View Full Version : I need something loud

11-08-2010, 10:46 AM
I need something loud. If possible directional but an explosion would be fine also. I would like it cheap so train horns are a little out of my price range and it needs to be at least semi legal. I'm not going to go discharging my 30-06 in the back yard. Lets see how creative everyone is...

11-08-2010, 10:51 AM
Dry Ice and a water bottle.

You can throw it what ever direction you want. ;)

11-08-2010, 10:52 AM

11-08-2010, 11:54 AM

Bicycle air horns. You pump them up and they last a few seconds each shot. I've never had one, but a guy I went to college with did and used it in our classroom once. Plenty loud in my opinion.

11-08-2010, 12:25 PM
A car battery and a AIR/trian horn. Should run you 60 or so total at Pepboys or just about any auto store. Connect some wire and a switch to the horn and there you go...

Frizzle Fry
11-08-2010, 12:29 PM
When I was a kid, I had a spent 75mm shell casing... We used to bring it up to the lake in NH and wreak havoc with it. Basically, you point it at a house a half mile down the lake, toss a lit cherry bomb in, and it goes off like a cannon, rattling the windows of the house at which you point it. The nice bit is, it's barely heard by the people behind you.

I'm not sure what you're using it for, or just how legal it is, but it's both directional and an explosion.

11-08-2010, 02:09 PM
c02 bottle plus the horn that attaches to the bottle is pretty loud.

or this http://www.farmandfleet.com/products/547601-bad_boy_dual_tone_air_horn.html?lref=/catalog/find.aspx%3ft%3dcar%2bhorn

11-08-2010, 02:54 PM
Search Air Raid Siren on ebay. Theres a whole list of them from hand cranked to electric & from $50 and up.

11-08-2010, 03:03 PM
Are you married?

11-08-2010, 06:31 PM
my friend and i were screwing around with a empty 1 liter soda bottle and a model rocket engine. I guess we thought it would launch like a rocket, we were about 15 at the time. we just drilled a small hole in the cap so we could light the engine with cannon fuse. Well it didn't launch the bottle, but it made one hell of loud bang about 8 seconds after it was light. the seam of the bottle split wide open, and i couldn't hear for about 2 minutes. Watch thou, cause once the bottle burst, the engine did fly around hazardously. LOL

11-11-2010, 01:13 AM
Oxy acetylene filled balloon. Start small. Work your way up.

11-11-2010, 11:49 AM
yeah oxy/acetylene balloons are gonna be the best bang for your buck if your looking for loud and explosion but not very directional but as stated start small then go bigger cause a little def goes a long way and try not to be really close when you set it off cause depending on the size it can give you a concussion from the shock wave.

my friends and I used to have so much fun with these scaring each other until one guy went to big and knocked himself out and lost his eyebrows and some of his hair.

11-11-2010, 06:46 PM
Can we put one of these balloons inside the 75mm shell?

11-12-2010, 03:36 PM
yeah I suppose you could it would make it directional but again be careful of the size not to mention how much pressure can that shell take anymore and you would have to figure a way to pop/ignite it cause we used to take the balloon on a pole end and use a long tig rod that we got red hot to light it off

Frizzle Fry
11-13-2010, 02:11 AM
not to mention how much pressure can that shell take

Considering that they were designed to be packed with explosive propellants, plugged air-tight with a solid projectile about 3" in diameter and 10" long, then basically exploded in the direction of your target (multiple times if necessary), I would say there probably isn't too much of a risk involved. That said, if there's any worry, you could try a 105mm shell; they're pretty cheap at Army/Navy stores.

11-13-2010, 11:28 AM
(multiple times if necessary)

thats totally untrue cause a 75mm shell is part of the bomb it doesnt come back to be used again it explodes as schrapnel but maybe a shell was a recovered dud that didnt go off well then its already been through hell and back from the inital blast out of the barrel and the case could have microfractures in the metal and things like that which have weakened it not to mention the best material def was not used to make shell casings that cant be recycled/reused so unless you can verify for sure it was never fired at all Id be very careful of what you let go pop inside and enclosed space let alone an old shell case

Unless you are talking about the powder cartridge which is still untrue since the cartridges were blown out after the shot so the took them and recycled them by melting them down and repouring them with a new blast cap being installed

Frizzle Fry
11-13-2010, 03:08 PM
That's entirely too specific.... Google won't help you here.

There are many types of 75mm shells, intended for field guns, anti-air guns, tanks, and recoilless rifles. Some are all brass, some brass and wood, some with steel rings on a brass casing. Some variants were short, some long, some a bottlenecked cartridge and others straightwalled casing, yet others were a multi-piece shell with no casing. Different rounds have different characteristics and different shells (or lack thereof) - flak, high explosive, armor piercing, smoke, incendiary and canister rounds are very different. German 75mm is completely different than Polish which is completely different than French which is completely different than British, which is different than the US recoilless rifle round which is what the French used when they bought it from us. That's just off the top of my head; I'm sure are more types, makes and varieties.

Believe it or not, there are a handful of entirely different 75mm shells, each having a multitude of variations. True, if you blew off a cherry bomb in a 75mm recoilless rifle shell, you'd probably be picking bits of brass out of your skin because the haft (up to the bottleneck) has a thin birdcage design... You'd probably get a few splinters from a French AA cartridge with a wood haft, too. That said, most of the solid brass German and US 75mm shells you get from Army Navy stores are either deactivated surplus casings or surplus casings that were never loaded.

11-13-2010, 04:15 PM
Considering that they were designed to be packed with explosive propellants, plugged air-tight with a solid projectile about 3" in diameter and 10" long, then basically exploded in the direction of your target (multiple times if necessary), I would say there probably isn't too much of a risk involved. That said, if there's any worry, you could try a 105mm shell; they're pretty cheap at Army/Navy stores.

Not entirely true. Yes a thick shell casing could take quite a pressure load but do you want to risk it? Shell casings of any kind are meant to be loaded into a steel chamber which keeps them from expanding/exploding under true firing pressures.

11-13-2010, 04:35 PM
Have a local homedepot/lowes home improvement? THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED!!

make a Calcium Carbide Cannon (google it, plans are easily found)... some PVC pipe+water+calcium carbide= THE loudest things I have ever heard.

We built a couple. Think of a black powder cannon, but no recoil. VERY loud and directional. Basically the calcium carbide mixes with the water and creates an acetylene gas, when the gas/air mixture is right you touch it off with a grill lighter. Its a VERY fast, VERY loud bang.. and as far as we know, 100% legal (unless you break noise laws). Even had police show up a couple times at camp, all they could do was ask us to stop (which we did, but it was 4th of july C'MON!). Shooting out across moose head lake.. sounds like thunder, you can hear it travel for miles across the water.

The only thing I can think of is getting the right amount of the calcium carbide for the perfect fuel/air mixture, that is KEY. but once you have dialed it in.. wear ear plugs.

you CANNOT shoot projectiles. The explosion inside the cannon is so fast that the back pressure will blow up the PVC even with just a tennis ball. But as long as you don't try that, perfectly safe. Plans for these were actually distributed in the popular science magazine in 1976.

Here is a link to the original plans:


That center T is very expensive compared to the rest of the supplies so we used a 4" T instead. Also didn't make it look quite as fancy with all fittings trying to make it look like a cannon. We've had ours a good 6-7 years now.

*ADD*: google bangsite , a brand name for powered calcium carbide, you can also get it in like coffee can size containers, but the calcium carbide is in like a small rock form, not powered.

11-13-2010, 05:22 PM
An old siren off a fire truck and a 1hp electric motor. You can hear that from 5 miles away.

Black powder and two coffee cans, and a toy rocket igniter

Do you have gofers or ground squirrels? An acetylene torch and a match on a long stick will make a hell of a boom.( crack both knobs and put it well down the whole and seal it in. wait 3 min or so, remove torch, and light) mite knock things off the walls in the house if done wrong. haha.

Seal bombs in a string like blackats will wake someone up

I in no way recommend any of this and would never do anything like it. :ninja:

Frizzle Fry
11-14-2010, 01:37 AM
Not entirely true. Yes a thick shell casing could take quite a pressure load but do you want to risk it? Shell casings of any kind are meant to be loaded into a steel chamber which keeps them from expanding/exploding under true firing pressures.

Very true, but a cherry bomb is significantly less powerful than a charge meant to propel a shell weighing a few pounds, not to mention the fact that any pressure is significantly lessened when the shell casing isn't plugged air tight with an actual bullet or explosive shell. I wouldn't do it with a 40mm shell or something comparably sized, but the walls of shell of that size are more than enough to handle the explosive force of a half gram of flash powder.... When I say "cherry bomb" I mean the semi-illegal Chinatown variant, not the spherical M80s that get sold out the back of vans and claims thousands of fingers every year :p

If you do decide that my explosives are too dangerous - try this:

11-16-2010, 12:44 AM
Have a local homedepot/lowes home improvement? THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED!!

make a Calcium Carbide Cannon (google it, plans are easily found)... some PVC pipe+water+calcium carbide= THE loudest things I have ever heard.

We built a couple. Think of a black powder cannon, but no recoil. VERY loud and directional. Basically the calcium carbide mixes with the water and creates an acetylene gas, when the gas/air mixture is right you touch it off with a grill lighter. Its a VERY fast, VERY loud bang.. and as far as we know, 100% legal (unless you break noise laws). Even had police show up a couple times at camp, all they could do was ask us to stop (which we did, but it was 4th of july C'MON!). Shooting out across moose head lake.. sounds like thunder, you can hear it travel for miles across the water.

The only thing I can think of is getting the right amount of the calcium carbide for the perfect fuel/air mixture, that is KEY. but once you have dialed it in.. wear ear plugs.

you CANNOT shoot projectiles. The explosion inside the cannon is so fast that the back pressure will blow up the PVC even with just a tennis ball. But as long as you don't try that, perfectly safe. Plans for these were actually distributed in the popular science magazine in 1976.

Here is a link to the original plans:


That center T is very expensive compared to the rest of the supplies so we used a 4" T instead. Also didn't make it look quite as fancy with all fittings trying to make it look like a cannon. We've had ours a good 6-7 years now.

*ADD*: google bangsite , a brand name for powered calcium carbide, you can also get it in like coffee can size containers, but the calcium carbide is in like a small rock form, not powered.

Perfect. So here's the deal retarded neighbors on a 1 acre lot decided they are going to have a dirt track for 4 wheelers. This pissed me off because it devalues my house but more so I was thinking wtf on a 1 acre lot?
Then they decided to let their yippy dogs out at 6 am and leave for work. My wife, who at the time was 8 months pregnant decided it was time for a meet and greet and went over there with a candle. After some small talk she said "btw your dogs are noisy, can you keep them quiet until later in the day" She was told the dogs aren't staying inside all day and "besides don't you have a dog that roams freely? I guess we can both work on that"

This pissed me off the most, new to the neighborhood and in violation of almost every covenant and then they want to put my quiet dog that just roams at the same level as their two yippy dogs?

So weeks go by and we no longer let our dog on their property but they're dogs just yip all morning and some times all night. Until I snapped one morning, yanked open the door and started yelling at the neighbors, but the dogs also stopped yipping. So, the plan is that every time their dogs yip I'm going to rattle their windows. And if they wake me up I'll wake them up...until I found out this morning that the covenants went past the recorders office which should give me legal rights to call the sheriff. If that doesn't work...then I'm going back to the canon.

I'm not thrilled to have neighbors much less redneck **** for brains.

11-16-2010, 01:55 PM
ohhh that canon will rattle their windows sure enough. I've never actually stood in front of it, but man, when you get just the right amount.

And when you aren't getting back at the neighbors its a fun noise maker, 4th of July and so on.