View Full Version : Question for feedneck, trigger & general AGD

10-16-2010, 09:34 AM
So I'm looking for a no-rise lever-clamping feedneck. Not sure what they're actually called, the ones with the lever that you can just flip open instead of having to use an allen like the CCM feednecks. Also, I understand that the Angel markers feedneck threading shortened a few years ago but I wasn't sure if a newer Angel feedneck would fit just as well as an older one. Thanks.

For the trigger I was wondering if anyone knew where I could pick up one of thos RF Fireblades or whatever they were. They had almost that scyth kind of shape, the one that's supposed to work well for semi-auto walking.

And my AGD question which is a beaten horse but just a curiousity of mine. What's really holding AGD back from even trying to advance their products? I know the market is dominated by budget electros and whatnot but it's like they haven't even tried to do anything with their line. Hell, it could be simple stuff like clamping feednecks, milled rails instead of that stamped steel stuff, on/off ASAs, perhaps trying to make a more efficient valve or messing with lighter material. 10 years ago it's like they had a crew that actually wanted to compete and now they're just sitting back hoping that 'mag owners are spreading the word and doing the marketing work for them. And lets say there is some chance that they've been working on something all these years, they don't even communicate with the community.

Either way, I love 'mags, that's why I'm here. I've tried the small electro craze and it's just not fun. I always go back to my gearbag after a game with an "new and hip" electro and pick up my 'mag. Always will. Just my $.02.

10-16-2010, 11:02 AM
A+ Anodized and Machine make a good one, I have a couple. LOOK HERE (http://www.aplusp8ntball.com/camlock_0.html)

I like the new Magnus triggers maybe one of these will suit your shooting style. Tunaman carries them.

http://www.tunamart.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/Talon01.jpg http://www.tunamart.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/Sabre.jpg

As far as the AGD question: Who Knows?

I think that AGD possibly felt that the industry was heading in a direction that they did not want to go. Making lessor quality markers and trying to flood the market with them. Some of these guns are worth little more then a case of quality paint.

Only AGD really knows the answer. Anything else is just speculation.

10-16-2010, 11:44 AM
Thanks. I remember seeing Kenjay's egomag with the A+ and that talon is exactly the kind of trigger I'm looking for. I also know what you mean on the value of some of these electros that are coming out. Even if AGD felt that way they could still better their product. Hell, the only automags that have really lost value at all are the classic valved mags since most people are keeping their XValved mags updated with milled rails, feenecks, barrels, etc. They could be 5 or 6 years old and worth just as much as a brand new one. But I guess the fact that they haven't updated their products is why the 'mags hold value. Looking at markers like my PM7, it isn't worth half it's MSRP and it's only 3 years old. Eh, I guess I'm just a dreamer.

10-16-2010, 12:29 PM
There's also a selection of carbon fiber triggers being made by somebody on the Dealer's Forum.

Here: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=252992

10-16-2010, 01:41 PM
They're usually called lever-locks or cam-lock feednecks.

Bob Long makes one, but I think it's in Ion threads. Technically Ion threads are supposed to be compatible with mags, but I'm not sure how great the fit is. I know they dont have as many threads, like the newer angel feed necks.

I feed neck with fewer threads should still work, it just won't screw in as far obviously, and that could leave some rough threads exposed for paintballs to rub against. You could probably put in some kind of plastic shim to protect them if it causes any problems.

As for AGD's non resurgence, I think the market for mechanical markers is pretty small for a couple of reasons...even though you see a lot of them, like tippmans and scenario markers people hang onto them for a long time, instead of buying new ones every year or two like they do with electros.

I'm not sure why they don't have a more concerted effort to put product in stores anymore. I think it probably has to do with money. They probably took a pretty big hit when they stopped selling the E-Mag and X-Mag, and I think the company is just kind of running on Autopilot since TK left.

10-16-2010, 03:02 PM
If the Smart parts patent fiasco ever dies and Tom decides to add some new items to the lineup, in my humble opinion...ditch the Emag/Xmag and make an electronic bolt on frame.
Like the V.E.R. frame but maybe a hybrid or even the Intelliframe (I'm a 45 degree guy but the hybrids are nice too).
And upgrade the decrepit online store so you can buy with a mouse click.
I mean really buy as in a Paypal button for everything.
Thats the one knock against AGD at this point, trying to buy from them online is fairly aggravating (as in not easy to do).


10-16-2010, 05:39 PM
How is buying online from AGD difficult?

You use a basic shopping cart e-commerce system that's been standard since the 90s.

Browse and add items. Pay when you're done. You get stuff in the mail a few days later. Sure paypal is maybe convenient for some people, but I guess I'm used to paying for things online with credit cards. Been doing it for a lot of years.

I haven't bought a whole marker from them before, but I've used their system to price one out and it takes less than a minute to do.

I definitely agree with the electronic bolt-on frame though...that's the first product I would release if I were AGD. I'd like to see an electro-pneumatic frame though. The emag is cool because you can retain the mechanical capabilities, but I'd rather have a smaller, lighter marker and EP lets you get rid of the huge battery pack.

If there's a way to do an EP frame and still have mechanical shooting that would be sweet, but it's not a must-have as far as I'm concerned.

10-16-2010, 07:07 PM
Definately agreed on the bolt-on frame. With today's technology battery life in a marker is becoming pretty good. They could still come up with a bolt-on EP frame as well and still hide the LPR. Having the reg behind the valve makes that so much easier. I'm not real big on airsmithing or engineering but I'm real curious about how one would go about making a more efficient valve for the 'mag. I play at all-day-air fields so getting fills doesn't bother me but efficiency does seem to be one of the key points for modern markers. Same goes for weight but I'm not sure what sort of other, lighter materials they could use for the body and rail.

I understand AGD took a hit when they stopped the E/X-mag and mechanical markers don't have the demand they used to but it just seems like AGD is being ran by a guy in a basement. I just wish there was some attempt to further their product line and actually communicate with the AO community. I mean, their products are GREAT, even for the age of the designs but they could be so much more. It just frustrates me that it seems nothing is even being tried.

10-18-2010, 12:58 PM
As been said by many people before, I feel AGD's best shot at resurfacing in the modern paintball world is make Rental Mags for fields. But I'm afraid that the price, compaired to the tippy model 98, would be a tough sell for fields to purchase a bulk supply.
Most of us northern Illinios players know that Fox River Games has used them for as long as I've been playing, 1992. Haven't been there in 2 seasons, but if they are still using them, there is a good chance that some of those Mags are older than the kids renting them, and that is a statment that Tippmann can't even make.

10-18-2010, 04:39 PM
"Angel" threaded feednecks are getting hard to find, as the industry has lumped the ever so slightly different thread pitch (and poor milling tolerances) into the same under the label Ion. I feel like in a year or two, it will go back to Angel with SP and the Ion going away (perhaps).

I had found one by Hybrid that was really nice, and a company called Bulldog or something like that makes one that works nicely in a low rise for cheapish, $15 or so.