View Full Version : So, what happened with Tom's new ShoeBox compressor?

12-06-2010, 06:10 AM
Any reviews? How is it lasting? How frequently do the buyers actually use them?

12-06-2010, 06:28 AM
Any reviews? How is it lasting? How frequently do the buyers actually use them?

Ive pounded mine. Rebuilt it numerous times. Filled more tanks than I could keep track of. Seems I can get 15-20 hrs before I need to replace something. Usually the back-check orings. For the most part, it takes me longer to figure out that there was something wrong (longer than normal fill times) than to correct it.

12-06-2010, 06:31 AM
Wait. You have to replace an o-ring every 20 hours? I thought it would take almost that to fill a 68/45 tank...

And thanks for your answer.


12-06-2010, 06:39 AM
Wait. You have to replace an o-ring every 20 hours? I thought it would take almost that to fill a 68/45 tank...

And thanks for your answer.


Nah, it takes 2-3 hrs to fill a tank. 15-20 hrs to fill a scuba.

12-06-2010, 09:39 AM
The forums for the shoebox compressor are now here... (http://www.shoeboxcompressor.com/forum/forum.php)

I am waiting for mine. It's one of the new batch just being made. :)

12-06-2010, 09:47 AM
The forums for the shoebox compressor are now here... (http://www.shoeboxcompressor.com/forum/forum.php)

I am waiting for mine. It's one of the new batch just being made. :)

Thanks for the info. I didn't know Tom had a forum built just for the ShoeBox. I'll certainly be following it up.

12-06-2010, 10:08 AM
I have understood from word of mouth that they haven't been holding up too well. Given that they were made pretty much from binparts from a supply house, rather than being designed straight out. Like BE said, they are supposedly very easy to fix and repair, but the feeling I got was the forum was moved so that people would not associate the problems and issues being had with the shoebox back to AGD.

I don't own one, just the take I got from some reading and speaking to a few owners. Overall it is still the only piece of equipment exactly like it, so if you want to fill at home on the cheap this is where it is at.

12-06-2010, 10:29 AM
That's funny because I have been amazed that I haven't had more people contact me with problems. If you go read the shoebox forums you will see that its pretty quiet over there.

I created a new forum on a new server because this one is hopelessly old on an ancient computer and not worth even upgrading from what Delaware tells me (we own the computer in the rack).


12-06-2010, 10:43 AM
I have yet to use mine. I hope to try it next week. It has been collecting dust for months.

12-06-2010, 11:26 AM
The forums for the SB on AO were dead too. Last thing that can remember being posted in a very long while was what AGD post about the new forums. I know a few people that have one, besides BE having an issue right in the beginning which was fixed, everyones i knew had nothing but positive things to say about it.

Not sure what Cat is talking about :tard:


12-06-2010, 11:27 AM
I have yet to use mine. I hope to try it next week. It has been collecting dust for months.

Dude. I would so have one running all the time if I had one.

Zone Drifter
12-06-2010, 11:51 AM
I haven't posted on the shoebox forums in a while simply because I haven't had any problems with mine. I keep two tanks full, but I rarely play. It serves it's purpose perfectly for which I just wanted a home compressor to top off my tanks to test markers and fill them to play in the woods with friends. I have probably filled tanks about 20 times so far, so I can hardly say mine is thoroughly tested.

12-06-2010, 11:53 AM
Dude. I would so have one running all the time if I had one.

I have 6 scubas that are still full. They are getting low so I will probability fire it up sometime next week after finals. I guess I need to read up on where to lube everything.

12-06-2010, 12:12 PM
LOL after all these years of saying, Hey TK the Mag, Flatline, Warp and HP sucks. I get to say, Hey TK the ShoeBox blows. :clap:

12-06-2010, 12:13 PM
I haven't posted on the shoebox forums in a while simply because I haven't had any problems with mine. I keep two tanks full, but I rarely play. It serves it's purpose perfectly for which I just wanted a home compressor to top off my tanks to test markers and fill them to play in the woods with friends. I have probably filled tanks about 20 times so far, so I can hardly say mine is thoroughly tested.

Did you also had to do any maintenance on yours? How is it holding up with it's 60 to 80 hours use (20 tanks - 3 to 4 hours each)?

12-06-2010, 12:30 PM
I have understood from word of mouth that they haven't been holding up too well. Given that they were made pretty much from binparts from a supply house, rather than being designed straight out. Like BE said, they are supposedly very easy to fix and repair, but the feeling I got was the forum was moved so that people would not associate the problems and issues being had with the shoebox back to AGD.

I don't own one, just the take I got from some reading and speaking to a few owners. Overall it is still the only piece of equipment exactly like it, so if you want to fill at home on the cheap this is where it is at.

Not sure who you have been listening too. But you may want to regurgitate their views with some caution. Looks like you threw TK under the bus 3 times in 1 post...

12-06-2010, 12:51 PM
That's funny because I have been amazed that I haven't had more people contact me with problems. If you go read the shoebox forums you will see that its pretty quiet over there.

I created a new forum on a new server because this one is hopelessly old on an ancient computer and not worth even upgrading from what Delaware tells me (we own the computer in the rack).


Holy crap you actually own a PHYSICAL SERVER?! That is old. Almost nobody buys dedicated server boxes anymore. Everything is either virtual servers (multiple servers running on one physical box) or shared hosting.

The days of one server, one owner are long, long past.

You could probably get a virtual server to run these forums for about 10 bucks a month. You've gotta be paying at least that just for housing on your old one.

If anyone is serious about a new home for AO, I can get a recommendation for a quality hosting service that doesn't have metered bandwidth in the 10-20 dollar per month range.

Most places even have pre-configured VMs that come already loaded with the OS of your choice fully patched and ready to install your software on.

EDIT: As for the shoebox itself, I think they're pretty sweet, but I am holding out until they mature a little. I'd like one that can go at least 24 hours without needing to be lubricated. ideally it would be a self lubricating system where you just add oil or grease to a reservoir and it takes care of itself until it runs out.

12-06-2010, 01:29 PM
I'd also like to report that I'm having no issues with mine, but I've only put 60 hours on it or so. The only maintenance I've done is applying a small amount of white lithium grease to the cylinder rods every 3 hours (as suggested by TK).

I love the shoebox! :D

12-06-2010, 05:13 PM
Not sure who you have been listening too. But you may want to regurgitate their views with some caution. Looks like you threw TK under the bus 3 times in 1 post...

Sent you a PM.

I am not going to apologize or stand down because I have a differing opinion of the product. I admit my take on the reason for the forum being moved was wrong, and apologize for that misconception. Otherwise, no, I am not a huge fan of this item yet, and why I chose not to purchase one myself. I think the concept is great, and I think that if, further down the road, it is designed in such a way that the manufacturer would stand behind it with a warranty then I would, and others I know, pursue aquiring one of them. This product is unlike anything TK has ever put his name out there for in that one regard (that I know of), and very much "unlike" the public image of him that I have "known" all these years. If that is throwing him under the bus, then I wish him a speedy recovery.

Otherwise, I am glad that others of you are enjoying the product, it is promising.

12-06-2010, 07:18 PM
I own Shoebox #18 , I have put approximatly 180/190 hours on it , have had not 1 problem with it , no maintence ( He told us to give'em a workout , did he not ? ) , haven't even greased the shafts ( I will probley be plagued with problems now :rolleyes: )
As far as off the shelf parts , I don't know , other than o-rings , the gears , chains & motor , I don't see much else you buy out of a bin & use with out doing something to it ; as in , buying a piece of shaft stock then cutting to length & threading both ends

Zone Drifter
12-07-2010, 10:49 AM
Did you also had to do any maintenance on yours? How is it holding up with it's 60 to 80 hours use (20 tanks - 3 to 4 hours each)?
Seems to be holding up fine. I wipe off the old lithium grease (which is dark after one full fill) and apply a bit of new grease before every fill. If everything is done in the right order I don't suspect any mechanical problems until maybe a seal or something goes. It does heat up, even when hooked up properly with a compressor, so something is bound to go eventually, but probably nothing that can't easily be replaced.

12-07-2010, 10:56 AM
I own Shoebox #18 , I have put approximatly 180/190 hours on it , have had not 1 problem with it , no maintence ( He told us to give'em a workout , did he not ? ) , haven't even greased the shafts ( I will probley be plagued with problems now :rolleyes: )
As far as off the shelf parts , I don't know , other than o-rings , the gears , chains & motor , I don't see much else you buy out of a bin & use with out doing something to it ; as in , buying a piece of shaft stock then cutting to length & threading both ends

I hate you Hank.

12-07-2010, 01:21 PM
Sent you a PM.

I am not going to apologize or stand down because I have a differing opinion of the product. I admit my take on the reason for the forum being moved was wrong, and apologize for that misconception. Otherwise, no, I am not a huge fan of this item yet, and why I chose not to purchase one myself. I think the concept is great, and I think that if, further down the road, it is designed in such a way that the manufacturer would stand behind it with a warranty then I would, and others I know, pursue aquiring one of them. This product is unlike anything TK has ever put his name out there for in that one regard (that I know of), and very much "unlike" the public image of him that I have "known" all these years. If that is throwing him under the bus, then I wish him a speedy recovery.

Otherwise, I am glad that others of you are enjoying the product, it is promising.

As near as I can tell TK is basically building these himself. Does anyone know if he even has a staff assisting?

He doesn't offer a warranty because he probably has a crazy low mark-up on them. He's basically paying himself for the time spent assembling them and not much more. My guess is that he's doing this to finance further development of the product.

He'll build a few versions with no warranty support, figure out how to build them faster, cheaper and more reliable and add in features that people request. Then he can either mass produce the product or sell it to a company who will.

That's what I'd do if I were him.

12-07-2010, 03:47 PM
That's where it gets tricky. It's been out long enough that it's no longer patentable (legally). If I were Company X, I'd be hard pressed to pay a royalty or fee to purchase intellectual design material if it were already public.

12-07-2010, 03:58 PM
That's where it gets tricky. It's been out long enough that it's no longer patentable (legally). If I were Company X, I'd be hard pressed to pay a royalty or fee to purchase intellectual design material if it were already public.

Tom is not a newb in the business. If he ever thought of selling it in high scales, he already did his homework. Specially considering what happened with SP and the eMag. I'm sure he learned a lot at the time.

12-07-2010, 04:12 PM


12-07-2010, 11:33 PM
I am not going to apologize or stand down because I have a differing opinion of the product.
What are you basing your opinion on?

12-08-2010, 12:36 AM
It's true that this product is a complete departure from the way I have normally done business. I have learned some lessons over the years and one is that the cheapest guy wins. The markup IS crazy low on this product. I am now in a position to have zero overhead by working out of my new place in Arizona where we have 19 acres and several buildings. I am taking advantage of that and its a benefit to you.

I am also doing most of the hand work on this myself but do have part time help. I am assembling things myself at the moment so I can make sure ALL the parts are working right and that my suppliers are giving me consistent quality. That's something you don't know unless you do it yourself. This also gives me the knowledge on how to make the best fixtures and tools etc.

The no-warranty thing is simple. You won't pay for it. It was made very clear to me on this forum that a 500 dollar compressor was a 50-50 buy for most people but at 400 bucks everyone was in. For this to be warrantied like the automag as I have said before, it would have to be 1200 dollars based on the actual parts cost. No warranty is the price you don't have to pay for :)

I am attempting to do something with this product that I always thought was possible but never had the chance to try. That is to go way overboard on the design to knock down the price, but produce all the parts with equal life spans so the product is stone reliable. That should make for a product that needs no warranty but still makes people happy. The newer cars are like this, running 150k miles with virtually no problems (an incredible feat of engineering compared to cars from the 80's).

I have also learned some lessons about marketing. People on a waiting list don't wait. I am purposely NOT trying to get the word out. Most people deciding to buy now will change their mind before I can ship them. Once I get out of back order you can bet you will see the product around town. First I have to produce the best product I have ever made at the lowest price I ever have. Its an interesting challenge, wish me luck!


PS a patent is in the works.

12-08-2010, 02:31 AM
It's true that this product is a complete departure from the way I have normally done business. I have learned some lessons over the years and one is that the cheapest guy wins. The markup IS crazy low on this product. I am now in a position to have zero overhead by working out of my new place in Arizona where we have 19 acres and several buildings. I am taking advantage of that and its a benefit to you.

I am also doing most of the hand work on this myself but do have part time help. I am assembling things myself at the moment so I can make sure ALL the parts are working right and that my suppliers are giving me consistent quality. That's something you don't know unless you do it yourself. This also gives me the knowledge on how to make the best fixtures and tools etc.

The no-warranty thing is simple. You won't pay for it. It was made very clear to me on this forum that a 500 dollar compressor was a 50-50 buy for most people but at 400 bucks everyone was in. For this to be warrantied like the automag as I have said before, it would have to be 1200 dollars based on the actual parts cost. No warranty is the price you don't have to pay for :)

I am attempting to do something with this product that I always thought was possible but never had the chance to try. That is to go way overboard on the design to knock down the price, but produce all the parts with equal life spans so the product is stone reliable. That should make for a product that needs no warranty but still makes people happy. The newer cars are like this, running 150k miles with virtually no problems (an incredible feat of engineering compared to cars from the 80's).

I have also learned some lessons about marketing. People on a waiting list don't wait. I am purposely NOT trying to get the word out. Most people deciding to buy now will change their mind before I can ship them. Once I get out of back order you can bet you will see the product around town. First I have to produce the best product I have ever made at the lowest price I ever have. Its an interesting challenge, wish me luck!


PS a patent is in the works.

Not's not already patented?? :eek:

Good luck with it, Tom! I really love the idea and I will be ordering mine soon. Only reason I have not so far is that in the last 2 years, I have moved 5 times!

12-08-2010, 08:44 AM
It's true that this product is a complete departure from the way I have normally done business. I have learned some lessons over the years and one is that the cheapest guy wins. The markup IS crazy low on this product. I am now in a position to have zero overhead by working out of my new place in Arizona where we have 19 acres and several buildings. I am taking advantage of that and its a benefit to you.

I am also doing most of the hand work on this myself but do have part time help. .

This is the future of American manufacturing.

More and more machine shops are being moved to the garage and are one man shows, it’s all about overhead and survival. It’s real simple math when you settle into to the idea.
To be perfectly honest it’s where I thought AGD could move rather than closing its doors.

I think this was a wise move for you. :cheers:

12-08-2010, 09:47 AM
Not's not already patented?? :eek:

In the modern world you are looking at a minimum of 2 years to get a patent, more likely 3 or more. If you wait that long before releasing a product you may miss the boat.

The much smarter approach is to cover yourself with patent pending and an application, and get moving.

First to market is very important.

I am excited to get my compressor. Really looking forward to it. I think this is an important step in making paintball more accessible. That to me deserves a :hail: .

12-08-2010, 11:10 AM
I am excited to get my compressor. Really looking forward to it. I think this is an important step in making paintball more accessible. That to me deserves a :hail: .

Even known anything Tom does not to promote paintball? :D I eco your sentiments though!

12-08-2010, 04:38 PM
Thanks for being so forthright Tom. I mentioned before that I think the product is very innovative, and I hope that it continues to be popular and successful so that any issues and problems with the unit are dealt with and corrected in later revisions. With your continued experience with the item both from a usage and manufacturing standpoint, it is bound to only get better.

I completely understand the pricing vs quality/warranty issue, you discussed it in previous threads concerning the unit. I really hate you had to make a decision to compromise your standards in order to compete with the jones and this economy, but at the same time...you are and have been doing this, and I am just some Joe on the computer screen.

Best of luck.

12-09-2010, 01:53 PM
Any reviews? How is it lasting? How frequently do the buyers actually use them?

1. reviews. read below.
2. Lasting...........It dont last for crap. I filled six EMPTY 70ci 4500 psi tanks in two and one half hours each. Thats zero to 4500PSI. Dont know why it failed on the seventh fill. I only greased the pistons once. I sent it back and got my money back. :clap:
3. I used mine for about two weeks to do six fills. See number two above. :(

Otherwise, no, I am not a huge fan of this item yet, and why I chose not to purchase one myself. I think the concept is great, and I think that if, further down the road, it is designed in such a way that the manufacturer would stand behind it with a warranty then I would, and others I know, pursue aquiring one of them. This product is unlike anything TK has ever put his name out there for in that one regard (that I know of), and very much "unlike" the public image of him that I have "known" all these years.

First I have to produce the best product I have ever made at the lowest price I ever have. Its an interesting challenge, wish me luck!


I completely understand the pricing vs quality/warranty issue, you discussed it in previous threads concerning the unit. I really hate you had to make a decision to compromise your standards in order to compete with the jones and this economy, but at the same time...you are and have been doing this, and I am just some Joe on the computer screen.
Best of luck.

NOTE....Post removed by user so I cant quote it.

My review..................The shoebox blows dont buy one. :argh: That feels better then saying the Mag SUCKS.

The frame. Very nice and heavy duty[thickness] to support all the hardware. Has a very good[heavy duty] shop image powder coating, makes me think Craftsman tool boxes. All screws to hold hardware to frame are stainless steel. No rusting here, nice touch. Comes with a Dayton 1/3HP motor. Plenty of torque and power to blow the burst disk from what I have read on the ShoeBox forum.

Looks good with the cover on. Take the cover off and its all raw and machined aluminum and metal. Looks fugly, I want some ANO. Fine with me. Keeps my price LOW and anyway Form follows FUNCTION. On this note it does do what it says it will and under rated at that. Fill my 68 or 70 or whatever CI paintball pressure vessel to 4500 PSI. [FULL FILL] every time. :clap:

Some folks are topping off their scuba tanks even though that is not what it is sold to do. :eek:

Not OTS[off the shelf parts] From what I see. Two designed and machined and tooled cylinders. One designed, machined and tooled air block. Two cut and worked pistons. One designed machined and tooled piston block with bearings and spring arm for pressure shut off. One custom made spring for pressure shut off. One custom made jack shaft housing. One custom made shaft guide and support bracket.
Special made delrin tubes and spacers for inside the cylinders.

Holy crap batman thats a lot of not off the shelf hardware. The good news is ALL the ware items are OTS off the shelf or bin parts. Gears bushings chains AND orings. AND it still comes with a THIRTY day MONEY Back WARRANTY. :tard:

If you cant change your own oil or plugs or dont know what snap ring pliers are you can always send it in for repair. OR you can do it yourself for CHEAP and keep the 4500psi flowing. And there is a ShoeBox site to help with any issues. http://shoeboxcompressor.com/

AGD sucks, the Mag sucks, but the ShoeBox really BLOWS. I tell him every day. Ask him. :(

12-09-2010, 06:20 PM
NOTE....Post removed by user so I cant quote it.

It was pointless to try and argue, that is why I removed it. It doesn't matter what my opinion is, it is obviously wrong and worthy of jest, insults and patronization.

I mean, that IS what you are doing, right? Belittling me and my opinion with your little fake rant? Not exactly the kind of trolling I would expect out of a mod....but, you are special. ;)

12-09-2010, 09:46 PM
It was pointless to try and argue, that is why I removed it. It doesn't matter what my opinion is, it is obviously wrong and worthy of jest, insults and patronization.

I mean, that IS what you are doing, right? Belittling me and my opinion with your little fake rant? Not exactly the kind of trolling I would expect out of a mod....but, you are special. ;)

People may not be taking "your" opinion seriously because it seems you are talking out of your ***. You don't own one correct?

All your "info" is what you are regurgitating from "someone" else. Have they contacted TK about their "problems"?

I would say your main problem was taken care of years ago in Tommy Boy:

Tommy: Let's think about this for a sec, Ted. Why would somebody put a guarantee on a box? Hmmm, very interesting.

Ted Nelson: Go on, I'm listening.

Tommy: Here's the way I see it, Ted. Guy puts a fancy guarantee on a box 'cause he wants you to feel all warm and toasty inside.

Ted Nelson: Yeah, makes a man feel good.

Tommy: 'Course it does. Why shouldn't it? Ya figure you put that little box under your pillow at night, the Guarantee Fairy might come by and leave a quarter, am I right, Ted?
[chuckles until he sees that Ted is not laughing]

Ted Nelson: [impatiently] What's your point?

Tommy: The point is, how do you know the fairy isn't a crazy glue sniffer? "Building model airplanes" says the little fairy; well, we're not buying it. He sneaks into your house once, that's all it takes. The next thing you know, there's money missing off the dresser, and your daughter's knocked up. I seen it a hundred times.

Ted Nelson: But why do they put a guarantee on the box?

Tommy: Because they know all they sold ya was a guaranteed piece of ****. That's all it is, isn't it? Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it guaranteed, I will. I got spare time. But for now, for your customer's sake, for your daughter's sake, ya might wanna think about buying a quality product from me.

Ted Nelson: [pause] Okay, I'll buy from you.

Tommy: Well, that's...

Tommy/Richard Hayden: ...What?

12-10-2010, 02:24 AM
Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it guaranteed, I will. I got spare time. But for now, for your customer's sake, for your daughter's sake, ya might wanna think about buying a quality product from me.


12-16-2010, 07:36 PM
Mine arrived today!

The unit really is a fantastic size for what it accomplishes.

The build quality and attention to detail look really excellent too (I didn't expect anything else).

I need to build a fill line, and then get her up and running. :bounce:

Zone Drifter
12-19-2010, 04:54 PM
I'll say the one thing I don't care for on this product is the cover. I took it off when I first hooked it up and haven't touched it since. Maybe I can rig up a hinge or something so that I won't need to remove it completely.

12-19-2010, 07:34 PM
I'll say the one thing I don't care for on this product is the cover. I took it off when I first hooked it up and haven't touched it since. Maybe I can rig up a hinge or something so that I won't need to remove it completely.

Mines been off since I got it , I also set up a fan to " cool " the comp & motor

12-28-2010, 10:01 PM
Mines been off since I got it , I also set up a fan to " cool " the comp & motor

I took my screws out and replaced them with photo magnet. You know the kind that has tape on one side, put some on the main body and some on the cover. Now when I have to relube after 3 hours, I just pull it off and no longer have to reach behind to undo the screws. :)

12-31-2010, 07:34 PM
If it were $200 rather than $300, I would have had one for Christmas, or at least got myself on the waiting list and/or sent in a deposit.

The bottom line is, this is probably the most innovative product in paintball and one that if it sold for $200-$250 with a warranty and availability, would probably be one of the top selling products in the industry.

Ever since I switched away from low end markers, CO2 has become an afterthought. Unfortunately, the paintball popularity hasn't exploded to the point that most retail stores fill HPA tanks. You have to either find a scuba store that does it (the ones I tried did not) or you have to go to your nearest paintball store (which are disappearing). I've had t drive over an hour one way on numerous occasions just to fill HPA tanks.

The current alternative, is to get a fairly expensive set-up using scuba and compressed air tanks...which I've found does okay for 3000psi, but won't fully fill 4500 tanks.

With the explosion of free all-day air, filling HPA tanks has become less of an issue than it was 6-7 years ago, but there is a significant portion of paintballers out there that play outlaw ball or in backyards/woods. The players would line up around the block to get a shoebox that they could bring to the woods and hook to their car batteries to fill their tanks and their buddies tanks (for a few bucks). But even in it's current state (where it takes a great deal of time to fill one tank), there is one heck of a market out there for this product given the lack of facilities that fill paintball air tanks. And this isn't like other paintball equipment where the product is slightly different than another one or previous version. This is a product that simply does not exist presently...true innovation.

I think it needs more marketing, a price in the range of $200-$250, and a warranty before it will be a "huge deal"...not to mention it will need to actually be marketed at some point...but so far, SO GOOD! :clap: :cheers: :clap: I love AGD, so maybe I'm biased. My only criticism...please market it better than the warpfeed. I don't know how many times I've gone to a field with my warp and all the players are totally blown away by it but have NO CLUE what it is or where to get one. :ninja:

01-10-2011, 12:49 PM
$200-$300? Do you realize what it does? Do you realize that the nearest competitor to this product charges $4000 for theirs? How much would it cost to fill scubas for a year, if you paid someone to do it? $400 is a steal. So...it is OK to spend $400 on a marker, but to pay that much so you can fuel many markers is too much?
Shoebox is a gold mine for the players.

01-10-2011, 01:22 PM
It's not just for playing, I love to tinker, I buy messed up guns and bring them back to life. The only limiting factor I had before the shoebox was air, working on markers uses a ton of air and I never had enough. Now i'm good I have a scuba which is always filled and I can top up to 4500 when I need. I also use it for airguns ( I used to hand pump up to 3000psi, now that's a workout) I figured I've already paid for it in air fills and advil.

01-10-2011, 01:48 PM
Sorry. The word players should be replaced with consumers. ;)

01-10-2011, 06:38 PM
Mines in the garage running right now , have a scenario event this weekend ; I don't pay 15$ to 20$ air fees any more , I play 8 to 10 events a year so how much will that save me ?

01-10-2011, 10:44 PM
Just saying it will take the average player 3-4 years to recoup the cost of the shoebox on air fills. Anyways....we all see value in different ways.

I'm sure you can do the math though, Calculon ;)

02-11-2011, 01:23 PM

I'd like to purchase one. Also, for everyone else - got any pics?


02-11-2011, 01:40 PM
Nevermind :-)

Found this:


Glad to see AGD back in the game! I own the best mechanical marker (Automag!) E-marker (Emag), best air system (4500 Flatline and want to buy the best compressor! I got out of paintball 7 years ago but I'm buying one just 'cause!

Congrats TK!


02-11-2011, 04:20 PM

Hows this for making it work ?? Long & Hard but it will fill it !!

02-11-2011, 04:52 PM

Hows this for making it work ?? Long & Hard but it will fill it !!
I feel like this should be one of those hidden object games where I try to find all the spare mag parts in the pic

Haven't found any yet :(
Maybe we need a different view of your garage :)

02-11-2011, 05:16 PM
Hows this for making it work ?? Long & Hard but it will fill it !!

I asked about filling a tank like that with the Shoebox.... and was told that I'd probably have to rebuild the thing over and over. It wasn't recommended. How's it really holding up? And how long does it take to fill it to 4500 from, say, 1200 psi?

02-11-2011, 06:37 PM
I asked about filling a tank like that with the Shoebox.... and was told that I'd probably have to rebuild the thing over and over. It wasn't recommended. How's it really holding up? And how long does it take to fill it to 4500 from, say, 1200 psi?

I haven't started on the 6K tank yet ;) , I really don't want to think how many hours it will take to fill , I figure it is about the size of 3 or 4 scuba tanks & it will fill to max output instead of 3K

02-11-2011, 09:29 PM

Hows this for making it work ?? Long & Hard but it will fill it !!

I'm digging the geeky table leg, 3 wood blocks and a desktop :D

And whats the strip of foam rubber on top of the compressor for ?


02-12-2011, 09:53 AM
And whats the strip of foam rubber on top of the compressor for ?

My bet is to keep the handle from jumping around when it's running.

02-12-2011, 10:53 AM
I'm digging the geeky table leg, 3 wood blocks and a desktop :D
Looks more like two mini towers to me. ;)
It looks like there's a mid-tower holding up a saw on the other side.

02-12-2011, 01:50 PM

Hows this for making it work ?? Long & Hard but it will fill it !!

Take a fan or two out of one of those old computers and use them to cool the compressor instead of that table fan. :cool:

02-12-2011, 03:04 PM
I'm loving mine! Tom's customer service has been superb!

08-06-2011, 02:06 PM

PS a patent is in the works.

Have those worked for you? Have you ever had to defend one? In my own experience I find anything but the provisional wasted money.

P.S. Check the ShoeBox forum.