View Full Version : Airline qusetions

02-11-2002, 11:23 AM
Ok, I'm working on my RTPro and fiddling around with a few things. Right now I have a 90 degree elbow coming out of the valve, which is going into a 45 degree elbow, which is going into a male QD end.

I am at work so I will attempt and ASCII picture to illustrate this.

/ | QD |
90 | /

The reason I have done this is that I cannot find a 90 elbow in my area that has a long enough fitting so that I can use the QD. The 45 brings the QD high enough on the valve so that with the QD has enough clearence to attach.

I have 2 questions about this....

1. Will there be a detrimental flow restriction with this setup?

2. If I switch to an AGD elbow and QD setup, will this give me the clearance I need off the valve?

I will post pictures when I get home so that you can see exactly what I mean.

02-11-2002, 08:47 PM
Here is the picture:


I will take more if needed.