View Full Version : Diggers Mag ??

02-10-2002, 07:57 PM
Hey All,
I am considering buying a Diggers Centerfire Minimag. Does anybody have any opinions on this gun ? Or could you suggest another for consideration, Vertical Feed is a Must.

Thanks, Mark

02-10-2002, 08:18 PM
Hey All,
I am considering buying a Diggers Centerfire Minimag. Does anybody have any opinions on this gun ? Or could you suggest another for consideration, Vertical Feed is a Must.

Thanks, Mark

Che guevara
02-10-2002, 09:14 PM
Vertical feed just causes problems on automags. If it did work well, wouldn't you think that AGD would be selling vertical feed bodies? It just doesnt work well on an automag to have a vertical feed body.

02-10-2002, 09:23 PM
You really want a powerfeed on a Mag, they have blow back and you will chop with vert if u fire too fast.

02-10-2002, 10:20 PM
y are the Xtremes vert then?

02-10-2002, 11:22 PM
Well, how much do you have to spend?

02-10-2002, 11:54 PM
No need to ask this in all the forums. I merged your Main thread with this one. Army

02-11-2002, 11:15 AM
I have a micro vert, and I have noticed that I chop more paint than I did with my pf. I have a warp on it, and even still I cannot go more than 500 balls without chopping paint. The gun clears in about 10 shots, and then works fine, but I thought vert feed and warp feed eliminated chops. What do I need to do to cut down on chops?

02-11-2002, 07:17 PM
First off thanks for the replys.
Che guevara - AGD does make vertical feed bodies.':o'
FeelTheRT - Don't most PB guns have blowback ? ':confused:'
a_malfunction - money spent is not as important as getting a gun I like. ':)'
Army - You could have just deleted my 2nd post. ';)'
To me powerfeed throws off the balance of a gun, just my preference,and am not going to change, same goes for single trigger. I also like the single tube design of the Mags. The gun I use now is a verticalfeed (don't laugh now)Sheridan XTS, that I modified.
I'm new to the sport but am ready to upgrade, not lookin to go pro, just give the kids a good fight.

Thanks again, Mark

02-12-2002, 11:18 AM
I have a vert feed mini and I like it alot but I will forewarn yout that you need a good feeding hopper. if you can feed your mag fast enough you won't chop. Getting barrels that are milled to properly fit a vert feed is some trouble you have to call the manufactuer direct and pay the full MSRP in order to get any barrels for a vert feed. there is a guy that browses the forums and can convert your standard feed barrels into centerfeed but it will cost you.

There is nothing wrong with centerfeed mags they don't have any problems except that if not fed properly they will chop and the lack of companies not producing centerfeed barrels for the Automag.

02-13-2002, 12:13 AM
if powerfeed messes up the balance, get an offset drop forward....not that hard.

02-13-2002, 08:58 AM
I had a vert feed Minimag, it was the coolest lil mag i'd ever seen. I also tried to play with a 9volt revvy, big mistake. I chopped so much it wasn't funny. I put an Angel hirise on it, and a 12v Rev w/xboard and it never chopped again. I REPEAT, NEVER for those of you who think blowback is a problem. It's not. If you've never owned a vert feed mag, don't talk trash cuz you just don't know.

As for barrels, you can go with Smart Parts Freak system, or J&J Performance makes Centerfeed Mag barrels in Ceramic and in their very accurate Full Tilt Two piece barrel system.

02-13-2002, 11:02 PM
(sorry covadsucks)

well i hate to admit it but you will have blowback problems unless its warp. course then everyone could see your tube sticking WELL above the bunker. too tall.

i owned a digger centerfire body for about a year and a half, high rise. i used it with a mini valve for a while and then upgraded to a rt valve. i had breaks with the stock valve maybe a few in a days play. when i upgraded to the rt, the problem was much worse. lots of breaks. assumed it was feeding issues....x board, pre be, halo....blah. tried them all except warp. i would still break . i dont think the revvys where quite pushing it in like a warp would. i say would because i never tried it. i would also say that your rate of fire would play a big factor. i shoot fast.

on a long string i would get a ball delay or bobble. wham, chop. and on a diggers the blowback hole is in the back of the feed tube and well...

after i chop one and then lay about three more follow ups that break....i would have enough paint fly out the hole to paint my mask. sucks.

breaks in a mag suck as it is.

i LOVED the versatility it offered though and found it very well balanced. hated to let it go but this, along with the fact that its not logical to set a warp on it. i sold it....going warp left. mini.

my 2 cents.... in rememberance of the verty :(

***still never got a positive answer on whether or not its an AGD body. i think i read somewhere that digger made them under license by AGD. i dunno. anyone?

02-14-2002, 12:27 AM
I havent had any problems with chopping. The only chopping that ive had was when i only had 3 or 4 balls left in the hopper. I shoot fairly fast, but i dont try to push the limits. I guess its harder for me to chop paint since i set my ROF to 10 to reduce the chances, but when i forget keep the hopper filled, i sometimes get a chop. Blowback hasnt been a big problem for me, at least i havent really noticed anything.


I would rather be safe than sorry when it comes to buying a new body. I'd suggest the powerfeed body because you will have considerably less blowback. Chopping will always be a problem if you shoot insanely fast, or you fail to keep your hopper filled.

Hope that helps a little.


( i think the diggers cf body is pretty much the same as the emag cf body... i have a hole on the back of the highrise also)

02-14-2002, 08:21 AM
What the heck is a digger and where can I find a pic of one?

02-14-2002, 08:24 AM
verbalink is definitely right. with a few balls left in the hopper likelihood of a chop is higher....


02-14-2002, 10:15 AM
I would agree -a near empty hopper does increase the chopping, but I too shoot insanely fast, and I never chopped with mine. I can see the Retro chopping, as I shot my buddies emag and I outshot his warp and Revvy. Call bob long, I wanna race his trigger fingers against mine. But, I also added that highrise, as JimmyJoBob can attest to, so I had a couple more balls stacked, which may have decreased my chances of chopping. I talked to Bill Klein, who was involved some on the design of the Trader J's bodies, he said AGD did license the bodies, but didn't make them. They were outsourced.

02-15-2002, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by Panzerr
What the heck is a digger and where can I find a pic of one?

Here ya go :) That would be my backup gun.

02-15-2002, 10:39 PM
Centerfire Standard
Also features a vertical feed body that loads balls at a faster rate. The vertical ASA adaptor and the 12 inch J&J ceramic barrel are apart of the standard Centerfire along with a .45 grip frame.
Color: gray body
Price: $265.00 ----- Add to Cart ----- View Cart

that sounds like an awesome deal

08-07-2002, 08:17 PM
where could I buy a cf body for a automag.

08-08-2002, 07:00 AM
at the airgun store online.

08-08-2002, 10:23 AM
The only cf bodys I saw were for emags and rt pros, would those work with an automag, and where could I buy the Diggers Centerfire body?

08-08-2002, 11:25 PM
dont think u can just get a digger body, yes emag body will fit i use one..