View Full Version : Anyone here live in Japan??

02-11-2011, 02:52 AM
I 'll be moving to Okinawa for my work in May, anyone there already? and yes I'll be bringing a few mags :)

02-11-2011, 05:53 AM
Tweak your gun for 180fps. Unless you are playing on a military base, law says you can't shoot faster than that.

If you are not military, check to make sure you can bring your mags with you. It might be illegal to bring in a paint marker that can shoot greater than 180fps.

02-11-2011, 07:47 AM
Tweak your gun for 180fps. Unless you are playing on a military base, law says you can't shoot faster than that.

If you are not military, check to make sure you can bring your mags with you. It might be illegal to bring in a paint marker that can shoot greater than 180fps.


Really ?

I think you can throw paintballs faster than 180fps.

Almost no point in playing at that point almost.


Frizzle Fry
02-11-2011, 07:59 AM

Really ?

I think you can throw paintballs faster than 180fps.

Almost no point in playing at that point almost.


Strange laws, hence the creation of Airsoft in the mid 1970s. Impossible to get a handgun, tough to get any sort of gun, and very nasty paintball regulations. One of the places where .50cal (and in the past .43 cal) totally makes sense - they set their limits in joules so it becomes a much more playable game with a smaller projectile at a higher speed.

02-11-2011, 10:46 AM
Yes you can have PB stuff over there... (Not sure about Okinawa laws) but I was also military at the time. So yes, CHECK TO MAKE SURE FIRST!!!

It would suck to get your stuff ganked when you got there... Not sure about Okinawa either, but if there are no fields there then you won't be playing since Oki is about the size of Marion, KY... :D AKA SMALL!

Anyway... good luck with it all...


02-11-2011, 11:50 AM
I'm military, I'll be at Kadena airbase. I heard they got a few fields on base

02-13-2011, 08:20 AM
I was on Okinawa in 1994/95 with the FMF. Kadena had a little paintball shop on base, with their MWR stuff.

At the time, paintball was pretty popular.

I played at the Central Training Area on New Year's day 1995 with what seemed like 600 people: 3 teams, two flags each. It was lots of fun.

We played at the closed Onna Point Marine Recon base, too. That was a ton of fun, in that you could play through the barracks, chow hall, armory, etc: nothing off limits.

My brother was stationed in Japan proper a few years ago (near Tokyo) and played paintball quite a bit, so I don't think there should be much of a problem.