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brian terry
02-11-2002, 10:44 AM
well people i was going to give away something really nice at the ult madness in april when i was working the airgun booth ,but no one has said if they were going to come,so here"s what im going to do,so eveyone can get in on it that shoots a mag,tell me why you like your mag and show me a pic of it ,on march 23 ill tell everyone who won ,and as time gets closer to march ill tell you all what im giveing away...////

02-11-2002, 10:47 AM
**Nevermind, the search feature rocks! :) ****

Where is the "Ultimate Madness" and when exactly is it being held?

02-11-2002, 10:54 AM
Reliability, reliability, reliability. I've never had my guns go down where I couldn't fix the problem on the spot. I love the guns and also the company that makes them. I've dealt with AGD on several occasions, and none of them were unpleasant.

Currently own a Classic P/F with Hyperframe, Micro, and Warp EMag.

02-11-2002, 11:28 AM
so youre asking why we like our mags and yoiu want a pic of them. and whoever has liek the best reasons wins something????? What?

brian terry
02-11-2002, 11:33 AM
yeah the best post will win,and i guess ill just tell what it will be,it will be a 200 dollar gift card from smart parts..////,,,

02-11-2002, 11:35 AM
sweet ill post later i gotta work on my speech

02-11-2002, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by brian terry
yeah the best post will win,and i guess ill just tell what it will be,it will be a 200 dollar gift card from smart parts ..////,,,

oh the irony....


Anyways...here is the reason I love my mag and am addicted:


That goes for all aspects of AGD: products, customer service, etc.

Pic will be up later.

02-11-2002, 01:01 PM
The best thing I like about my mag and mags alike, are the people who shoot them (AO/people on the fields), The Mag community is great. When Moose's E-mag was stolen you all banded together and tried to help him out. How everyone tries to get all the Mag owners out to fields to play together, thats true sportsmanship :). Tom rules, he talks to us like a regular human and not some Paintball god, he's nice enough to host these boards and help people out on them, and the contests and give aways are super as well. The Mag is Easy to Clean, it doesn't need very many Aftermarket parts to look nice or perform any better. Its small, lite and strong as a Ox :)

pic soon if I can get one

Gray PF L +Green body rail + Green SmartParts Forgrip
Smartparts logo on the Benchy Frame (smart mag?)
68/3k MAxflow
J&J SS 14"
Stock Green PMI ceramic

02-11-2002, 02:11 PM
The reson that I love AGD is really 2 reasons. First and formost, Reliabilty. AGD is the best paintball coumpany I have delt with to date. And you can rely on their guns anytime. Rain, snow, sleet, hurricanes ( :confused: ) You can count on their guns to work. Second is performance. Now I am not gonna say "I have shot out 20 angles with my mag" because we all know that it is the player, not the gun. But in Airgun Designs case, it is the gun. Mags dependablity is great and their Rate of fire is excellent.

Here are a few pics of my setup.
http://www.hunting-pictures.com/members/Paintballer86/side.jpg http://www.hunting-pictures.com/members/Paintballer86/sidepick.jpg http://www.hunting-pictures.com/members/Paintballer86/back%20pic.jpg

brian terry
02-11-2002, 03:31 PM
some people dont have a pic of there gun so if you cant get one just tell why u like your mag,if u got a pic show it off ,..////

Lord Vader
02-11-2002, 03:36 PM
I love my mag mainly because it is compact, reliable, looks cool, and can attain awesome rates of fire, all withouth the need for electropneumatics.

02-11-2002, 04:47 PM
I like my mag because of how simple it is. The valve setup and maintenance are so easy that I clean my mag maybe once a month and it still works great. Also I love how they feel, they are increadable comfortable when I am sitting behind a tree or bunker. Heck, they can even shoot underwater with out a problem :D. I just love my mag because of it's simplicity and quatlity.

02-11-2002, 04:52 PM
I love my mag, because it is dead on accurate, reliable, and I am one of the few that think mags are worth it where I play. Also, the mag us the second gun I have owned. I quess I kinda push the AGD products at my feild :p. Well, here is the pic

02-11-2002, 06:08 PM
I like my mag because of the short/snappy trigger. I love the trigger. Personally I like the way it looks. I like the various accessories, and I like the cost, I don't have too much money so...yeah.

The customer service is great too. If by any chance by gun does break...AGD is always there.

Here's a pic:

02-11-2002, 10:18 PM
O Automag, Automag, wherefore art thou Automag?
Deny thy Cocker and....well that next part doesn't really fit. :)

But, Yes, the love for my Automag is like the love that Romeo and Juliet had for each other, reliable, true, passionate, and condemned by many.

Ok, ok, in layman's terms; What I love about my mag is of course the reliability, but most of all, I love all the crap I get from "The Mag Haters." YES, you read right, "all the crap." I love "the crap." I love it when people say "Ha, you're Mag'in it?!?!" or "You have a mag, why don't you go get a real gun." :D

It's true, I live in an area where mags are few and far between, and they are frankly disliked. :(

It's after these comments that I commence to pound their face in the dirt by continuing the proverbial wiping of their clocks. ;)

If those well known sayings didn't work lets try an analogy. When I start to whoop up on everyone with my mag, it's like the ironic scene in Romeo and Juliet when the two lovers both end up dead and everyone regrets what they had said about the above mentioned "condemned."

And for everyone who really hated my Romeo and Juliet comparison lets just leave it at this.

"Mags are the KEWLEST!" - Me :cool:

First of all thanks a lot Brian, I didn't know this was coming out of your pocket.

Secone, here is a picture of my mag without the drop, Warp, tank, revvy, Freak,and cool AGD sticker on the warp. I don't know if it's going to work but here goes.


02-11-2002, 11:25 PM
i would tell u about my mag, but i sold it because it was a paint blender. Im guna stick with my cocker. :-D Sorry guys.

02-12-2002, 01:40 AM

You should know that Brian is taking the money for this out of his own pocket just to do something nice for AO. You should express your appreciation!

Thank you Brian, it is a very noble thing you are doing. You have my respect.


02-12-2002, 03:29 AM
Well as Tom said thank you Brian for doing this.

The reason i love my mag because the new players drool, my friends envy it, And it draws in chicks! What isn't to love its relaibilty in the nicest package on earth.

I also love how such an old gun can compete with all the new guns with all the improvements over the years. And how u can put your mag through hell and it'll still work perfect.

Another thing i love is how hardly any pros use the gun so u know the rich kid down the street wont want to buy it.

The best thing about the mag is when i goto the field and i dont have to worry if its gonna leak or if its gonna shoot to low. Its like Life made simpler. Its like going from the city to the country. i mean there is no comparison.

Well i hope The best of luck with the contest brian!

02-12-2002, 06:33 AM
Wow Brian, you are a dieing breed of men that would do something like this!!!! Thank you for doing it! :D

02-12-2002, 07:38 AM
Wow that is a very nice thing for you to do, to pay for something like that out of your own pocket. I wish there were more people like you in this world.

As for why I got a mag what can I say that everybody else has not, simple to use, easy to keep working, you don't need tons of upgrades to make it work better, I think they are cool looking. The biggest thing that made me like my mag more is the people behind it, I mean somebody looked over my gun, and and put that little slip of paper on the grip telling me how fast it was shooting before it whent into the box. That really impressed me.


darn i cant get my pic to work

02-12-2002, 08:31 AM
i bought a mag because i liked the way it looked.
i bought a second mag because:
1) the design is simple
2) the design is ingenious
3) it is high quality
4) AGD has great customer service
5) AGD takes the time to check this forum and offer things like AO party's and the super tour.
6) versatility from intelliframes to warp feeds.
7) All of the other mag owners out there that will take the time to help people with on this forum and on the field regardless of the marker they own.

here is a pic:
also pics of both guns can be found in my signature below

thanks brian for hosting this contest.

02-12-2002, 09:29 AM
I bought my first mag as I was having issues with my autococker. I tried my friend's out while he was working on my cocker, and in one game shot over 900 balls, and still had a very able marker in my hands. I like the fact that the AGD factory parts perform better than any aftermarket product, aside from barrels. Moreover, I like and appreciate the fact that the Automag has such a devoted following. It's ease of use and maintenance are legendary. How can one knock a product for outlasting most other markers? The pix I have are of an old Vert Feed Minimag, which is now gone...so pics of my black beauty will have to come later.

02-12-2002, 09:46 AM
I bought my gun because it is simple. I dont play more than 10-15 times a year, and when I hit the field I dont want to have to worry if my gun is going to work or not.

I recently bought an Impulse (waiting for it in the mail) I wouldn't mind the $200 SP credit because I bet this thing is going to break alot. :(

However, I just found a steal on a Powerfeed Automag, so now I am going to have TWO Automags and my Impy. I wonder which gun is going to get played with more?

Thanks Brian!

02-12-2002, 04:15 PM
The two major reasons I wanted an automag is reliability and ease of maintenance. I also have a Palmer Stroker. It shoots fine and gave me little trouble for many years. However, once it started having problems, it started having problems. Ever take one of those things apart? You sure aren't going to do it between games! I ended up playing with a rental on more than one occasion. With the automag, you could install an entire parts kit in 5-10 minutes! Now that is what I call easy. No more playing with a rental. All that, and top of the line performance with a nice short trigger pull. And a company that really stands behind its product. What more could you ask for?

Brian, thanks very much for the contest. How many people would do they same?

Sorry, I don't have a picture. Mine is pretty basic, which is how I like it.

02-12-2002, 05:26 PM
hehe, words don't describe mags, even though im sellin mine soon as i move, ill be holding a a perrrrrrrrrrrrrdy Xtreme

Mag Shooters For Life!

02-12-2002, 09:24 PM
Well, there's more than one reason why I love my mag. First of all, you can't beat AGD's customer service. Plus, I live close to Brian so I'll never have to send my gun in. Another reason is that a mag can perform along with any gun (even though most people don't think that). One of the best thing about AGD's guns is their reliability. I never have to fiddle with gun between games or do anything extensive just to have it working. It's kind of nice being one of the people around here that shoots a mag and the only one on my team that does,even though they're really picking up around here (partly because of Brian). That's it for now, but I'm sure I could think of many more reasons why I love AGD and my mag if I sat here and thought about it.

02-12-2002, 09:34 PM
simple....because when i play topgun it tears all the other guns apart.with its size and speed....so compact to fit into bunkers...and blazing fast ROF to take out your opponent

Jar Jar
02-12-2002, 11:35 PM
I love my mag because it's dependable, great tech support, and any problem is easily fixable. Here's a pic of my awesome mag Brian.

Jar Jar
02-12-2002, 11:37 PM
didn't notice my foot was in the picture...oh well

Kaiser Bob
02-13-2002, 01:19 AM
Ok... bear with me as its late and I just felt inspired to write. :) Basically, It all started in 96 with the release of the RT mag, ever since then i have been fascinated with them, but never really had the money to afford it or a regular mag for that matter. I ended up with a used cocker that I got from a ref for really cheap and I worked with that, but I always loved the simplicity of design and elegant efficency of the mag... fast forward a couple of years. Now after being in college for a year and a half, and not playing for about that long, my love for paintball was reignited! I wanted a new gun to get back into the pball scene as i loaned my cocker to a friend more or less permanently after high school. I remembered how I had taken a liking to mags after firing one off at my local field and started surfing the net looking for more info about them, well I was surprised to find how unpopular they had become! I couldent believe it because back in the day they were a staple in the paintball world! In any case, I came across AO, and I found this community of open minded, civil bunch of paintballers who welcomed new players with open arms, and lo and behold the president of AGD intimately works with them! This cemented my decision to pick up a mag in the end and i am more than satisfied with the end result :) Ive learned that AGD's customer service is second to none and my fellow mag owners are slow to flame and quick to help with any problem that arises. Put that on top of a beautifully designed, reliable, consistant marker and the choice becomes clear :) Sorry I dont have pics, but I have a mag p/f with AA Raptor 68/3000, BOA Concealer and wood grips... I am sorry if I was long winded, but it was coming straight from the heart. Thanks for your time. :)

BTW, Brian, this contest is yet another testiment to how wonderful the AGD community is.

02-13-2002, 01:23 AM
Keepin' it short and sweet!
My inviso-mag is l337!

Sadly, I don't have an automag... BUT! I am getting one.

02-13-2002, 06:34 PM
The are many reasons why I love my mag, a few of which include the fact that 1) It seems these days in paintball people are going for very complex set-ups and mags are very simple, so I guess this would fall under ease of use. 2) Noone around where I live shoots a mag except me, so I stand out,(this is a pro and con, because if I shoot poorly everyone blames the mag, but if I shoot well everyone also blames the mag), so I guess I like being unique. 3) I work in the customer service field so I recognize good and bad customer service more then most people and I must say AGD has the best customer service of any industry, so I guess this goes under reliability because on the rare occasion I have a problem with my mag, they are right there for me.4) Last but not least I love coming on to AO, talking with people and discussing pantball and life in general, to me coming on to AO is lke the end of the day in paintball when all the trash talking s over and everyone trades war stories and tips they feel can make better players.

Thanks To AGD For Great Products and Service!
And Thanks to Brian Terry for giving us all a good reason to pay homage to a Incredible COmpany!

Chris- Proud Owner of an Automag RT Pro

brian terry
02-14-2002, 11:37 PM
people it's going to be tuff to pick just one ,so far they are all very good hummmmmm maybe ill have to pick 2 maybe,,,,//

02-15-2002, 10:52 AM
1) Customer Service of course.

2) The Automag is the best gun out there in my opinion,
the performance can't be matched no matter what anybody
says. The new SFLs and Extreems have proved that.

3) AO, without AO, the mag world wouldn't be the same. I
learn alot about my gun I would not have known
otherwise. AND, where else could I talk to the creator
of my baby, and techs and all?

4) Brian you shoot one, and you know you are my hero! :D

Mega Man
02-15-2002, 11:31 AM
First of all (as I see some of you have already done) I want to thank you Brian for being so giving. I know it can't be hard slaving through all these posts to find a suitable one.
Well to be honest the great people of AO have already stated the GREAT things about the Mag's. I can't add ANYTHING to the list they have already come up with. So I am just going to have to run down the list again.
5. COMPETION (by this I mean it can keep up with todays markers)
and the list goes on and on. Once again thank you Brian.

02-15-2002, 11:37 AM
The mag ABC's.

a. simplicity (if somethings wrong just change an o-ring and 90% of the time it'll be up and running)
b. consistency
c. great customer service (from the office girls, and everyone here)
d. don't need to upgrade (unless you want to :))
e. ease of use
f. never lets me down (2 years now with the mag)
g. passed up a chance on a GX-3 Cocker so i kept my mag.
h. passed up a chance on a angel so i could keep my mag.
i. barrel system (twist & lock)
j. quality
k. trigger (high rates of fire)
l. durable (stainless steel)
m. size (because of my setup i can tuck-in more than alot of people can)
n. odd looks
o. intimidation (which the marker gives)
p. sound (no other makes the sound of the mag)
q. great for a guy on a budget or a guy with an endless pocket full of money
r. can retro fit parts from the higher end of the gun pyramid to the lowest gun
s. no parts needing to cock back
t. no outside moving parts to worry about falling off
u. everyone i know that owns a mag is an all around cool guy (ie. brian giving away stuff for free)
v. stealthness (with all the stereotyping of mags done, it's easy to show them up)
w. accuracy (i guess this should have gone all the way up there with consistency)
x. unique
y. the best marker out there (IMO and probably yours too)
z. sentimental value (i love mine)

i will update the pics when i get a digi cam, and my retro valve comes in. hopefully next week.

02-15-2002, 11:49 AM
Aah. I love my mag. Everything I could ever want in a paintball gun is right here in this house. I LOVE IT!

02-15-2002, 03:16 PM
why did i get an e-mag after only playing for about 3 months, the readiness of all the other mag players at the field i play. they let me try their guns out to see if i liked them and looked what happened, i am now a proud owner of an e-mag and cannot wait till the new extremes come out so that i can can get one of those too. i don't think i will ever go back to another kind of gun because of the easiness of cleaning and taking care of the gun itself.
e-mags are great, pure and simple.

02-15-2002, 04:43 PM
There is elegance in the simplicity of its design in form and function. A compact single tube design creates a smaller target, greater maneuverability, and does away with bulky stacked alternatives. And within that single tube, an efficient and reliable valve assembly that does not need to be timed in order for it to shoot and wont poke you in the eye. It lends itself well to abuse and mishandling and is a joy to maintain.

dave p
02-15-2002, 10:19 PM
gosh, i wrote the clincher, it was so eloquent, you all would have cried in your beers. it got lost in transit. so, heres a pic:

dave p
02-15-2002, 10:29 PM
sorry, trying to remove the post but i keep being told im not logged in tho i am, lost my prize winning automag speech that way, thems the breaks

02-16-2002, 01:37 AM
I love my Minimag simply because of its build quality. Back when I didn't know anything about AGD and thought Automags were fully automatic, I decided to go to the local pro-shop and try out some new guns. The guns I fired that day were a Minimag and a STO Cocker. I'd never shot a Mag before and after shooting that Minimag, I fell in love. It was so quiet and fast I couldn't believe it. I sold my Carbine and got the Mag. Since then, it's gone from the bone stock setup to where it is now and have not had one problem with it other than me doing foolish things to it on occasion that resulted in problems. I bought the gun without knowing anything about AGD or their customer service reputation, but the first time I had to call AGD for a part I was treated with so much respect and kindness by JoAnn, I was reaffirmed that this was the gun and company for me.

02-16-2002, 02:48 AM
I'm not sure if it's common to all automags, or just mine, but the very first time I took mine out on the field, I could tell it had a thirst for blood. It yearned to make the shot, pulling me along behind it. Forcing me to play up to it's level. My mag has it's own soul. A very ancient soul, experienced in the art of war. That first time I took it out to the field, I could tell that, come hell or high water, if I was willing, the beast would be ready. This is why I love my mag. And thank you Brian for putting your energy into AO. Sadly, though, I don't currently have a photo of my mag. To give you an idea, it's got a
* polished std. feed right with cut feed tube
* polished body rail
* polished drop
* polished rear velocity adj./tourny lock
* chrome gas-thru foregrip
* 10" unported oldstyle dye ss
* and a 110 tuffskin.:D

02-16-2002, 08:16 AM
Well What I like about my mag, there is a lot of things ease of take down gota love that one bolt and the valve is in your hand for ease of cleaning and repair(If needed)

The second thing I like is that it is very reliable, I have only ever had two problems with my mag one was when I first got it and I had to send it back to airgun to be fix(Really great customer service), and the only other time I had a problem with it was my own fault(I was using the proteam spacer kit instead of the airgun kit), but I got that one fixed and have not had any trouble with it.

The Third thing I like is the customer service from the company, I you have a problem they are very helpful and I they cant help you over the phone they will have you send it to them and They will fix it and send it back asap.

Ther is only one more thing that I like about my mag and That is that It ROCKS, like all of the airgun products.

Here is my pic
It has a universal power feed with the standard feed tube cut down, a 16 inch smartparts AA barrel, Smartparts expansion chamber and smartparts grip frame with wooden grips

brian terry
02-21-2002, 12:27 PM
keep em comeing people ,,.. right now iv got a 1 to win but i wont say who yet ,need more post,...///

02-21-2002, 01:20 PM
another one

02-21-2002, 02:56 PM
First off, here are my Automag's specs:

Grey Powerfeed Automag with Classic AIR Valve
12" SP Progressive barrel and 12" CP Barrel
Benchmark 2x Trigger Frame
Dye Stickies
KAPP Foregrip
Psycho Ballistics drop forward setup w/SS hose & quick disconnect
rear thumb velocity adjuster
And my Crossfire 68ci Stub Nitro tank
Sorry no pics :(

Now for my story

Throughout my time that I have been playing paintball, I have owned many markers, six to be exact. Half of them have been Automags. I have always liked trying new guns, and when I would get a new marker, I'd always sell the previous one. Well I went from Piranha, to Automag, to Autococker, to Automag, to Impulse, and now currently I have an Automag. With the previous markers before, I never had one longer than 3 months basicly because I always wanted something new, but I would always seemingly be drawn back to the Mag. The mag I currently have now I have had for over a year. I have loved the current Automag I have for basicly 2 reasons: its reliability and for its simplicity. And added to that the marker is backed by the best customer service in the business, it adds up to owning one great marker. I love my marker from the good times to the bad times (those dreaded breech chops). I simply like the Automag, period.

02-21-2002, 03:24 PM
CaPoEiRa is MY girlfriend by the way, and we are finally going to start playing together....

Hey I Love Automags, I've been playing paintball for 4+ years now and I bought an Automag 1 month into the sport I played with my gun all the time, everyone else in my team have gone through AT LEAST 3 guns each while I stayed with mine still having a more reliable and overall better performing gun. I love that they are tournament ready out of the box, how you don't have to buy another gun worth of upgrades to make it noticed by the team your shooting at. I have so much faith in AGD and their equipment that I think it would take something just short of a train running over my valve for me to have to send it in, that's a good comforting feeling. It does'nt matter how many thousands of dollars you spent on your gun with all it's brag-rights features when my mag is in my hand. I also really like the fact that if you do want to tune and play with the settings you can really get down and dirty to make it SO fast and sensative that it's insane(while still being reliable). I've always shot mags, I always will, as far as paintball goes, I feel like I'm in a serious relationship with the good people at AGD, lol(it's true!) Now for the bad news, My truck recently got broken into on a bad night, a night my gun was in it. They stole 3,000 dollars worth of jewelry, speakers and other things but I would have let them have it if they had left my gun there, seriously, I felt like crying. I had recently been building a gun from scratch to slip my old valve in till I got an RT valve, I was'nt finished yet, all I needed was my trigger which was in the mail, I never got a chance to fire it. My old gun was all perfomance, it was time for me to build the all performance And looks gun strictly out of chrome and silver. Well they took my old gun and new one cleaning me out. My friends offered me there old guns to have(they knew my passion for my old one), I turned them down and bought another one on ebay, it's not much for looks yet(I have no money) but it's definitly got it where it counts which at least is keeping me in the game.......I going to try and put two pics, one is of the one they stole, the other is the one I just bought hope you like em.

02-21-2002, 03:40 PM
this is my gun they stole

02-21-2002, 03:43 PM
this is the one I just bought all I have is a retro valve and a 68/4500 Mac Dev Conquest. like I said, not much for looks, but it's got it where it counts....

02-21-2002, 03:50 PM
Although the main frame isn't from AGD I must say I do love my Micromag. Nothing is better then going to a field and playing while cocker players are fixing theirs and showing them up when they aren't fixing them. I love the simple care they require, the customer service, and most of all the attitude of the mag owners. Without the help of people on this board I may not have gotten a mag. Now I've never thought twice about it. In fact the performance of the Micro made me so pleased I'm now ordering a RT Pro. Thanks AGD and Proteam for the great markers that have influenced my paintball life. Keep up the good work and stand true to the motto, "Quality always shoots straight!"

Brian I don't have a pic of my Micro RT because I don't have a camera or scanner.

[email protected]

03-03-2002, 09:56 AM
This is why I love my Mag...
1. It's simple to strip down.
2. It's simple to clean.
3. People try my Mag and sometimes don't want to give her back.
4. It's exactly how I want it to be. Few guns can do this for me.
5. I only need 2 tools to work on it.
6. I've never had shootdown with it.
7. I know if it breaks it'll be fixed promptly if I send her in to AGD.
8. It's an all weather gun.
9. It's got the best community on the Net (even cool Angel owners post with us).
10. Brian's gonna hook someone up for showin' the love.

Thanks for the Gun Tom, thanks for the chance to get a cool prize Brian

03-03-2002, 01:38 PM
Quality and Design sums it up, AGD is my favourite company I love mags they are all I shoot, Some reason when I am holding one I feel like all of those other guns dont matter, it could be a 20,000 dollar gun and I would still pick my mag... why... because its mine.

And Brian ty for having this contest its very nice of you to be doing this for us. here is a pic of my lovely RT my fav marker heeh.

03-03-2002, 04:04 PM
Simply, I love my Mag because it gets me to the feild without any problems, performs Flawlessly, and is able to be customized with some of the most unique upgrades out there.

03-03-2002, 04:42 PM
Why I love Mags:

They are simple, reliable, high-quality, compact, and are good to go out of the box. When I first started, I didn't care about what was popular or what people were raving about... I value my opinion over the crowd. I shot a spyder and thought it felt like junk, shot a cocker and mag and decided to get one of those. I asked to tear the guns apart... I got to see how easy the mag was. Comes apart easy, put back together easy... and it works. The dude with the cocker said no because he didn't want to fool with it and just timed it. "Do you have to time a Mag?" "No." That was all I needed to hear and I ordered my first paintball gun... a 68 PF Automag.

Once in a while, people will ask me what gun to buy. "You tell me." I'll let them play with my mag and let it sell itself. If they ask me about cockers... angels... or whatever, I'll honestly tell them that they are good guns too and I'd like to have a few of each. Simple and high-performance usually don't go together, but AGD guns fit this description. They are perfect for both the beginner and the pro-level tourny player.

03-03-2002, 05:35 PM
Owning an Automag has been the best decisions that I have ever made in my paintball life. But I did not think that when I bought my first autmag. It took me two autocockers two understand that they do not compare to the quality and reliability of automags.

Why are automags so lovable :)?
They don't tease you by not working when you need them to work the most. It is a simple and ingenious design that is not fair to compare to other guns. I mean, what other gun can you fix 99.9% of it's problems with a change of 0-rings?

They are also lovable because they are user friendly. You don't have to know how to time the gun to keep it working. They just work.

Lastly, I love my automag because it is unique and there is no other gun like mine. When you go to the field with an angel, 30 other people have the same gun. When you go to the field with an automag, little kids are in awe and when you play someone and beat them, they are not like, "Oh we only lost because they have angels and autocockers" No, you gain respect from them. Your skill is not because of the gun, it is because of you.

I love automags because they are simple, user friendly and unique. No guns compare to the guns that we tote around. Also, the people that use these guns are friendly and always let the newbies try out their gun at the chrono. A special thanks to the guy that let me use his mag for a game. :) Thanks to him, I won't shoot any other gun.


03-03-2002, 07:53 PM
Well I have about 100 reasons why I love my mag, about 110% of them were listed in the posts above. But the biggest reason why I LOVE my mag is shown below. (it gets me women)

03-03-2002, 08:12 PM
i love that paint job no wonder it picks up women

03-04-2002, 03:47 PM

03-13-2002, 02:58 PM
Why do I love my mag?

How about the fact that I can absolutely not touch it, not even clean it, not oil it, for months, and it still performs great? Maintenance is minimal, and performance remains unaffected. It is a brick. My gun gets in dirt, it gets covered in paint, it gets rained on, it gets banged around, and god knows what other tortures, and without even having to TOUCH it, I know for a fact it will be ready to go the next time I need to play. All the time, every time.

And when I do maintain it? Easy as pie. No stupid timing rods, no annoying little tubes and hoses. Only parts that need replacing are o-rings, and even those rarely. Entire gun field strips without tools, cleans up, and is reassembled in VERY little time. If for some reason an o-ring went out on you, you could be fixed and running again in very little time. With most other guns, you'd miss a lot more play time while you tried to diagnose the problem.

And what about customer service? The one time I had a problem (IE, when I was too stupid to put the rail bushing back in), I called up, talked to Jon, sent it in, had him fix it, and sent it back. ZERO hassle. Cost to me? Shipping to AGD. What did I get out of it? A working marker with new internals. I don't know any other company with the same level of absolutely outstanding customer service.

Automags.org just seals the deal. Nowhere else is there such a massive support network. Any problem/question/etc related to mags or paintball in general is available in one place. Tom and his legions of techs are on all the time answering questions and are always being helpful. Automags.org was what made me buy my mag in the first place, and its what has kept me going in the time since.

Hopefully that sums it up for you :) Picture of my baby below…

-Brian Casani

03-13-2002, 04:05 PM
im going to madness. I like my mag because its simple, easy to take apart and fix, but thats not the only reason i also like it cuz i LOVE the trigger and it shoots really far and accurate.

brian terry
03-13-2002, 05:01 PM
ON THE 22 im going to close this ,and on the 23 and 24 im going to read every post agen and ill tell who won the 200 dollar gift card then,./

03-13-2002, 08:56 PM
Why do I love my mag? The same reason I love my jeep. Lots of people think they are ugly, old, outdated, and there are better, more expensive models out there. But, when it comes down to it, reliability counts. You either love them, or hate them. People always ask why I love my jeep. Its uncomfortable, loud, breezy. But, when I hit 300,000 miles, and they are on thier 3rd vehicle. I smile and say "its a jeep thing, you wouldnt understand. So, when someone says "why do you shoot a mag?" I smile, play against them, and, as they walk off the field, say "its a mag thing..."

03-13-2002, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by oldsoldier
"its a jeep thing, you wouldnt understand."

Hells yeah brother! :D



03-13-2002, 09:54 PM

03-14-2002, 07:39 AM
jeeps are sweet. my mom used to have one and she could drag sport cars on the highway with it and win... i have a cool mom

brian terry
03-17-2002, 04:53 PM
this is the last week to post on why you like your mag people ,the post are really good so far its going to be hard ...///

03-17-2002, 07:24 PM
Why I like mags:
-Reliability-becasue you can let your mag sit in your closet for a few weeks, months or years if you take a break from paintball come back and still have a nice working gun with little or no work. And the stock parts are better than most upgrades.
-Lack of popularity- I know some people get upset from not seeing many mags in tournamets. Not being in the 'in croud' is fun, isnt it?
-Because of this forum- I like mags because the company workers/owner actually interacts with customers, frequently, almost daily. Other companies usually jsut go to their tournamet players for advice. And how many companies give away a 900$ piece of equipment just because there was a bunch of people browsing their forum.
-Customer service- AGD has the nice office workers that are always willing to help with problem, help new owners who bought a used mag, get a manual video and the necessary upgrades for their gun..which are usually free too.
-Compactness- Mags are one of the most compact guns. Mine was only 20(even) inches long with a 10 in barrel and a shocktech drop with 68 3k maxflow (tip of barrel to end of tank)
-Simple Design- Mags have a super simple design. Cockers and the moving parts do look good, but with the more moving parts the more things to go wrong. With the simple body design, there are less upgrades...meaning less money into your gun and more to what you spit out of it....atlest thats what I thought when I got my mag.
-Look on peoples faces- I love the look on peoples faces when they have their cockers or other guns and look down on mags (no offence to people who dont own a mag and dont look down on mags)and then after a game of playing getting compliments on how quiet and compact it is after I play them. And I will never forget the one kid that asked me "what kind of spyder is that?"

*EDIT* sorry for spelling, typos and puntuation errors. :P
My mag(still waiting on money to get a freak, so i thought I would give this a shot, cant hurt anything can it?):

brian terry
03-22-2002, 11:16 AM
this is it guys and girls last day to post why you like your mag,..after today its all over but me to pick the person to win the 200 dollar gift card from smart parts.,.

03-22-2002, 11:43 AM
because i've never had its timing go out! :D

03-22-2002, 07:38 PM
It makes me tingle.

03-23-2002, 12:50 AM
I don't have a camera to post a pic. sigh.

I love my mag though. I bought it new in 1993 (a powerfed hopper left level 7) and have never had a failure. It just keeps on workin. No gun on any field intimidates me when I have my mag, because I know its just a mater of time before they either run low on paintball or break down. They certainly won't outshoot me either. I've played 5 on 1 with all the electros on the other team and only me left on my team. They quickly piled up in the Neutral Zone as they tried to hunt me down. He he. As for accuracy, it doesn't get any better. The operation of the mag is so smooth that I can contiually shoot darts through small openings at will. Poor Will. LOL.

I want to put some tender loving care into some well deserved upgrades to my baby, er, I mean mag.



brian terry
03-23-2002, 03:37 AM
ok people no more post ,its saturday the 23 and all im going to do is read all the post from the 1st to the last one ,sunday night ill let you all know who won ,sunday iv got a 10man prat in canton ohio ,ill be back sunday night and ill get on line around 10 and post who won./,

03-23-2002, 07:11 AM
I have been around many markers, for a long time before I got my mag, I saw what the weak points were, and then I moved on, continuing play with my Trracer. From time to time I would read something more about the "68 Automag" and pushing me a little closer to it. talking with a few friends that owned them and getting to shoot one every now and then. First off I guess you can say I gained a respect for it, now I do nothing but promote the heck out of AGD and the sport.

paint king
03-23-2002, 08:55 AM
Well i think its too late but ill try anyway. I could restate everything the other guys said because they are true but i wont do that because it would bore you all. Plain and simple the Automag is the greatest gun. Need I say more???????

paint king
03-23-2002, 08:57 AM
Hahahhaa........sorry posted the wrong pic heres the right one(stupid me).

03-23-2002, 12:39 PM
I sold my mag for a red bushmaster and the first day I played with the bushy, i cried because I missed my mag so much. The feel of the automag cant compare. Sop ill share a pic of the mag I used to own and then the bushmaster (that cant compare) i now own...

03-23-2002, 12:43 PM
i guess the pic of my old mag didnt work so here it is: