View Full Version : Favorite moments in paintball/ Stories you'll never forget

11-18-2010, 07:49 PM
So I've been in and out of the paintball scene since I was 12, I'm now about to turn 28 and this place makes me really nostalgic. I just saw something about a Jackal Cocker and instantly remembered Jeremy and Terry from G3PB/Jackal Machine. Terry was always one of the best people I dealt with in the business. Being a young kid I never had access to a credit card to order my stuff... Terry COD'ed countless Raven Paintball jerseys, gloves and other gear throughout the years to me. I actually still have the original orange Raven jersey he sent me... along with many of the shirts I bought from him. On one of the jerseys i purchased from him one of his staff accidentally overcharged me 5 cents... What did he do... well he first class us mailed me a nickle... It cost the man over 2 bucks to mail me a nickle... but thats just the kind of guy he was. I miss Terry and Jeremy in this industry... seems like they are few and far between these days.

11-19-2010, 07:58 AM
So I've been in and out of the paintball scene since I was 12, I'm now about to turn 28 and this place makes me really nostalgic. I just saw something about a Jackal Cocker and instantly remembered Jeremy and Terry from G3PB/Jackal Machine. Terry was always one of the best people I dealt with in the business. Being a young kid I never had access to a credit card to order my stuff... Terry COD'ed countless Raven Paintball jerseys, gloves and other gear throughout the years to me. I actually still have the original orange Raven jersey he sent me... along with many of the shirts I bought from him. On one of the jerseys i purchased from him one of his staff accidentally overcharged me 5 cents... What did he do... well he first class us mailed me a nickle... It cost the man over 2 bucks to mail me a nickle... but thats just the kind of guy he was. I miss Terry and Jeremy in this industry... seems like they are few and far between these days.

G3PB was a Great place. I never dealt directly with them. Always let my friend order everything as we both needed parts. Funny something comes up about them now as I have the old red/black custom aka spyder they did sitting on my desk here at work. It arrived yesterday.

The moments I remember best are some of the outlaw "Beer" games I used to have near my parents house. Having to lug everything 2 miles into the woods to get to the field area we used. The games were not the smartest thing Ive done. But they were fun. The games were usually the coldest days in January you could imagine. But it was a awesome group to play with all friends.

11-19-2010, 08:37 AM
G3PB was a Great place. I never dealt directly with them. Always let my friend order everything as we both needed parts. Funny something comes up about them now as I have the old red/black custom aka spyder they did sitting on my desk here at work. It arrived yesterday.

The moments I remember best are some of the outlaw "Beer" games I used to have near my parents house. Having to lug everything 2 miles into the woods to get to the field area we used. The games were not the smartest thing Ive done. But they were fun. The games were usually the coldest days in January you could imagine. But it was a awesome group to play with all friends.

Nice! I'd love to see some new pics of that spyder... I actually owned terry's nasty typhoon for a while too, I wish I'd never let that thing go.

11-19-2010, 10:23 AM
See.... these are the stories that i am talking about. Ive been playing pb since i was 15 (now 36). Those little outlaw games are some of the best paintball times that i have ever experienced. For the last two years me and a group of friends have been playing allot more outlaw ball again(mainly pump) and it has been a blast. Dont get me wrong i love everything about paintball, but nothing can hold a candle to the true old school, outlaw paintball and the stories and memories that come along with it. Just my two cents

11-19-2010, 10:30 AM
Alright here we go. This story gets told around the campfire anytime paintball is brought up.
It was the summer of 1991 at Fox River Games in Illinois. The fields home team 'Swarm' was coming off a 1st place finish at the 1990 Masters (all using automags...first team ever to use them) and were world champs. Myself and some guys from our team went down from Wisconsin for some 10 man (yes 10 man) scrimmaging against them (in the woods too, no speedball invented yet). We are all in high school at this time and have mowed lawns, begged, borrowed, and stole practically to all have $450 automags at this time. We dont have a full 10 man team so we combine with a 5 man team from Minnesota thats there, and Tom Kaye to get 10 guys.

About halfway through this particular game, Tom Kaye is out but watching from a tapeline. A teammate of mine is shooting out from a large tree about 10 yards directly in front of Tom. His gun starts seizing up and not shooting properly (i think it was from C02). He is clearly in trouble. Tom sees this and immediatley starts to scream "hit it against the tree...hit it against the tree!!!" What to do...Tom is the inventor, creator of the mag and a god in our eyes.

So, my poor teammate has to decide to either take his chances with the gun as it is, or listen to Tom's 'tech' advise and bash his $450 gun against a tree. Well, he choose to not hit it against the tree and was subsequently shot out in a hurry.

We all love that story.

11-19-2010, 12:58 PM
I wonder if that would have worked. Good story. Wish I could have played with Tom.
I think the best times are with friends and family. I have played with brothers, my father, friends and also by myself at a big game. Ones with friends and family are the best. My little bro and I played an indoor at Warpaint in Salem, OR. We split and played with four girls, two on each team with one of us. Our rules: we could only shoot at each other, not the girls, and also help them take out their friends. I used my phantom to take out my brother, then coached my two girls to victory over their friends. Lots of fun.

11-19-2010, 03:43 PM
Here's one from this summer:

Magmoormaster and myself were playing at the local pickup field with several other people. The last game of the day these guys who used to play pro/semipro (not 100% sure which). Anyway, these 3 guys who all played speedball competitively wanted to take on everyone else 10 on 3. Now the rest of these guys were all newbie walkons many with rental markers, so it wasn't going to be a hard fight for these 3 or so they thought...

Off the break they killed 3 of the walk ons, within 1 minute everyone but myself (shooting my xvalved ULE) and Magmoor (shooting a pump) was out. Magmoor moved to the snake and I stayed on the dorito on the side. I was able to snap shot my poison taking him out. Magmoor popped out of the and snapped their guy holding down the middle. Then we took turns drawing fire while the the other one moved closer and closer to their last guy who was now locked down in the corner. Magmoor popped out and drew his attention I flanked the guy and took him out.

It was an awesome comeback. Really cool how two guys with mech markers (myself it was maybe the 3rd time I've played speedball) systematically wiped out these seasoned players with all their expensive electros.

11-19-2010, 10:21 PM
I agree with Cato, that was quite an experience. Although I remember it being a little different...

First off, there was probably closer to 15 on our side. So, I was playing pump, so I hit the snake off the break. It was crazy; obviously all three of them were going to lane off the break, and while I was sprinting down the field I could hear people getting hit behind me. So manage to get to snake 1. I was too far out to really hit anyone with a pump (they'd just dodge it) so I didn't shoot much... I eventually got up to the 50... About that time (which I remember being 3-4 minutes in) it was 2v3, me, Cato, and some dude in the back, and we got one. They were still in the back line. One of them moved up to the 50 opposite me, I shoot twice, hit him. The last guy moves to the back center, so I get up and go bunker him... Now, I'm not sure if he was out or not, he was still in his bunker when I hit him. Either way, it was awesome.

And BTW, one was shooting a Marq, another an Ego, and the last a Droid.

11-21-2010, 11:35 AM
Nice! I'd love to see some new pics of that spyder... I actually owned terry's nasty typhoon for a while too, I wish I'd never let that thing go.

One can be found here http://www.bigevilonline.com/showthread.php?p=60208#post60208

Ill get more when the gun hasnt been left in a freezing car all night & then brough into a warm house. Condensation kills pictures.