View Full Version : microswitch recommendation

01-14-2011, 10:14 AM
I need a recommendation for a good mircoswitch.

I've been thinking about this project for a while. Basically, I want to install a microswitch on my Torque loader to give it "eyes" so that when there are paintballs in the breach, those paintballs add pressure to the switch, disconnect the battery from the board, and make it stop working.

I'm confident that I can fit the switch to the feedneck in such a way that it will (a) NOT break paintballs when they're going through and (b) trip successfully when paintballs are stacked in the neck. However, (1) I don't know what kind of microswitch I need to conduct the power of two 9v batteries, and (2) I'm not even sure if such a microswitch exists. With every switch I've ever seen, when you press it, it turns on, and when you let go, it turns off... but I need the opposite, so that when it is depressed (with paintballs in the stack), it turns off.

Anyone happen to know what I need?

01-14-2011, 07:05 PM
you need the bend sensor out of a Ricochet or an Apache
Ive seen microswitches as low as 15 grams pressure, but unless you got the ball stack and the force just right then the 3 grams of a paintball arent going to be enough to activate the switch
most microswitches have 3 poles on the back, you can wire them so they activate when pressed or released
1 extra bit of wire and a few minutes of soldering will give you reactive (1shot on pull and 1shot on release) firing mode on pretty much any electronic frame