View Full Version : Google Cars Drive Themselves, In Traffic

10-10-2010, 08:40 PM


A Prius is just......light in the loafers.
But when they offer 4 door truck I'm all over it.

Who's next, you ready for one ?


Frizzle Fry
10-10-2010, 09:08 PM
Not interested.

I'd rather be driving with idiots who are held responsible for their actions than idiots with cars that drive themselves who will shirk the blame and the "malfunctioning" cars manufacturer...

Never mind the massive restructuring of automotive laws, both on the level of federal safety laws and state-to-state driving laws, which could render your car usable in Oregon but not Utah or whatever, and probably result in LOTS of "self drivers" being pulled over in states where they're not legal just to check that they're genuinely driving, which would be barely enforceable anyway... Plus, anybody who owns a Prius (and isn't a total dick, so very few I'd guess) knows that (1) if you're hit and need to be towed, they'll cut the battery, congrats your car is officially totaled, and 2) like the stats concerning "cruise-control accidents" and "smart" cruise control mistakes show, this will cause as many problems as it solves.

As far as state laws go, in MA, you technically can't use the "self-parking" feature on many luxury cars, as you need to be fully in control of the vehicle when driving on a public road. If they'd have tested these Priui here, there'd be a lot of Google testers looking at jail time.

10-12-2010, 02:28 PM
interesting technology, and yes, it will become popular. that is as long as the privatly owned single unit of transportation is something that is in our long term future.

most poeple consider cars appliances. thus, cars are becoming more and more appliance-like. its only a matter of time before systems like these are the mainstream, again, provided transportation in the form of a car remains the norm.

i should also solve so many problems - like drunk driving. that is the number 1 killer on our roads, and a system like this is impervious.

i personally don't like it, becuase i enjoy driving, i enjoy a country road in a fast car with windows down. but in a world where cars are more seen as appliances and less as freedom, fun, and a hobby, then of course a system like this will eventually take over. then again, i also like sleeping in my own bed after getting falling down drunk at a bar, and right now that is unsafe and stupid.