View Full Version : an emag in todays modern world?

12-14-2010, 07:13 PM
how does an emag hold up these days? are they trouble prone and difficult to set up or easy to keep shooting? I know its gonna be heavier and slow if i get an early version but can they be truely that good when done well. ultimately ill be looking for one with an x-valve and 1.8 flash and ule body. can it still be used in a speedball setting and sustain a decent rate of fire on semi. Ive always wanted one and im getting real close to finally pulling the trigger but ive never even seen one in person so i wanna be sure.

12-14-2010, 07:33 PM
Heavier, yes. Other than that, if you have easy access to air, they are just as good as anything out today. They can fire fast, rt in hybrid mode is quick. Most tournies these days cap you at 15 anyway, so even 1.37 will do the trick. I have had high end markers go down on me in a tourny...really sucked, but my emag has yet to fail. If the electronics did, just switch to mech and keep going.

Frizzle Fry
12-14-2010, 08:14 PM
are they trouble prone and difficult to set up or easy to keep shooting?

Don't believe the hype that some PUNKS on other sites (or even right here) might throw at ya...

Tune it once, keep the battery charged, toss a little gold cup oil in the ASA once in a while. Once the bolt is tuned, you're good to go, provided you don't replace your body/rail/whatever (in which case you tune again, and you're set for the foreseeable future. Rebuild the valve once a year if you feel you must, but it isn't necessary if you're not a tournament player or regular weekend warrior; you can just replace seals and o-rings as (rarely) needed.

Granted, you'll only get 1000-1100 shots out of a 68/45 but with a brand-spankin-new DYE NT you'll only get 1500 out of the same tank. Who shoots 1500 shots in a single game? Or 1000 for that matter? If your field has a fill-station you're all set - otherwise you should invest in a slingshot :p

Weighs a handful of ounces more than markers 10 years newer. Not for players with chronic wrist conditions that might be aggravated by extremely slight weight differences. Those partial to fatigue should eat an extra bite of their PowerBar in the morning before playing with an Emag. Also, they tend to be pretty durable, so you'll have to be extra careful not to not break it.

Seeing as the average paintball is about 3.2g your marker will be about 25 "paintballs" heavier than an Ego 11, give or take 10 "paintballs" depending on setup.

12-14-2010, 08:18 PM
With the xmod flash it will do everything that any other electro will do. Yes it is going to be heavier but you have to make some sacrifice, after all flip a lever and its it's own back up gun. What other marker can do that? As far as durable goes last time I landed on an Emag when i fell, the battery pack broke my rib and it kept on shooting like nothing happened.

12-14-2010, 08:53 PM
im really not to concerned with the weight, i just wanted to know what to expect. Im going from a pm7 so its gonna be noticable but i been rockin my vm68 lately and not many things weigh more than that.
Air isnt an issue since i own a field in ct. its free all day and night for me. :)
Most tourneys i plaqy or host are uncapped semi. ive got a few guys here that are shooting over 30 bps in semi on newer egos. Ill never be that fast but i need to be around 20 or so on semi to hold them off. It only takes one ball to get a hit but volume helps. :rofl:
my main concern has been electronics mostly. I know its getting to be an older gun with older boards. I can repair the mech side of the gun but i dont know about the electronics. seems batteries and chargers are hard to get or at the very least more costly than alot of used guns.

12-14-2010, 09:26 PM
If the older electronics are a problem/concern. Grab one of the new boards that are being sold on here. They have a preorder list and I think they are waiting to reach 100 preorders. (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=254474) There have been like 20 preorders in two weeks.

Other then that I can't wait to have my own e-mag, it will be the first electronic marker I have ever owned. (I am currently trying to complete a sleeper mag)

*ADD* Looks like they need at least 50 preorders before then go into production.

12-15-2010, 01:38 AM
I use my Emag regularly, its reliable and a generally solid gun. The only issue I have is efficiency...or lack of it to be exact. It's a pain with the fields don't fill all the way to 4500, and you are playing back to back games. On a full fill, I'm able to go through my hopper and 4 pods, with a partial fill...Im leaving partway through the second game.

Frizzle Fry
12-15-2010, 02:47 AM
Im going from a pm7 so its gonna be noticable

PM7 (bone stock) = 1.9lb

Emag (bone stock) = 3.3lb

Weight difference = 198 paintballs

That's with an SS bodied Emag, standard humpback frame. I was thinking ULE / ULE earlier when I was talking about weight. So yeah, i might just make it weight about a hopperful of paint more, provided you've got a stainless steel bodied Emag using a twistlock, significantly less with aluminum and a 'cocker barrel (paintball = 3.2g).

That said, I've never had trouble with an Emag board. Is this a widespread issue?