View Full Version : Sydarm issues.

12-16-2010, 12:57 AM
Hello folks.

I've got a Sydarm that had a bit of a spill. There was no plug in it at the time, and it fell on the sight. As a result, the tube is slightly dented. Almost undetectable visually, but it is very tough to get the plug in. What are my options?

A friend had a unique idea. He suggested that I insert a dowel into the tube, and put a fairly large screw through it. He believe it should remove the dent. I'm skeptical and I want to explore my options first.



I'd also like to find out the size of the o-rings that go around the valve body. The ones I had deteriorated severely and I'd like to explore my options with material type.

12-16-2010, 01:30 AM
What side is it? The PF side or the air side?

If it's the air side and it's still functioning (holding air), I would leave it be. If it's the PF side. Find yourself a brass drift and work out the dent.

If you try messing with the air side and don't know what your doing. You'll more then likely just tear/strip the threads. I'm not sure what size those threads are but Tuna might be your best bet to get it fixed.

12-16-2010, 01:37 AM
It's after the threads, before the air ports. The dent was caused by the sight. Well, the impact from it. I think I can get a plug in, but I don't want to force it.