View Full Version : Recharge/Bolt stick problem...

10-21-2010, 03:00 PM
I've had this X-Valve for a number of years, never really got it working quite right. I had another working valve, so I didn't really put that much effort into it until recently. At first, I assumed the problem was the LvL X, because of the constant leaking down the barrel regardless of the carrier size. I replaced the carrier O-ring I was using, and that fixed the problem. I was then able to get the largest carrier size without leaking, easy enough.

Where it gets interesting is here: I threw in the generic 2 shims, test fired a couple of shots, and the marker would have what seems like bolt stick and chuffing (like its bouncing and sticking off a paintball). The problem is especially bad the second I increase my ROF above 1 rnd / 3 seconds My first shot is always good, and seems alright. The trigger doesn't have that smooth, snappy feel that my other xvalve has. It's hard to explain, it just feels slightly off.

-So i threw I installed 3 shims, it made absolutely no difference.

-I adjusted the velocity. No difference.

-I tore the ENTIRE valve down, regulator and all. I oiled EVERY O-ring, and cleaned out and re-greased the regulator. Put it back together, test fired, it made no difference.

-Tried different carriers, and different numbers of shims, it made no difference. The only interesting thing occured when I installed the tightest carrier. When I would fire and then hold the trigger, it would slightly leak down the barrel. Normally the leaks seal up after holding the trigger.....hmmm

-Switched the valve from the RT rail to the Dallara rail, it made no difference. The sears that I'm using have recently been used on other valves and with no problem, so I don't think it's that.

- I've used two 850psi tanks, thinking maybe one of the tank regs was off, but that did not fix the problem.

What the heck am I missing?! I'm just completely lost here and don't know what else to cover. Ideas? :spit_take :cry:

10-21-2010, 03:09 PM
Get rid of ALL of the shims.

Got the white backing washer for your carrier in the bottom?

10-21-2010, 03:23 PM
Get rid of ALL of the shims.

Got the white backing washer for your carrier in the bottom?

I just tried removing all the shims, the bolt continues to chuff as soon as I begin to fire more than 1 shot rapidly.

I did ensure the white washer is still there also.

I'm sorta thinking that it might be the on/off or the reg, but theres no leaking so I don't know how to be sure or how to zero in on the faulty part.

10-21-2010, 03:49 PM
That does sound like the on/off pin could be crowded. A too long on/off pin can do that.

What kind of on/off is it and does it have stock o-rings?

10-21-2010, 04:00 PM
That does sound like the on/off pin could be crowded. A too long on/off pin can do that.

What kind of on/off is it and does it have stock o-rings?


I just swapped the on/off with a known good one, and it works! I appreciate the help Spider. I'll troubleshoot some more to narrow down if its the rings or the pin.....you gave me hope Spider, thanks again!

10-21-2010, 07:39 PM

I just swapped the on/off with a known good one, and it works! I appreciate the help Spider. I'll troubleshoot some more to narrow down if its the rings or the pin.....you gave me hope Spider, thanks again!
Thanks for letting us know you got it.

10-26-2010, 08:05 PM
update 2: The pin itself was fine, it was just the o-rings. I swapped the o-rings out, no more bolt/cycling problems.

10-26-2010, 08:14 PM