View Full Version : Sheared off On/Off pin???

Automag ReTro
01-09-2011, 06:29 PM
So today I was playing and had no problems with the RT Pro. The paint was terrible and I had barrell breaks all day long, but that's a different issue.

After I get home, I took the gun apart to clean it up. Wiped everything off and put the valve assembly back in the gun. When I aired it up it went full auto immediately. De-gassed it, took out the valve and looked it over. Put it back in, full auto again. I then looked at the On/Off pin and it looked short.

I then took out the On/Off assembly and with a dental pick, pushed up on the top of the on/off pin (the fat end) and once it was as far as it would go into the assembly, the bottom of the pin was not coming out the bottom of the assembly. I'm assuming this means there is nothing for the sear to catch on. I looked at the end of the pin and it looked rough like a small bit of it had broken. Has this happened to anyone else? Any light shed on this would be great.

01-09-2011, 07:13 PM
I've had 2 break over the years , both went full auto

Automag ReTro
01-09-2011, 07:52 PM
I'm thinking that has got to be the problem. I just don't get how it goes from working at the field to not working after a simple cleaning. Maybe it was already broken and when I removed the valve for cleaning the small broken bottom bit of the on/off pin fell out?

01-09-2011, 08:12 PM
They can get sheared off if they get caught on something while pulling the valve out of the body or when inserting the valve into the body. Check the length with a set of calipers to be sure. Should be 0.750" if it is a standard length on-off pin.

Automag ReTro
01-09-2011, 08:17 PM
I don't have any calipers for measuring it. But if I put the pin into the on/off assembly and push it all the way in and the end doesn't stick out, something is amiss correct?

Automag ReTro
01-09-2011, 08:44 PM
Problem solved, temporarily. When I got home from the field I started breaking my gun down over my old towel. About halfway done cleaning I changed to a new towel. So I went into my room and got on the floor and picked up my old towel. I didn't see it but I heard a little "tink" hit the floor, then I saw the broken off piece on the floor. Put it back in the gun and she works like normal and RT's fine :shooting: .