View Full Version : Soon to be new E-Mag owner needs help

Doc Holiday
02-11-2002, 03:28 PM
Hello all,

I've owned a Mini Mag and a Cocker for sometime now and i've decided I want an electro. I was almost decided on an Angel but I had a change of heart (And intelect) and decided to go E-Mag. What i'm actually going with is the PTP Micro E-Mag... but I have some questions. I want to run a warp feed on it. Now, i've not visited the board in a while so i'm a bit out of the loop and I need someone to fill me in. Is the warp feed body available? If so by what name? If it is not yet available, when it becomes available will I be able to switch out just the breech with my Center Feed or Powerfeed breech or will I have to buy a whole new body?

My setup will be as follows, PTP Micro E-Mag (Hopefully with a warp feed body), Freak Barrel (SS back, AA front), 68/4500 Max Flo, Richochet 2k, Warp Feed.

Any other suggestions or advice?

Please reply soon as i'm impatient and I want my E-Mag right away. :D


02-11-2002, 03:34 PM
The Micro Mag setups are not compatible with standard AGD bodys. They have a body design similar to the Extreme Emags and the SFL Emags. I think the ProTeamProducts are a verticle feed, and you would probably need the 90degree elbow to make it fit correctly.

02-11-2002, 03:57 PM
The PTP Micro-E only comes in Vert feed, the E-mag with the removable breeches that you are talking about will be the E-mag Extreme(and any marker based on that body, such as the currently available SFL from BBT)

Actually you could convert to a normal E-mag body, but you would need the rail to, and top of that you 'cocker barrels wouldn't work anymore.

If you really want a warp setup, and you already have mag barrels, just go with the AGD E-mag, chances are you'll be able to find one cheaper anyway.

If you are stuck on wanting a warp feed aluminum body, you can try and find a SFL from BBT which you will be able to take the vert breech out and replace it with a warp breech when they are released., or you can wait for the release of the AGD extreme which should have the warp breeches as an option when they are released.

Finally, I had a PTP Micro-E for a while, and I had no problem running the warp hose to the vert feed using the 90 adapter supplied in the PTP Warp Kit.

Doc Holiday
02-12-2002, 04:56 AM
"The PTP Micro-E only comes in Vert feed"

Headcase, I know that to not be true. I just got off the phone with PTP yesterday evening and they do have power feeds in both hopper left and hopper right versions. I'm wondering, would the Hopper right version be the best for later use with the warp feed or should I just stick with the centerfeed and get the adapter kit from PTP with the 90 degree elbow? Your thoughts people?

Headcase, did you notice a substantial decrease in hits where your hopper used to be, or did you just start getting hit in the 90 degree elbow?

Also, i've often wondered, when you use a warp feed, do you tend to get gogged more often since there is no hopper on top shielding part of your face? Or does playing tight and having a warp feed pretty much keep you in the game a lot longer?

Thanks in advance, looking forward to replies.

02-12-2002, 06:45 AM
Interesting...........I've never seen a mention of anything but the vert feed in any of the forums, or even on their web site. I guess that it is possible, since it is just a modified Micro mag body, to make a powerfeed Micro E. But I notice on PTP's web site they don't even advertise non-vert feed Micro's anymore. But if you can get it that way cool.

Yes, if you are right handed, the hopper right set up is the way to go. This will allow for the most compact warpfeed setup at a later date.

With every marker I've played with I've notice a large decrease in hits where my hopper used to be, I've never been hit in the 90 adaper on a vert feed marker.

I also noticed I don't get gogged as much with the warp. Once you get used to it, it really allows you to play your bunkers much tighter. I would say that having the warpfeed gives the opportunity to stay in the game a lot longer, if you take hopper hits alot.(Was that PC or what?)

Good luck with your desision