View Full Version : Dust black ano?

11-16-2010, 04:01 PM
I've got an RT Pro rail and ASA that i want to have ULE milled and then sent off for a simple dust black ano job.

I've never had anything custom anodized before, so I have no idea what to expect price-wise. I see a few price lists on the internet and it seems kind of excessive...like 20 bucks for a vert ASA and 100+ for a mainbody?

I'm assuming a rail will come in a bit cheaper than a body, but maybe not.

Is it reasonable to hope that these pieces can be done for under $50?

Does an ano job do anything to affect the tolerances of a rail, requiring them to be partially covered like a powder coating job does?

11-16-2010, 06:37 PM
I've got an RT Pro rail and ASA that i want to have ULE milled and then sent off for a simple dust black ano job.
dust is the simplest anno
Is it reasonable to hope that these pieces can be done for under $50?
2 pieces for under 50$ should be no problem
Does an ano job do anything to affect the tolerances of a rail, requiring them to be partially covered like a powder coating job does?
not if is done right


11-16-2010, 09:13 PM
Most of the cost is labor for prep. Gloss annodizing requires a lot of hand polishing and finishing (mirror finish) which is why more complex parts cost more. Parts with large flat surfaces can be polished faster (like a rail). Dust finish just means the part was bead blasted (like sandblasting) which is really quick and doesn't require polishing beforehand. Once all the parts are polished and cleaned, they all go on a rack together for the annodizing and dying, so at that point the number of parts or size doesn't really matter.

You could save yourself some money by doing some of the prep work yourself. The less the annodizer has to polish, the cheaper it will be.

East Coast Ano
11-16-2010, 10:28 PM
You should find your anodizer before you strip and do the blasting yourself

I know in most cases the parts I see come to me prepped for a dust finish have to be sanded and re blasted, the media that is used for making a dust finish is an ultra fine glass bead the beads run around $70/pail

So this goes for everyone don’t use beach sand!!


11-17-2010, 03:11 PM
Check on MCB. Some guy was offering his services at discount before thanksgiving, for about $20 for a body and frame dust ano. Look in the dealer section.

11-17-2010, 04:12 PM
I'm not going to post the link to the thread, but over on the other mag site theres a pretty annoyed thread. Beautiful viking (I think) is pitted all to hell and looks like crap. The guy your thinking of is destroyer125_custom, and hes the one that did the crappy anno job.

Though if it helps, KPCS does some decent work with a great turnaround. For 6 parts is like 30 bucks to powdercoat, plus shipping both ways. After the 6th part its a extra 5 per part. Or at least it was for my 2 nelspots. First time I ever sent anything out for powdercoating and I was quite happy and able to figure it out.

11-17-2010, 06:09 PM
Good to know. I had a mag done by KCPS. It was pretty good, though there were some small mistakes on it. Also had some work done by rainman on MCB, it too had some mistakes. I guess you get what you pay for.

11-18-2010, 12:01 AM
4 posts up :wow: East Coast Ano