View Full Version : Another Ano Question

10-20-2010, 10:11 AM
Is it possible to have something that is already anodized, splashed? I have a marker that is currently gloss black with all of the parts matching and in good condition. Would an anodizer be able to simply take these parts and splash over them without having to strip and reanodize everything? Or am I misunderstanding the process?

10-20-2010, 10:41 AM
short answer , no , you have to start all over , IIRC there is a sealer after anno

10-20-2010, 10:45 AM
No, you can expect the existing ano layer to be sealed. Using heat or chemical bath, the pores are sealed up so that when you get chemicals and dirt on the surface, the dye is unaffected.

That maniac beat me to it.

10-20-2010, 10:57 AM

East Coast Ano
10-20-2010, 08:26 PM
If you are really in love with the existing ano on you gun the only thing that could be done would be to mask off the parts you want to keep and then strip and re ano the parts of the gun that were just striped the way you want them.

Keep in mind

The black would become the splash color since the liquid mask that’s applied would be concealing the black parts of the gun that are not getting touched during the process.
this would also cause there to be a textured feeling to the finished gun since the parts being re-anodized would have been reduced in size some due to the chemicals involved in anodizing, in a process like this special care must be taken to the internals of the gun as to not apply any of the liquid mask to them.

When I get in front of my laptop I will try and post a picture of a part that was masked off striped and polished.

The result was a polished aluminum ASA with a red anodized splash on it

Hope this was in someway helpful or at least informative

10-20-2010, 09:48 PM
It isn't as much being in love with the ano as it is that the ano is going to be literally brand new. Seems like a waste to strip brand new parts, risking throwing tolerances off, and reannodizing them. I'll PM you and discuss some possibilites.

10-20-2010, 09:53 PM
seems to me the way East cost ano described it that would cost more than re-annoing the whole thing in splash?

10-20-2010, 10:57 PM
seems to me the way East cost ano described it that would cost more than re-annoing the whole thing in splash?
Cost isn't the issue. Tolerances are. Think I am going to just keep it like it is and move on. Thanks for the info.