View Full Version : interested in getting a pump....

12-15-2010, 12:47 PM
ive always been a fan of phantoms but after seeing a couple of nice cocker pumps at the field im not sure.....

opinions on both? or other reccomendations maybe? im looking for a pump that can be had at around 200 so keep that in mind with your recomendations

12-15-2010, 12:57 PM
The new Metadyne pump (http://www.mcarterbrown.com/forums/paintball-news/143337-metadyne-launches-pre-order-new-pump-marker.html) is $200 preordered. Seems to be well received on MCB, and I think it looks awesome.

12-15-2010, 01:12 PM
The new Metadyne pump (http://www.mcarterbrown.com/forums/paintball-news/143337-metadyne-launches-pre-order-new-pump-marker.html) is $200 preordered. Seems to be well received on MCB, and I think it looks awesome.
Which, I believe, is so far only a stock class pump. Which you could decide before hand...

stock class, open class, both, or in-between? You can mod a cocker like a mag, into most anything you want. Phantoms/nelsons tend to be a little less flexible, but for some, less is more. 12g, CO2 bottle, or hpa? Tubes or hopper?

If you don't know what you want, a "cocker" is easy to fiddle with.

Swamp Thing
12-15-2010, 01:21 PM
My understanding is the metadyne will come as stock class but that a feed upgrade package is in the works.


12-15-2010, 01:26 PM
If I can find a buyer for my lowers or rpg body, I will be on that list for a metadyne. I have a phantom, love it. Also have a pgp. I would recommend either a phantom in the configuration you want, or a sniper2 to start off (both used). That way, if you don't like it, you can sell it for what you paid, or at a little loss.

12-15-2010, 01:29 PM

Stop buying the Metadyne pump on pre-order! Cause if you do, I will not be in time to get one :(

YES, I want one! :p

12-15-2010, 01:36 PM
Any of the CCM pumps are super smooth. I would recommend them. Also the Check it! pump is nice.

12-15-2010, 01:39 PM


12-15-2010, 01:56 PM
... and you can convert easily to open class on a Phantom with a $15 piece from ASP.

12-15-2010, 01:58 PM

I just lowered the pump without the frantom to 200 + shipping

12-15-2010, 02:32 PM
the metadyne doesnt look like it would suit me

i want something that i can easily convert from stock class to open class. i would also like it to just be accurate smooth and well made which i know both are. its my first pump (kind of) so im looking to get a good taste for that style of play.

i like the phantom because its simple light and just an attractive marker with a relatively stable resale value. i think the biggest thing with phantoms for me is just the simplicity of them

the cockers are a bi diferent but still very appealing. its nice that they can be configured in so many different ways. i like the snipers except for the angled feed tube requiring and elbow (i hate elbows with a passion).

are there any areas where one beats the other or does it basically come down to personal preference"?

12-15-2010, 02:36 PM
also whats the best cocker pump in that price range? i dont know the difference in them all between snipers superstocks prostocks.... does one stand out as better or are they all relatively the same?

12-15-2010, 02:37 PM

I'm telling you, what you are describing is what you'll get with a CCM.

12-15-2010, 02:44 PM
the problem with them is that they seem to be way out of my price range :/

12-15-2010, 03:35 PM
Mine too. :(


Pump Scout
12-15-2010, 06:02 PM
In the entry level pump market, I can't recommend the Empire Trracer highly enough. Nelson based operation, modular feed (comes stock with a clamping feedneck, or can run the SA17 feed tube for stock class use), Cocker threaded, comes with Picantinny rails for accessory mounting.

12-15-2010, 07:54 PM
In the entry level pump market, I can't recommend the Empire Trracer highly enough. Nelson based operation, modular feed (comes stock with a clamping feedneck, or can run the SA17 feed tube for stock class use), Cocker threaded, comes with Picantinny rails for accessory mounting.
Second ^^^ I few of the guys I play with picked them up and really like them. 1 is a long time player and the other got it as his first pump. Neither one has had a real problem at the field (just keep an eye on the pump arm screws).

12-15-2010, 08:12 PM
This would be my sugestiong for a sniper pump. Pick up a cheap trilogy cocker,remove the pnuematics from it and put a pump kit on it. For a $115 you have a center feed sniper pump gun. I played alot of pump with mine the last couple of summers and its been alot of fun for the money.



12-15-2010, 08:31 PM
This would be my sugestiong for a sniper pump. Pick up a cheap trilogy cocker,remove the pnuematics from it and put a pump kit on it. For a $115 you have a center feed sniper pump gun. I played alot of pump with mine the last couple of summers and its been alot of fun for the money.



Here's mine. :cheers: I've shot a lot of pumps in my day; Traccers, PGP's, Hammers, P-68 SC's, P-68 AT's, Sl-68's, Phantoms, etc. This is my favorite pump. The thing I like about it is it was my first cocker, and it served me well for several years as a mech, then I somehow got the idea that it needed an Eblade, so I did that and upgraded it as far as a Trilogy has ever been upgraded. :shooting: . Then I moved all that stuff over to a prettier body, and she's now "retired" to being a pump. I halfblocked it last winter because I was bored. Didn't even bother to re-anno. The thing I like about it is it's all business and looks a little rough. The way I play, this gun ends up on the ground occasionally, and sometimes has to survive a fall. But it's solid and can take it, kind of like a Mag. :cheers:


12-15-2010, 10:22 PM
That's exactly what mine looks like now too. Only diference is I have a auto trigger on mine.

12-16-2010, 10:23 AM
so the trilogy is basically the same thing as the sniper? for 100$ i could make a bran new trilogy pump nd throw my own reg on. would i be able to go to stock class relatively easily with one of these?

12-16-2010, 11:23 AM
Paintball gateway has a sweet stock class tube that sits at a slight angle and just plugs into the existing feed cup. I think it's like $30

Edit: this --> http://www.paintballgateway.com/wgppugun13ro1.html

12-16-2010, 11:38 AM
my real concern was 12 grams.... how do cockers handle them? can they be used? how many shots per cylinder? etc...

12-16-2010, 12:04 PM
Probably not as well as a Nelson based gun. I've honestly never tried running 12 grams on a Cocker. But I get about 1800 shots on a 68/4500 tank with my Trilly. I'm not really into stock class anymore. If I ever got back into seriously, I'd just get a Phantom SC and be done with it...

12-16-2010, 12:34 PM
If you plan on playing a lot with 12 grams then I would go with a phantom over a sniper. Will save you money in the long run.

Old School 626
12-16-2010, 12:47 PM
You'll get better gas efficiency with a nelson based gun than a cocker base. Or at that is my opinion. I've seen sheridan's also get good gas effeciency. Nelson's can get into the 40+ shot range per 12ie if you're willing to shoot slower (250fps) and don't mind the variability that comes from a huge power tube. I've seen cockers get in the 20s pretty easily too and sheridans in the 30s.

The thing that I would focus on is the feed. Are you going true stock class (magazine parallel to the barrel, holding 10-15 balls and not trapping a ball over the breech) or vert feed with a 50 round pocket hopper. that'll make a huge difference in what markers you should look at.

If you're going to consider CCMs in your search, don't forget Carters.

12-16-2010, 01:49 PM
i think ccm's and carter are out of my price range.

ive never played pump and im interested in having an all around good pump that can go stock class or hopper fed. im looking for the versatility of stock class and setting it up for my own style.... if that makes sense. thats why im leaning towards a phantom if i dont like the stock clss config i can get a CA adapter and feed neck body.

whats the estimate on a 12 gram on a phantom? and someone mentione the variability of dump chamber, what variables are there?

12-16-2010, 02:31 PM
The open class feed adapter for Phantoms is this: http://www.airsoldier.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=AOS&Product_Code=CCI-CCMFEEDADAPTER&Category_Code=CCIPHANTOM

12-16-2010, 04:54 PM

Dude, awesome!

I was thinking of making my trilogy electronic but didn't have the cash. This previous spring I had a friend take me to SPE and I needed a pump, bought the conversion and haven't looked back. Over the summer I almost turned it back into semi until I played with it again. Pretty much it's become one of my 3 main markers, other 2 are emag and tac-one. (i own lots of others). Only issue I've ever had with the cocker happened this summer. The o-ring used to seal the pump guide where the LPR is normally was destroyed in a weird way. It looked like 1/2 of a bagel with the inside scooped out. Just replaced and I was good to go again.

For what the OP was asking, this marker can be purchased for 65 from discount paintball and the pump conversion cost me 20 or so. Not bad. Plus you can possibly find this little gem like I did for $14 new http://www.pbreview.com/products/reviews/?sort=new&prod=1368&page=2

And not sure if it does matter to you, with WGP out of business cockers are going to become harder to find and possibly maintain.

12-16-2010, 06:52 PM
I just ordered one of the metadyne pumps. im looking forward to it. for the price of the pre order and the fact that it looks like they are making it compatible with quite a few upgrades already available for phantoms and quite a few other pump products