turning.

10-10-2010, 07:55 PM
halo b internals, powerlyte cranium shells and cheetah boards... all day long :shooting:

10-11-2010, 07:04 AM
I'm sure there will be a slew of post about how its not a hopper so it doesnt count, but ever since I decided to give a q-loader a try last winter, I will never go back to a regular style hopper.

10-11-2010, 09:01 AM
Still rocking my revy. I play primarily woodsball which means I'm playing against a big mix of guns, but mostly things like A-5s, BTs such. I don't find rate of fire to be as big a factor in the woods as it is on a speedball field, mostly because you're engaging at longer distances most of the time.

That said my revy can get up to 10-12 bps no problem.

10-11-2010, 05:57 PM
I don't find rate of fire to be as big a factor in the woods as it is on a speedball field, mostly because you're engaging at longer distances most of the time.

That said my revy can get up to 10-12 bps no problem.

But 15 seconds of consistant 15bps can't hurt at those distances either, lol. :shooting: :shooting:

Nah, I hear ya. I rarely shoot over 12bps in woodsball, even though I easily can. If they are so far away that I need to shoot a lot to hit them - I get closer. Much closer...

10-11-2010, 07:30 PM
I use a empire reloader modded into an original 12V revvy shell, best setup there is. You get the durability of the revvy shell and the sound activation/speed of the reloader kit. I also have a halo B for my faster shooting.

10-12-2010, 12:03 AM
But 15 seconds of consistant 15bps can't hurt at those distances either, lol. :shooting: :shooting:

Nah, I hear ya. I rarely shoot over 12bps in woodsball, even though I easily can. If they are so far away that I need to shoot a lot to hit them - I get closer. Much closer...

Yeah, the thing in woodsball is that I could throw a hundred balls at someone...but if I'm so far away that they have time to DUCK before the balls actually reach them...I'm kinda just wasting paint.

To be honest the times I shoot the FASTEST are actually when I'm running and I know I won't hit squat unless I increase my odds a little, and also to give myself a little suppression while I'm running to the next bunker.

10-12-2010, 12:51 AM
For my X-mag, or any other gun, I prefer to use one of my Revvys. I've got a Rotor for a backup that hasn't seen any use from me.

10-12-2010, 08:57 AM
I always use my revy. Bought it roughly 10 years ago. It began life as a 9v revy, then swapped in the xboard from a 12v revy at the same time adding a jms? impeller

10-12-2010, 10:24 AM
Ricochet 2k

10-12-2010, 01:37 PM
Prophecy. My only complaint is the magnetic lid, it pops open on rough landings. I need to look into getting stronger magnets.

10-12-2010, 07:37 PM
Prophecy. My only complaint is the magnetic lid, it pops open on rough landings. I need to look into getting stronger magnets.

They make a snap lid for it....

10-13-2010, 11:19 PM
Or you could get a speedfeed.

I currently have 3 hoppers (excluding the gabillion gravity feeds I have).

I Have an Evlution 2... It was my first hopper, back when I was uneducated. It has worked great for me, though. The lid design isn't spectacular, but I never chop with it. And the only times it got damaged was from user error (I broke the speed adjuster the first day I had it, tightened it down too far; and I cracked the shell near the feedneck by accidently throwing it onto tile).

I also got a DXS Pulse. Got it from a co-worker for 10 bucks... feeds as fast as I'll ever need, and it doesn't weigh too much. Unfortunately, I can't use the cool field stripping capabilities due to the amount of damage the shells have sustained... The tray is held it with packing tape. :cry: I don't really like how it boots into the RF mode,seeing how none of my guns has an RF chip.

And I just got an Empire Reloader. Not the Halo, the revi. The seller blatantly lied about the shells (the battery door barely stays on, and the feedneck is broken in half) but I like the fact that it's sound activated. I haven't used it yet, but I'm fairly certain that it's going to be my favorite.

10-14-2010, 05:27 AM
I havent heard of any issues with mags using Rotors. Might want to also check the feedneck to see if there is something up with the way the loader sits in it. Also might want to check the detents.

Well the problem I was having wasnt the Rotor.
Somehow the trigger pin had fallen out and I didnt notice it.
I had sone 1/8" round stock I picked up at Home Depot so I cut
a piece and replaced it.
So the Empire B is retired and the Rotor is the go to hopper now.
