View Full Version : New APX paint reviews

01-30-2011, 02:44 AM
The paint being reviewed is the Cure ball paint order.

This review is to let APX know how there new paint performs.

Packaging: 1/10 Very bad, Unbelievable amounts of oil in the bags.

Bore consistency: good, 2/10, Cronoed pretty consistent. +-10 but was egg shaped and dempled

Fill: good, 8/10, pasty thick stuff.

Shell: 1/10 Very bad, It broke in the gun, ALOT, not on the target. It was dimpled.

Performance: 1/10 very bad, Bad barrel brakes, i had lots of bounces on me that should not have been bounces. Had the first of several jams that day in my hopper, the first in 20K rounds. The shoots seemed to loose any accuracy at a distance.

Very disappointing when there retail available paints are so good. It was very oily
Over all i would not recommend that APX puts this paint into production, it is not the worst paint i have ever used but close. There(APX) lowest grade paint is WAY better.

Rating is a 3/10

01-30-2011, 03:08 AM
I agree with everything he said.

The good:
Abnormally large bore, not something that you see in production any more .691 for a snug fit.
Thick fill

The bad:

Oily fill

Crappy quality in term of shell, there were many shots that break inside barrel creating a big goopy mess that I am going to start cleaning up (tomorrow). This happen with even the largest bore I have on gun from the RTP Viper to a Viking Valhalla. On the other hand there were shot that bounce off like crazy leaving big giant bruises and I am still not out.

The great:

Build in Apex effect, I mean over long distance these curves like no tomorrow. Tight bore and a freshly squeegee barrel have no impact on this effect, it just does it 9 out of 10.

01-30-2011, 05:15 AM
The great:

Build in Apex effect, I mean over long distance these curves like no tomorrow. Tight bore and a freshly squeegee barrel have no impact on this effect, it just does it 9 out of 10.
Wait, was this a joke? Or srs?

There used to be a joke with my paintball friends that because Brass Eagle paint would naturally hook to the left, and Stingrays would naturally shoot to the right, put them together and you'd be spot on.

01-30-2011, 08:30 AM
I used the APX Agro Pro back in October and found the same results. It was very very brittle and spent a whole day spray painting with my emag. It was messy to say the least. :(

01-30-2011, 09:30 AM
I've had good luck with the Fyre Comp until this last time
and they didnt do too well in the 19 degree Florida weather
(blasted Canadians left the door open).


01-30-2011, 11:03 AM
It is worth saying that after a dozen cases of APX Agro Pro, i did not have a single barrel brake. I have played against there fyre comp and it is the same, it is good paint.

This new stuff is bad. In fact would APX be willing to take unopened cases back, and swap them out for agro pro?(i pay shipping of corse) Or would they give us a cost deal on the same # of cases we ordered for the event? If neither, it is not a big deal, but i would like to see if APX will stand behind there product. Mainly due to the oil in the bags, This was a screw up from the factory and i consider these boxes of paint defective for that reason.

01-30-2011, 11:24 AM
Really disspaionted, I've shot Fyre and Agro from APX and it did it job

As soon as I pulled the bags out of these boxes I see this oil everywhere, barrel breaks, ball getting stuck in the breech of my pump, for much of the morning

Needless to say underboring was not a good idea, I went up in bore size and atleast I could shoot it, albiet not straight, but atleast it quit blowing up in my gun, I plan on drying it all out, then seeing how it works

One thing I noticed is none of these bags had the silicone packets APX paint usually has, the packets help keep the paint dry, and I believe this was a big part of the problem, from what I've hear talking others, APXs quality has taken a dive recently, and they no longer use silicone packets due to some players not having common sense and silicone packets ending up in hoppers

When I consider the fact that Hill bought 1/3 of the entire paint order, he should have more of a say then any of us, some of us are left with a couple bags, maybe an extra case, but multiple cases of paint that has to be removed from bags, aired out, dried, then we can HOPE its usable

01-30-2011, 11:38 AM
Well my ego with cure3 bolt did shoot it without braking. It did not fly straight however. So i can use it, with a lot of drying.

01-30-2011, 11:45 AM
Well my ego with cure3 bolt did shoot it without braking. It did not fly straight however. So i can use it, with a lot of drying.

Lasrsktr used my ego, and apparently I need the cure3 bolt, lol otherwise it makes soup of this paint

01-30-2011, 11:59 AM
Wait, was this a joke? Or srs?

There used to be a joke with my paintball friends that because Brass Eagle paint would naturally hook to the left, and Stingrays would naturally shoot to the right, put them together and you'd be spot on.

No i mean it :( I still have 2 bags + 2 cases left from this run and i guess the only marker that it is going in is going to be my little brother A5 with over boring.

I was playing pump all day and these curves with no reliable pattern at all, about 30 ft out or so it would suddenly curve. Then when i switched to my pneumag it turn into a blender.

01-30-2011, 02:41 PM
First I've heard of this thread.

Thanks for the honest replies. Do any of you have unopened stuff left that you can send me pictures on?

I'm really sorry it turned out so poorly, that's not what I was told to expect.

If you can get me pictures, I'll get in contact with my factory guy and see what I can do.

I know I was clear on saying that this was prototype paint, but I was lead to believe that it had already tested very well, so this is very much a surprise to me.

01-30-2011, 03:25 PM
I agree with the above posts. I was having horrible breaks in the morning on my karni pump. I gave some to my friends to try out and they all had similar results.

I can get pics, I have a few bags unopened, they will be up in a few.

01-30-2011, 03:26 PM
This paper napkin was used to wipe out one bag of paint. Just think how much is on the paintballs.

The dimples are present on 1/3 of the paint. The one on the far right has a crease in the top of the dimple, meaning the shell is cracked and it will explode in the barrel.

01-30-2011, 03:37 PM
Snapped a few pics. In the last one you can see the oil that is at the top of an unopened bag.




01-30-2011, 03:40 PM
Now for the really bad ones. Two different bags.

01-30-2011, 03:59 PM
First I've heard of this thread.

Thanks for the honest replies. Do any of you have unopened stuff left that you can send me pictures on?

I'm really sorry it turned out so poorly, that's not what I was told to expect.

If you can get me pictures, I'll get in contact with my factory guy and see what I can do.

I know I was clear on saying that this was prototype paint, but I was lead to believe that it had already tested very well, so this is very much a surprise to me.

One of the reasons this post was thrown up was probably due to it being prototype paint, and we all knew this and was part of the conversations we were having about it yesterday.

I am almost a full time pump player and I had to switch from pump to a semi due to the paint and the need for accuracy by volume..

once i switched to semi... I have never blended paint as much as I did using an ego.....

two or three breaks per 100 rounds wasn't a good ratio!

Aside from this.. thanks for the paint deal and it was for charity, so theres not much you can complain about... or at least in my eyes...


01-30-2011, 04:03 PM
Just saw this thread. Was kinda surprised to see it. Not to say any of the above comments aren't accurate. Just not sure this was the way I expected feedback to be given.

I just want to thank Vf-xx and APX for providing us this paint deal as they were responsible for over $300 of the $1,200 raised.

01-30-2011, 04:26 PM
Not a complaint thread, but a review is needed to prevent this from going into production and i doubt we would get a good review through PMs. This way the company can view the problems for them selves.

Great event and great prices for everything.

I am not woried about it and will buy APX regular paint in the future as i have had great luck with it in the recent past :)

01-30-2011, 04:59 PM
From what I understand they got rid of the silica gel packs due to complaints that they were accidentaly loading this into their hopper? :tard: I think thats a mistake.

01-30-2011, 05:34 PM
Thanks for the pictures Tracy. I'll get them sent over and see what I can get done.

All - I will talk with the factory this week and see if there's anything else to be done. There may be, there may not be. I did try to be clear about the prototype status, but still, it's no fun to not be able to play a good day due to paint issues.

Due to personal schedule, I may not have a good answer for anybody this week, but please be sure that I am looking into things.

I hope everybody managed to have fun anyway!!!

And there are no hurt feelings on my end here. I believe that people should be allowed to discuss their opinions and reviews openly and clearly. No point in trying to cover things up. That's how bad rumors start.

So, I'll say it one more time: This is not our standard paint. I believe that the field was running some of our standard paint, so you should have had stuff to compare with.

We'll be in touch.