View Full Version : RT valve wont reset

12-28-2010, 07:16 PM
So i have a ReTro Valve on my pneumag and it'll shoot it as quick as quick but sometimes without reason despite how fast or slow i'm shooting it the valve wont reset after a random amount of shots. I'll have to de-gas the gun and gas it back up for the valve to reset or wait a while and the gun will hiss and eventually reset.
Specs on pneumag:
AM rail
PF body
SP freeflow trigger frame (same one on new shocker)
ReTro Valve lvl 10 non ULT
MVS-2 MPA-3 set up

88/45 tank w/ninga reg set @ ~850psi

NOTE: I can also put the valve in a classic ULE mag set up and it does the same thing so i doubt the pneumag set up has anything to do with it

So any help AO would be amazing,

12-28-2010, 07:20 PM
I cant remember what fixed it it was a while ago, but I had a similar problem. With yours, have to tried hitting the back of the valve with your palm? mine would reset if I did that and then could shoot another X amount of rounds till it did it again.

I just ask this cuz it might be a symptom that helps other people answer.

12-28-2010, 10:19 PM
could be bolt stick.

I've also experienced something very similar to this due to a bad bolt spring. swapped out the spring, good as new :D

01-02-2011, 09:11 AM
It does sound like bolt stick. Have you tried using the next larger carrier size with the same white powertube/carrier oring. Don;t forget to remove all shims when doing this. Shims can cause leaking which makes you use a carrier that is too small.

01-02-2011, 08:32 PM
Hey thanks all, Hitting the back of the valve didn't really work, I tried the red and silver spring but the lvl 10 would activate and it wouldn't shoot, so I did have the wrong carrier in it which wouldn't allow the lvl 7 spring to push it back all the way at times, but changing the carrier it works just fine now and rips better than ever. Thanks for the tips all.