View Full Version : Mailed out my two Mags today

10-27-2010, 03:44 PM
I'm a little down today as I just mailed off my two AGD markers; an RT Pro I picked up two years ago in my return to paintball after 4 years, and a E-mag I picked up mid summer that I spent months reconditioning, only never to get to play with it. :cry:
But life happens...had three markers, had to let go of two, and after research, study and monitoring of different auctions and message boards the two AGD markers resale value crushed that of my other marker. Since I need the $ it was a done deal. :(

Maybe if things get better by next season I'll rebuild one, we'll see. Just goes to show that a good quality marker is still worth its value even nowadays. :clap:

10-27-2010, 03:52 PM
I'm a little down today as I just mailed off my two AGD markers; an RT Pro I picked up two years ago in my return to paintball after 4 years, and a E-mag I picked up mid summer that I spent months reconditioning, only never to get to play with it. :cry:
But life happens...had three markers, had to let go of two, and after research, study and monitoring of different auctions and message boards the two AGD markers resale value crushed that of my other marker. Since I need the $ it was a done deal. :(

Maybe if things get better by next season I'll rebuild one, we'll see. Just goes to show that a good quality marker is still worth its value even nowadays. :clap:

Sorry to hear you're put in that position Dolphin, I've been there, but it was a pleasure doing business with you and I hope the money helps you out. Thanks again!

10-27-2010, 04:01 PM
Really sorry to hear that you had to sell your Mags, I hate to see that happen but I have been noticing this a little more often then before.

I am glad to hear that the Mags held their value. Some would like people to believe that the Mag market is gone. I do believe that it is suffering but I feel that this is a byproduct of the bad economy that streches country wide.

Hope you can recover and become a happy Mag owner real soon

Good Luck! :cheers:

10-27-2010, 04:05 PM
I too am sorry to hear about your mags, but I am sure that you will be back soon. What marker do you have left?

10-27-2010, 04:30 PM
I too am sorry to hear about your mags, but I am sure that you will be back soon. What marker do you have left?

I still have my Infinity Legend only used it twice, I saw a guy on E-bay trying to sell one with a halo hopper and and 68/4500 tank and he couldn't get over $300 for it.
Its an awsome marker, just over kill for my rec & big/senario play.
I'm glad to hear the E-mag is going to a good home.

10-27-2010, 06:19 PM
I am glad to hear that the Mags held their value. Some would like people to believe that the Mag market is gone. I do believe that it is suffering but I feel that this is a byproduct of the bad economy that streches country wide.

Its actually pretty impressive how resilient the mag market has been compared to other markers. It's pretty easy to find top of the line electros just 2 years old selling for half (or less sometimes) of their value.

The fact that you can still sell a base emag and possibly expect $600-700 a decade after their introduction is something to behold. I just sold a 4yo mech mag for $350, about 70% of it's original value, after I sold it I even got offers of $400. I just saw an 08 ego (not an etek) on ebay selling for $425 :eek: ouch. Thats the price these other manufacturers pay for oversaturation.....

10-27-2010, 06:21 PM
Its actually pretty impressive how resilient the mag market has been compared to other markers. It's pretty easy to find top of the line electros just 2 years old selling for half (or less sometimes) of their value.

The fact that you can still sell a base emag and possibly expect $600-700 a decade after their introduction is something to behold. I just sold a 4yo mech mag for $350, about 70% of it's original value, after I sold it I even got offers of $400. I just saw an 08 ego (not an etek) on ebay selling for $425 :eek: ouch. Thats the price these other manufacturers pay for oversaturation.....

Mmm 350. :homer:

10-27-2010, 07:19 PM
The high quality will always keep these guns in demand and fetch good prices. "Quality Always Shoots Straight"...and he wasn't kidding. :D

10-27-2010, 11:45 PM
I got into a similar situation some time back. Tried and tried to talk myself out of getting another, but I did anyway. Can't stay away from these things, they are just too fun.