View Full Version : Carbon fiber grip...

10-28-2010, 03:23 PM
Alright, so I am working on a project for work looking for a plastic that has the properties I want.... extremely high shear and temp resistance.

I was wondering if anyone knows what polymer the grip is made of, and the "carbon fiber"
seeing as how the thing is almost 12 years old and still looks great.

If its not a thermoset set, lmk and call it good. Needs to burn, not melt.

10-28-2010, 05:20 PM
Matweb.com is your best friend!

I'm pretty sure it's injection molded (meaning randomly oriented short fibers in an even mix of substrate). Sounds like G10 is a good choice too.

10-29-2010, 07:28 AM
Matweb.com is your best friend!.

Wow. This is an epic post...
if you were standing next to me I would have probably given you a hug, cried a little, and insist on buying you a beer.

That is of the likes of google earth and wikipedia to me.
I never knew something like that existed. Matweb.com.
So much time saved... Property export... eeeeeek!

Btw no on G10. To abrasive. maybe with a carbon... Graphite....hmmmmm. Like the frame. For sure it's injection molded, it's just I've never had a part shot in anything other then a certain polymer or a blend. Didn't know if the frame was a graphite powder, a name brand mix, or a resin/polymer with a choped fiber added.